The world seemed to shake as the floating moon in the sky got closer and closer to the ground.

"What... what the hell is happening!" screamed a spectator in awe 

"Don't tell me the moon is going to hit us. That should be impossible right?" questioned another 

But as the moon got closer and closer, Dante's body seemed to shake as his face quickly drained of colour 

'Shit!' Thought Dante to himself.

'It was too reckless to use such an experimental move right away!

Now I don't even have enough energy to perform this attack.

I need to do something quickly or else I'll be drained of energy before the move is even completed!

With complete concentration, Dante stimulated his mental strength to its complete limit causing the veins on his head to bulge.

Now, using his mental strength, Dante began to slowly adjust the size of the falling Moon and in doing so, caused The size of the moon to get smaller and smaller.

This process continued until eventually, the moon shrank so much that it was barely even reached a third of its original size it had when it started falling to reach. But Don't let the looks deceive you, just because the size of the attack had shrunk doesn't mean the threat of the attack had disappeared. 

After Dantes adjustment, although the size and power of the moon had shrunk, the falling speed of the Moon increased by a ridiculous amount and it was heading straight for the battle platform!

Adelia wouldn't just sit back and do nothing as this devastating attack approached her, and so she quickly raised her spear in the direction of the failing moon and called out

"Celestial Smite!"


A bright explosion of gold appeared on the surface of the falling moon and yet the Moon seemed to disregard Adelia's attack and kept falling towards her with an ever-increasing speed.

"Celestial Smite! Celestial Smite! Celestial Smite!"

Adelia released numerous attacks on the Falling moon but just like Dante predicted, None of them had enough power to stop the devastating fall of the moon.

When the attack was strong enough no amount of attacks could stop it, in this world only Absolute Power was unstoppable!

Soon, The hurtling moon was only a few metres above the Battle platform and still, none of Adelia's attacks seemed to be having any effect 

Adelia looked up and could only see a Blinding silver light getting closer and closer towards her.

Aware of her inability to stop this attack, Adelia quickly gave up the match. after all, no matter how bad she wanted to win, one match wasn't worth her life

"I surrender!"

Adelia quickly surrendered but Dante Dantes attack didn't slow down in the slightest. This was not because he wanted to, instead, it was because he had lost complete control of his own devastating attack!

Without waiting for the referee's confirmation, Patriarch Randall flashed past as he quickly sped past the battle platform retrieving Adelia. And just as he left, The Blinding moon hit the platform.


Everything else in the world seemed to lose its colour as a giant ball of silver energy blasted out from the site of impact, painting everything else in a glowing silver hue

After a brief period of time, the dazzling light show left by the silver explosion finally cleared up allowing spectators to view the horrifying aftermath of the explosion.

What was left was a devastating sight, as the earth had sunk under the powerful impact of the attack, leaving behind a deep crater that still glowed with the ethereal silver light. The battle platform had been completely shattered, splitting into various fragments that had been scattered all over the ground in a completely erratic fashion.

But In the middle of this chaotic scene stood a stalwart figure, radiating an aura of tranquillity that completely contrasted the environment.

And this person was none other than Dante!

He had been completely drained of all his energy causing his hair to lose its unique and silver glow and in doing so, appearing a pale bland white colour.

Despite his lack of complete lack of energy, Dante still refused to fall and firmly lodged his sword into the ground and used it as a method of support, allowing him to stand fearlessly under the gaze of the crowd.

"The battle platform!'s been shattered!" exclaimed an onlooker in shock

"Impossible!" Said one spectator, refusing to believe his eyes 

"These battle platforms are designed to handle any attack of the Martial Novice realm.

The only way to break one would be to use an attack with Martial journeyman realm level strength and with Dantes cultivation only in the 7th layer of the Martial novice realm, such an attack should be impossible!"

The spectators were left stunned at Dantes display of power and were still questioning how such a thing was even possible?

But Dante didn't have the time nor strength left to receive their looks of admiration and so, under the shocked gaze of the spectators, Dante slowly walked towards the Kinsman Clan stands. Gradually treading over the rubble and the destroyed terrain, Dante quietly left the scenes of the battlefield behind him.

Seeing Dante leaving the destroyed battlefield, the stunned announcer finally recovered from the shocking sight he had just Witnessed and announced 

"Wi...Winner! Dante kinsman!"


When Dante finally made it back to the Kinsman Clan stands, he finally stopped keeping up the false impression as he just couldn't maintain it any longer and quickly collapsed straight into his chair 


Dantes limbs went as soft as jelly as his body slumped down into the chair. His face was covered in beads of sweat and quickly turned into the same terrifyingly pale colour it had been during the battle with Adelia.

You see, The attack Dante used to beat Adelia was still in its experimental stage and this meant that he still lacked a lot of control over the technique

As a result of this, Dante had almost no control over the size and power of the technique he had just used and was forced to reduce its size midway through casting it.

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