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The next day, Dante got up and his legs were feeling extremely sore.

He and Rebecca had spent the rest of the night trying to make some progress in their movement techniques yet in the end, they barely even managed to enter the first realm and were nowhere near completing the first stage.

The scary thing was that even with such little mastery over the technique, Dante still managed to see a great increase in his overall speed. Making him wonder as to what extent his speed will increase too if he managed to fully master this technique.

After checking the time Dante realised that, due to the exhaustion he felt, he had managed to miss out on breakfast with his father.

From Looking at the time, his father would already be out doing clan duties by now so there was no need to rush out of bed and try and make it as his father would have been long gone by the time he got there. Dante just decided that he would skip breakfast for today instead of causing any more hassle for himself.

After freshening up, Dante left his room and headed towards the training ground.

The reason for heading to the training ground today was that Dante was looking for a sparing partner. Dante realised that he needed to adjust to using his new movement technique in combat situations.

Yesterday he had asked Rebecca if she would spar with him but she rejected him saying that fighting wouldn't benefit her as much and focusing on her own movement technique by herself would bring more benefits.

Dante also asked his father and Patriarch Gavin, but they rejected him saying that with the inter-clan competition coming up, they had to focus all their time on organising it with the other clans.

As a result of all this, he had nobody left to train with and so he would have to go to the training ground to see if he could find himself a training partner.

Soon Dante managed to approach the training ground for the rest of the Clansmen. But as Dante got closer he became more and more disappointed.

The reason was quite simple.

everyone was too weak!

After the recent fight against the rest of the younger generation, it was clear that barely anyone here had the skill currently to pose any threat to him. And the people that could possibly compete with, like the top 4, already have private training grounds in the first place.

so it just seems very unlikely that he would be able to find anyone who could actually compete with him and challenge him enough to develop his movement technique.e

Just as Dante was about to leave, a person showed up at the trading ground that made him stop.

That person was Klent!

Although klent was beaten by Dante, Dante still believed klent was an exceptional talent. you have to remember, Klent was able to comprehend sword intent, something that has never been done before in the history of the Kinsman Clan.

If not for his weak Martial Spirit that slowed down his cultivation speed, Klent could easily become the top talent of the younger generation replacing even Gawain ad the strongest.

But regardless of his situation, his terrifying will alone made Dante confident that the klent could become something special.

Klent's will was so strong, that he managed to overpower his dragon fear aura, an aura that belonged to an adult chromatic dragon one of the strongest creatures in the entire multiverse.

And after talking with Patriarch Gavin, it seems like Klent will become one of the key training members of the younger generation.

Patriarch Gavin's only fear was that because Klent isn't directly related to the bloodline of the Kinsman Clan and doesn't have the same surname as them. it may be hard to ensure his loyalty, especially in the future when his strength greatly advances, which is the major reason he is cautious when it comes to investing the clan's resources in Klent investing in Klent yet.

After all, who wants to help someone, only to be forgotten when it actually matters? And it's not like such things have never happened before in the past, stories like that are quite common here in the rippling wave continent, and no self-respecting clan wants to be used as a stepping stone for others only to be forgotten and ignored by them in the future.

But Dante didn't believe Klent was such a person, especially with such a strong will. It would be impossible to have such a strong will if you weren't a person with strong and strict values. Even Dante had to admit if they were comparing the strength of will alone, even he wasn't a match for klent.

Clearing his head of all his miscellaneous thoughts, Dante walked over to Klent.

"Blade Storm!"

As Dante got closer he could see that Klent had already begun to practice, sending out waves of sword energy at all the practice dummies.

"Yo, klent!"

"Hmm? Oh, hey Dante," responded Klent

"It's rare to see you come to the public training ground, what brings you here ?" Asked Klent

"About that, I was looking for a sparring partner to practice my new movement technique with. But after looking around I felt like no one would be at a good enough level to practice with, that's when you came into the training ground"

"What do you say, will you help me out?" Asked Dante

"I'm flattered that you think that I could be your sparring partner, but I think you're forgetting you just beat most of the younger generation all at once. In addition, my cultivation level really is not that high"

"Don't worry, I'll restrict my cultivation level to the same as yours so that way we'll be able to compete fairly. In addition, I won't be using any abilities from my Martial Spirit as I'm just focusing on developing my movement technique" said Dante

After a brief period of debating Klent finally replied

"Well I guess it'll be alright, I need to practice my movement skills anyway"

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