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He would definitely have confidence in his ability to protect himself. 

If she really wanted to act out this plan, she must be prepared to face the attacks that Curtis had set up as his last defence if not, then she could forget any idea she had about getting towards Curtis. 

But even with all these factors Rebecca still had confidence in her abilities to act out her plan as she still had some cards left that she hadn't played yet. 

"Blood Storm!" 

While Rebecca was plotting her next course of action, the sea of blood below her began to stir again as it quickly responded to Curtis's call 

The surface began to bubble as numerous tornadoes of blood began to rise and head towards Rebecca at the same time.  whilst this was going on Curtis pulled out yet another corpse and began to quickly recover the enormous amount of spirit energy he just spent 

But now Rebecca knew his secret she wouldn't just stand still and let this happen  

"Dance of abyssal flames!" 

In a dazzling display of fire, Rebecca managed to weave in and out of the approaching tornadoes and still manage to rapidly approach Curtis in the process.  

"Tidal wave!" 

Curtis had noticed the swift approach of Rebecca and used the signature move of the Slater clan to try and stop her 

Instantly a gigantic wave of crimson blood began to from surging towards Rebecca at an alarming speed but to Curtis's Suprise Rebecca didn't slow down at all. Instead, she even seemed to speed up as she got closer and closer to the humongous wave. 


Rebecca didn't slow down at all and charged straight through Curtis's attack like a complete madman!

This wasn't something that could be done lightly, after all, not everyone had a ridiculous level of magic resistance like Dante and doing something like that would still cause serious damage to themselves. 

Rebecca wasn't an exception to this rule and came out of the attack with numerous burn marks and scalds all over her body, but she didn't seem to care in the slightest and continued to charge towards Curtis with eyes full of hatred! 

But Curtis wasn't stupid, he quickly noticed the berserk nature of Rebecca's approach and realised that something strange was going on. 

Curtis quickly stopped trying to absorb some blood and sent out a desperate effort to stop Rebecca, unleashing a technique he had never even used before. 

"Blood Tsunami!!" 

And just like the catastrophe the technique was named after, a wave incomparable to one Curtis had ever released before quickly formed and sped towards Rebecca. 

Rebecca's small frame was completely dwarfed in comparison to the titanic size of the wave of blood. 

Despite all this Rebecca didn't seem fazed in the slightest and calmly called out, 


Rebecca's whole body seemed to light up in flames as her body was coated in fire whilst her hair became a wave of flames once more but unlike last time Rebecca's transformation wasn't finished just yet. 

"Spear of Ifrit!" 

The spear in Rebecca's hands underwent a drastic change. the original red colouring of the spear began to fall off revealing a golden layer beneath it. The spear seemed to become an object of pure fire element energy! 

As the wave of blood got closer and closer Rebecca didn't slow down at all, only raising her spear ahead of her as she charged 


There was a loud explosion as Rebecca tore a hole in wave of blood breaking through Curtis's last layer of defence! 

As she broke through, Rebecca could see the sheer panic on Curtis's face as he turned around to flee. 

since Rebecca had gone through all this effort to get close to Curtis, there was no way she would let him escape so easily. 

So Rebecca drastically increased her movement speed in an effort try and catch Curtis but just as Rebecca got within arm's reach of Curtis, he suddenly turned around towards her with a crazed smirk on his face. 

Such a smile on the face of an enemy could never be a good thing and Rebecca realised this as instincts instantly went off warning her something was not right sadly it was just too late. 


Those cold words from Curtis were the last thing Rebecca heard as she hundreds of arms composed completely of blood then shot out of the blood ocean below, clawing towards Rebecca and entangling her in a tight grip trying to entangle her, 

try as she might, Rebecca struggled to break free due to the sheer Suprise of the attack. 

no matter how many arms Rebecca destroyed there would be ten more taking their place, the attack was just unstoppable! 

Eventually, Rebecca was completely entangled and held up high in the air by the hundreds of arms. 

seeing this sight, Curtis couldn't help but let out a laugh of twisted joy. 

"Hahaha! You really are a fool Rebecca!

You actually thought that I would have such an obvious weakness like a lack of energy?

Your arrogance blinded you Rebecca, and because of your arrogance you walked straight into my trap! 

It's just crazy to think that all those years ago it was actually me in your current situation, Now you will know the pain I felt back then!" 

As Curtis spoke he slowly floated towards the restrained Rebecca and stared deep into her eyes. 

Rebecca could feel an unconcealable malice radiate from Curtis's eyes causing goosebumps to form all over her skin 

"Here's a technique famous in My Blood Moon palace. 

Since you love to play with fire so much, surely you'll love the feeling of all the blood inside you being burnt away!" 

And with those words, Curtis slowly stretch Red out his thin bloody hand and placed it on Rebecca's forehead 

"Burning Blood." 


Rebecca let out a devastating screech as she writhed in pain from the brutal technique displayed by Curtis. 

Her face flushed as Red as a tomato while all the veins on her body began to protrude due to the stress they were undergoing. 

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