I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 492: Big array starts

I don't know how long it has passed, and finally the remaining four people also entered the room, seeing Suning and everyone with joy. "Big Brother Su how are you doing." The only girl among the four quickly said with a smile. "It's been a long time for you, come on, watch it for yourself." Suning smiled and beckoned and said.

Everyone hurriedly walked down, and they were shocked when they saw the secrets of this place. The secrets in the temple knew with their feet that they must not be simple things, I am afraid that they are at least the holy steps or even the demigods. For them, if any one is taken out, it is a good thing that can make the entire Kun Tianyu break the head.

For a while, everyone began to choose their favorite cheats, and they happily took them for enlightenment. Of course, they couldn’t be the same as Suning. They took several copies at once. Looking at Jiang Bailin, Suning smiled and handed a few cheats. After going over, he nodded and said nothing.

He knew that what Suning left for him was definitely the best for him. For a while, the whole secret room was quiet, and everyone began to realize it. Ten days have passed, and everyone is still there to comprehend, and Suning is also digesting and assimilating, but the feelings of everyone outside are very complicated at this time.

Duan Yuqing looked at the teleportation array that had been repaired and sighed deeply. Because the link was broken, he now doesn't know whether the people left in it are Akao's or his own, "Start reverse teleportation," Bring them all out." Duan Yuqing took a deep breath and said.

"Is there no other way? Once you do this, I am afraid that it will take a long time for the big formation to recover." The person on the side said solemnly. "It's too late, it's been half a month, we have to speed up." Duan Yuqing said coldly. The people on the side nodded slowly.

Duan Yuqing gave Lu Fan a look and yelled "Start!" A loud burst of light flashed. In an instant, a large number of figures began to appear in the square. "Don't move! Just stand in place for me! Whoever resists killing!" Lu Fan shouted.

The children of the aristocratic family who had just come out of the fairy mountain for a while and were in a state of alert, all reacted instantly, but seeing the surrounding scenes, everyone was relieved, and it seemed that they had come out. "Get down on the ground for me!" Lu Fan yelled, pressing a person in the crowd to the ground instantly, and roared.

Many people on the side gathered in an instant, forming a circle, and the two groups of people suddenly became distinct. "Control everything to me!" Lu Fan shouted with a wave of his hand. Now I don't know what the situation is, I can only control them all directly.

"I saw that they lost a lot of people." Lu Fan soon came over and said in Duan Yuqing's ear. Of course he knew who Lu Fan was talking about. Suning and all the members of the three major families have lost information. Such a thing is really terrifying. Whether it was killed or what happened is still unknown.

"Bring those people over to me, and I will interrogate them personally!" Duan Yuqing said with a gloomy face. Now the descendants of the three major families have disappeared together. In addition to his very optimistic Suning and Jiang Bailin, five people disappeared all at once. Up!

The others were dead. He felt that they were not as important as these five. He took a deep breath and said with a long sigh, "Tell them three families and over there." All the people who were still alive came out. Only they didn't hear from them. Only a few people saw them leaving the camp, and no one knew what happened later.

All of a sudden, the three major families were directly exploded, and all the top powers of the next generation of the family were missing. This matter is too big! But the results of the interrogation soon came. All the Akao people who were still alive said that they had never harmed Suning and the others. They just watched them enter the forest under the fifth mountain, and then never came out again. .

Whether the five people were still or became a mystery for a while, Duan Yuqing took a deep breath. This fact is too much. The people in Akao are simply hitting him in the face! "Let me continue the investigation! If you find them, just kill me!" Such a heavy killing intent caused Lu Fan to tremble.

"It's okay, maybe they have already entered the sixth mountain, you have to believe in their strength." Although the comforting element is greater, Duan Yuqing naturally knows how hard this sixth mountain is. "Let's go with the flow, let people keep staring at the big array, and once something goes wrong, I'll keep an eye on it!"

Compared with the tension and killing outside, the group in the secret realm at this time is unrecognizable and unrestrained. Various god-level secrets are placed on the ground for them to choose. For a whole month, the talents will use most of the secrets. Absorption is complete.

Of course, the main force is still Suning, and everyone is shocked by the speed at which he absorbs the secret law as if turning a book. Of course I got used to it quickly. It's terrifying, there are such gods in this world. At this time, Suning completely became the center of everyone, and everyone invisibly regarded him as a leader.

If this were seen outside, they would definitely be shocked, but they now admire Suning from the bottom of their hearts, "Brother Su, what should we do next?" At this time, everyone did not know what happened outside. What happened? I thought there were countless people waiting for their rescue.

"Don't waste time, hurry up, this big array is not so easy to crack." Suning said with a smile. A group of five people packed and rolled all the things left in the secret room into their pockets. Then, under the command of Suning, they began to sit in various positions of the big formation and began to prepare.

Suning, who has been previewed countless times from the classics these days, sits in the center of the big array and begins to play the most important role. "The dragon and the phoenix will clear the turbidity, the trapped spirits in the four directions, open!" With a loud shout, the violent wind began to raging, Suning sat in the center of the large array, guiding a wave of energy toward the eyes of the array. .

But it failed unexpectedly. The combined spiritual power of the five people still couldn't drive the entire array, and their spiritual power would disappear every time in the final array. Turned into nothingness. "Don't worry, take your time and continue to gather energy!" Suning said solemnly.

But it still didn't work well, a lot of spiritual power was dissipated in this way, three chances, but the big formation still didn't start, and Suning's face sank and stopped. "Everyone recover first, let's try it later," Suning said.

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