I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 1063: Exhort

Jiang Bailin said, "Elder, don't worry too much. Even if Jun Xinghe has never experienced such a dangerous thing, Suning and I have very rich experience."

"We have all experienced things more dangerous than this, right, Suning?"

Suning received Jiang Bailin's eyes and nodded immediately, "Yes, elder, we have experienced more dangerous things, we will definitely be careful and then careful!"

It was Suning's words, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"I want to leave Suning alone to talk, you two go down first."

"Is there anything we can't hear? Should I leave Suning alone?"

"Let you go down!"

Regarding Jun Xinghe's rebuttal, Jun Yuanhua sternly reprimanded, and Jiang Bailin had to leave in despair.

After confirming that they had gone far, the Grand Elder walked to Suning's side and said earnestly, "I just went to watch your contest."

"Really? Why didn't I notice the great elder coming?"

"I watched it for a while and then left. You are a rare and strong person. Not only are you second to none among your peers, even if you look at the entire three continents, you won't lose to others."

After being praised by Jun Yuanhua, Suning was a little embarrassed and scratched his head awkwardly, "I am not as good as the elder said."

"I'm not saying good things to flatter you, I really feel your strength." Jun Yuanhua's eyes were firm, and Suning gradually gathered a smile.

"I can see that you are far better than Jun Xinghe in the battle against Jun Xinghe, but you have chosen to let him, and you are tied with him to give him face."

"Not really..."

"You don't have to say good things for him, I know his strength better."

Seeing that the elder was so firm, Suning couldn't refute.

His strength is indeed above Jun Xinghe, but he is not deliberately letting Jun Xinghe, but he really wants to have a few more moves with Jun Xinghe.

"Four elders are in full view. It is not good for you to compete with each other. I am here to say sorry to you."

Suning was a little confused. This great elder would praise and apologize for a while. How did he feel that there was something else to say?

"The great elder has something to say. Suning will definitely help if he can help."

"The boundary marker has not been opened for a long time. The danger inside is unknowable. You are the strongest of the three. I hope that after you enter the boundary marker, you can take care of the two of them."

"What the elder said, even if you don't say that, I will definitely take care of them." Suning said with a smile.

What did he think it was.

"That's good." The elder smiled comfortedly.

Entering the boundary monument this time, he was most worried about the safety of Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe.

One is the young master of the ancient Qilin clan, and one who has rarely experienced such dangerous things. He knows that he is a bit selfish to say this, but Suning's strength is really much stronger than the two of them.

If there is any accident in the boundary monument, only Suning can help them.

He knew that Suning was not the kind of person who would stand by, but he still wanted to say something.

"If there is nothing wrong with the elder, I will go back first." Suning bowed his hand and exited the front hall.

As soon as he stepped out of the front hall door, he saw Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe waiting at the door.

"Why, what did the great elder say to you?"

"It's nothing."

"Speak quickly."

"He said that the two of you are weak. I will take good care of you after I enter the boundary marker." Suning curled his lips.

Jiang Bailin shuddered on Suning's head, "How could it be possible! Although my strength is not as good as yours, I can't be called weak, right? What you said clearly describes Jun Xinghe!"

After saying this, Jiang Bailin ran away quickly.

Jun Xinghe stamped his feet with anger, "I am not that weak!"

After speaking, he hurried to catch up. Suning looked at the scene where the two were fighting and shook his head with a smile.

I don't know what unknown risks will be in the boundary marker.

Forget it, don't care about him. Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover, so far there is no one who can hold him!

Before entering the Tianyuan Sect, you must help Jiang Bailin handle the affairs of the ancient Qilin tribe.

After all, once he entered the Tianyuan Sect, he would not be able to come out in a short period of time. Only when everything was settled down could he be relieved.

As his best friend, Jiang Bailin must have watched Jiang Bailin live well before he could enter the Tianyuan Sect.

Looking at Jiang Bailin's back, Suning couldn't help feeling heavy.

They will be separated soon.

From before to now, the two of them have spent so many ups and downs together and have passed through countless dangerous relics.

Had it not been for the Tianyuanzong, he had never thought that one day he would be separated from Jiang Bailin.

But he had to make this decision.

Entering the Tianyuan Sect is inevitable.

Otherwise, the pursuit of the Holy Spirit King and the pursuit of the Nether King will find him sooner or later. At that time, Jiang Bailin next to him will become his weakness.

For Jiang Bailin's good, and for his good, he can only enter the Tianyuan Sect.

Only in the Tianyuanzong can escape the chasing and killing of both forces, even if Suning's current strength is strong, it is not an existence that can compete with the Holy Spirit King and the Nether King.

As soon as Suning left the front hall, Jun Moke entered the front hall.

"Great Elder, after opening the boundary monument, you have to set up a barrier, which also requires a lot of spiritual energy."

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I can hold on to this old bone."

Jun Moke whispered his lips, and what he wanted to say reached his mouth and swallowed it back into his stomach.

"You too, as the fourth elders, how can Suning and Jun Xinghe compete in front of so many people?" Jun Yuanhua rebuked. There were too many people in the martial arts field just now, and he couldn't say too much. .

Jun Moke lowered his head, "I didn't do this properly, but I also wanted to see your true strength."

"After all, the strength of Young Master and Jun Xinghe lies there, only Suning's strength is stronger, and I can only rest assured if I see his true strength with my own eyes."

After a pause, he continued, "Don't say, this Suning is really a rare genius. He has such a realm at a young age. It would be great if our young master also had such strength."

"Don't be too greedy, and the young master's strength is not weak. It is also a strong opponent among peers." Jun Yuanhua scolded.

"What the Great Elder taught is." Jun Moke exited the front hall with his hands.

As soon as he came out, he saw Suning look at Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe giggling.

"Suning, what are you doing here?"

Suning immediately put away her smile, "Nothing."

He glanced at the two people on the roof from the corner of his light, and the smile on his lips resurfaced again.

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