I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 1062: Purgatory Fire Lotus

"Brother Su, be careful!"

The corner of Jun Xinghe's mouth evokes a strange arc, and he whispers toward Suning.

As soon as the words fell, the dark red flame gradually condensed and formed in his palm, turning into a palm-sized fire lotus floating in his palm, and an extremely violent energy fluctuation followed.

Suning's gaze instantly fell on Jun Xinghe's palm, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and a solemn expression appeared on her face. The palm-sized fire lotus actually gave him a dangerous feeling.

Suning urged the spirit source power in his body with all his strength. With a movement of his wrist, the Divine Killing Sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and strands of terrifying spirit source aura lingered on the body of the Divine Killing Sword, and the surrounding air became distorted. .

"Purgatory Fire Lotus!"

Along with the violent shout in his mouth, Jun Xinghe moved his wrist and threw out the palm-sized fire lotus. The fire lotus continued to rotate in the air, and the surrounding air stirred to form a whirlwind exuding hot temperature.


Seeing the fire lotus flying at an extremely fast speed, Suning's pupils suddenly contracted, her lips moved slightly, and he waved the Excalibur Sword in his hand, splitting a sword air into the sky in the direction of the fire lotus. The sword aura tore the air and sent out a slight burst. The sound.

In mid-air, the dark red fire lotus collided with the silver-white sword energy soaring to the sky, and suddenly burst open. The stone platform trembling with the terrifying air wave, the light blue barrier covering the stone platform seemed to be somewhat Unable to withstand this terrifying aura, there were clear and crisp sounds, and tiny cracks suddenly appeared in it.

Seeing the silver-white sword qi splitting on the fire lotus, the corner of Jun Xinghe's mouth curled up, and a gleam of light flashed across his eyes.

The silver-white sword gas turned into a little light rain, and the dark red fire lotus suddenly burst open under the impetus of the sword gas, turning into a flood of fire rain and falling down, and the temperature in the barrier suddenly increased sharply.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Suning's heart felt bad, and immediately with a movement of his wrist, a sword qi radiated from the Excalibur Sword, forming a sword qi barrier around his body, isolating the rain of fire that was falling. Beyond the barrier.

"Good guy, you are a bit ruthless with this trick, you almost didn't react!"

A strange brilliance flashed in Suning's eyes, her lips moved slightly, and she whispered towards Jun Xinghe.

"Did you know? Brother Xinghe is currently fighting with Suning hardly!"

"I have also heard about it. It is said that the battle is fierce. I still want to take the time to check it out, but unfortunately I haven't found time!"

"Why don't we go take a look now, no one will find us anyway!"

"But the four elders are also there, will we be discovered if we go?"


A group of people talked around the corner, and Jun Yuanhua frowned. He was very unhappy when he heard their comments.

What the **** is this Jun Mo Ke doing! A contest is so heated.

If Suning loses, maybe he still thinks that the ancient Qilin tribe is bullying him.

Jun Yuanhua quickened his pace and came to the training ground.

Suning and Jun Xinghe are fighting each other. As the group of people said just now, they fought fiercely and did not give in to each other just because they met.

On the contrary, both sides tried their best.

"Cough!" Jun Yuanhua coughed twice, trying to attract Jun Moke's attention.

Unexpectedly, everyone's concern was in this competition, and it was Jun Yuanhua who walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Elder? When did you come?"

Jun Yuanhua said sternly, "I have been here for a while, I think you are paying attention to this competition!"

Jun Moke's face changed slightly, and he smiled embarrassingly, "Why, don't I want to help the great elder share something? You manage so many things of the ancient Qilin tribe a day, and now you want to open the boundary monument again, I think First help you test Suning's strength."

"You also know that those who enter the boundary marker must be very strong."

"It's all right." Jun Yuanhua interrupted him. Of course he knew that these words were all to prevaricate him.

Although the starting point is good, it is not a wise decision to start such a competition in full view.

"If you have any decisions in the future, tell me in advance!"

Jun Moke nodded, "Yes."

Jun Yuanhua was surprised by the exercises Suning used and the strong spiritual power in his body.

His strength is much higher than Jiang Bailin.

Even if Suning is allowed to enter the boundary marker, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, let them stop, it's almost done." Jun Yuanhua urged, adding another sentence before leaving, "Let them come to the lobby to find me."

"Yes." Jun Mo Ke replied.

As soon as Jun Yuanhua left, Jun Mo Ke immediately stopped the game. He only noticed that there were so many people around, no wonder the Grand Elders were unhappy.

"Xinghe! Suning! Stop it, it's almost done." Jun Moke shouted.

However, Suning and Jun Xinghe were fighting vigorously, and they wanted to make more moves with each other, and they refused to stop.

Seeing this, Jiang Bailin agreed, "Suning! Jun Xinghe! Stop it, the elder is looking for something to do with you!"

The two reluctantly stopped.

Suning fell in front of Jiang Bailin, and under the sun's shining, he was extremely energetic, "What's the matter?"

"Maybe it's for the boundary monument, let's go take a look first," Jiang Bailin said.

Suning nodded, and the three people walked towards the front hall.

"Grand Elder." The three said in unison, Jun Yuanhua turned around and saw everyone smiling gently.

Jun Yuanhua said, "You are here, sit down first."

"Elder, do you want to tell us about the opening of the boundary marker?" Jun Xinghe asked, with a relaxed smile on his face.

It's been a long time since I met a strong opponent like Suning, and he was very happy in this match.

"That's right, I'm looking for you guys to talk to you about the boundary marker."

"You also know that with my own power, the boundary marker cannot be opened, and the assistance of the two elders is needed, so you should be able to imagine the danger."

A boundary marker that requires three elders to open, needless to say, you can also know the danger.

After being silent for a while, Jun Yuanhua continued, "This boundary monument has not been opened for a long time, and everything inside is unknown."

"After you go in, you must be careful! Don't be careless!"

Jun Xinghe waved his hand, "Don't worry, Elder, we are not children anymore, we will definitely take care of these dangers."

"Especially you, be extra careful! You have never experienced these dangers!" Jun Yuanhua stared at Jun Xinghe with some worry.

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