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As a result of this, Dante had almost no control over the size and power of the technique he had just used and was forced to reduce its size midway through casting it.

The scary thing was that even after all that effort that Dante went through to reduce the cost of his new sword technique, he was still completely drained of all his Spirit Energy.

If he wasn't completely drained of energy, why would he slowly walk back to the stands?

While it might look cool and awe-inspiring, a Martial Novice Realm cultivator like him could easily jump back to the stands without much trouble, saving himself the long and bothersome walk back.

As Dante was thinking all this, Winton seemed to notice his current state and lightly tapped Dante on the shoulder.

As he did, Dante felt a wave current of energy flow inside of him washing him over with a wave of warmth.

Instantly, Dante felt re-energised again and he quickly began refining the energy that Winton had given to him, converting it into his own Spirit Energy that he could use at his own free will.

While Dante was busy refining the energy he had just received, he suddenly heard somebody call out to him

"Dante, you look horrible! are you sure that you're, okay?"

looking towards the direction of the sound, What Dante saw was a beautiful Black-haired woman standing in front of him. 

The woman was staring at him with a furrowed brow and Ink black eyes that were full of concern. Of course, this person was none other than Rebecca.

After seeing the concerned eyes on Rebecca's face, Dante could only reply with a wry smile.

"I'm fine Rebecca, you don't have to worry. I've only lost a bit of my Spirit Energy, that's all. 

After a few minutes of recovery, I'll be back in top shape before you even know it" 

After hearing Dante's words, Rebecca was stunned. she could barely even believe her ears!

"Only a bit of spirit energy? Just look at you! You look as pale as a ghost and you're trying to tell me that you have only lost a bit of Spirit Energy!"

Rebecca was livid. In just the few years she had left the clan for, her little Dante had changed so much. He was now a crazy daredevil that barely even cared for his own life!

Rebecca was in the mood to teach this crazy kid a lesson before he ends up doing more damage than his body could even handle at his young age. But before Rebecca could continue to berate Dante anymore, she was quickly interrupted by a deafening announcement

"Next match!"

"Rebecca Kinsman vs Curtis Slater!"

After hearing the announcer's words, the crowd instantly burst out into a deafening cheer.

But Who could blame them? This was the fight they'd been waiting for all this time. 

Sure, the fights between the Kinsman Clan and Slater Clan had been interesting so far with Dante even putting on an unbelievable display of strength for his cultivation. All this was only an unexpected bonus for the spectators, for them the main attraction of this inter-clan competition had to be the match between Rebecca and Curtis.

Three years ago, the Kinsman Clan had reignited the feud between both the Kinsman and Slater Clan again. when they publicly cancelled the engagement between the jewel of the Kinsman Clan, Rebecca, and the notorious trash of the Slater Clan, Curtis.

Although this didn't come as a surprise to anybody as it was already expected to happen any time soon. which clan in their right mind would engage their most talented daughter to the biggest piece of trash in the city. as long as the elders hadn't changed their brains for mush, they would know that this engagement couldn't benefit the clan in any way whatsoever.

But the slater Clan didn't see it that way, they thought that it was a terrible humiliation and took it as if the Kinsman Clan had no regard for the slater clan name.

They proposed that the Kinsman Clan should change the candidate for engagement between both clans, but the Kinsman Clan rejected as they thought nobody in the Slate clan could ever be an appropriate match.

The Slater Clan was outraged at such a statement and in response, Curtis even challenged Rebecca to a duel. Their fight ended in a result that everyone had expected, and Curtis was publicly defeated and humiliated in this very stadium.

Who would have thought that three years later, Curtis would not only return with a Mutated Martial Spirit, but also having managed to attract the attention of one of the biggest organisations on the continent?

For the regular people of Brightsteel City, this was the stuff straight out of legendary tales and fables and they'd be dammed if they missed the chance to witness this in person!

Hearing his name being called, Curtis gradually opened his eyes and looked down towards the designated battle platform with eyes burning with hatred.

As Curtis floated down a maddening and bloody aura started to be released all around him.

While Curtis had been watching the matches around him, his rage had been continuously increasing. He had been stuck here watching his Clan be humiliated all while his fellow Clansmen were battered and brutally beaten right in front of his very eyes.

Although Curtis had wanted to jump up and interfere in the fights on many occasions, he had been forced to sit on and watch by his master. But in doing so, his rage had managed to reach unprecedented levels.

This was all brought to its peak when he was called to fight Rebecca, his most hated enemy and the one who was obstructing his path of cultivation.

Curtis couldn't contain his hatred anymore, as the announcement of the battle caused him to explode in pure anger!


"it's finally time! Time to have my vengeance!"

Curtis burst into a mad fit of laughter as he landed on the battle platform.

Rebecca on the other hand, was much calmer as she gradually floated to the Battle platform with a stone-cold expression on her face.

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