Rebecca raised her spear towards the falling hands in the sky 


A blinding beam of fire shot out from Rebecca's spear destroying the bloody hand falling towards her. 

But Rebecca wasn't done yet, with a wave of her spear she moved her beam of fire towards the falling hands one after another causing them to be destroyed in an explosion of fire and blood! 

Rebecca knew that she had the perfect opportunity to finish the fight right then and there, so she quickly directed her burning beam of fire towards Curtis slashing him right across the chest while the fire element particles blew up right on his chest 


Curtis was sent flying as he felt the terrifying impact of the concentrated ray of fire explode on his chest 


The Kinsman Clan stands burst into a deafening cheer as they saw Curtis go flying and smash into the ground. 

After taking such a devastating attack and using all his energy on his numerous bloody hand attacks, it seemed like it was end of the road for Curtis.  

But to everyone's suprise, When the smoke cleared you could see a badly bruised Curtis barely standing there.

a giant burnt slash ran across his whole chest while the wound radiated the sickening stench of burnt flesh across the battlefield. 

The only strange thing was that despite his current dire situation, Curtis still had a crazy smile plastered across his face as his messy hair draped over his shoulders. 

Ignoring the looks he was getting from the spectators Curtis slowly removed something from his space pouch. 

But instead of retrieving a spirit weapon like everyone else had expected what he had brought out was a human corpse! 

The body was sickeningly pale as its eyes had turned back into its own sockets but what most shocking of all was the ridiculous amounts of blood 

All of a sudden, Curtis thrust his hand directly into the heart of the body  

"Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!" 

The crowds were left speechless as they watched body slowly began to shrivel as blood was visibly drained from its body and flowed up Curtis's arm  

"What... what the hell is going on!" Stuttered a spectator in horror 

The scary thing was that the effects didn't even stop there! 

After absorbing the blood from the dead body Curtis's injuries slowly started to heal as the flesh near his wounds began to wriggle before slowly regenerating back into its unharmed state 

As If to make matters worse Once Curtis was done with the first body, he retrieved another and repeated the process. 



3 more times Curtis repeated the exact same process with all three bodies draining them until they were nothing more than a group of empty dry husks. 

now full of energy Curtis let out a light chuckle before he continued speaking 

"Now that I'm back in top shape, why don't we carry on where we left off?" 

After Seeing how easily Curtis recovered back to full health and energy, Rebecca knew the difficulty of this fight had increased exponentially. 

If Curtis could easily regenerate his energy back to full, He could just slowly wear down Rebecca with his numerous attacks and eventually win the match. 

Although Rebecca had some alchemy pills that could also speed up her energy regeneration, all alchemy pills needed time to be digested before they could fully work. 

Meaning that if Rebecca wanted to even come close to Curtis's regeneration speed, she would have to take out time to digest the alchemy pills something completely impossible for her to do in the middle of a fight. It just seemed like the odds were stacked against Rebecca for this fight. 

while Rebecca was planning her next course of action, Curtis had already begun to make his next move 

"Blood World!" 

Gallons of blood started to pour of the floor around Curtis accumulating in a gigantic pool and even going so far as to reach a height of several metres into the sky. 

Curtis and Rebecca were even forced to float in the air in order to avoid being submerged by the astonishingly high levels of blood. 


with one word from Curtis, the ocean of blood beneath his feet seemed to stir as waves started to rise and rush towards Rebecca  

In response to this, Rebecca's spear burnt a bright orange as she waved her spear sending out a burst of fire to meet the waves of blood. 


Fire and blood collided, leaving behind a red smoke as blood was quickly vaporised under the terrifying flames. 

But the attack didn't end there, as wave after wave of crimson blood rushed towards Rebecca, attacking her from all angles. 

Rebecca was forced to dip and swerve between the waves as they just reached an overwhelming amount and she couldn't face all of them head on and was forced to retreat. 

suddenly Rebecca started to noticed something strange about Curtis's attacks  

but suddenly Rebecca noticed something strange about Curtis's attacks. 

Although Rebecca's was being subjected to numerous waves of attacks, she noticed that there seemed to be brief period of time where Curtis's attacks completely stopped. 

After paying close attention she noticed that in that brief period of time, Curtis would retrieve a corpse out of his space pouch and quickly drain it of its blood. 

After seeing this it all started to make sense to Rebecca. 

There was no way that Curtis had enough energy to create this ocean of blood and still launch continuous attacks towards Rebecca. So in order to combat this Curtis was using the dead bodies to quickly recover his energy during the fight and due to the distance between them, it was safe for Curtis t to do so. 

Now that Rebecca knew how Curtis was furling his continuous attacks, she finally had an idea on how to end all this once and for all. 

she would have to catch Curtis off guard when he was using the bodies to replenish his Spirit Energy. 

The only problem was that since Curtis dared to do this so blatantly, he would definitely have confidence in his ability to protect himself. 

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