I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 493: Warning sign

Soon the five of them finished their rest and started the fourth experiment, but it still failed, and everyone felt a little frustrated for a while. "Wait, let's try again in a while." Suning said, everyone nodded and spread out and began to practice. After all, the speed of practice here is much faster than other places.

For two whole days, Suning shut herself in the secret room like this, and began to study the formation method seriously. As for the Taixu Dragon God, he called it to train Suning, and he ran to be lazy. Suning looked bald in this ghost formation, and the dense array of formations made him somewhat lose the motivation to continue watching.

But how could a mere formation stop him! There will be more things in the future than men now! If this thing cannot be overcome, he is not worthy of being a Son of the Holy Spirit! After watching for three full days, Suning finally felt a little insight, and slowly got the liquid formation on the ground and started the simulation.

"So, so, in this." After sketching for a long time, Suning looked at the half-finished products all over the floor, and suddenly became depressed. After so long, he still couldn't study the last moment of the eye and where it was. There was a problem, but I still haven't been able to understand it.

"What's wrong? Still not working?" Jiang Bailin walked in and said. Shaking his head, Suning didn't say anything. The great formation back then was created by God. Even if he is the Son of the Holy Spirit, it is still unlikely to unlock the great formation. "Come slowly, try a little bit." Jiang Bailin said with a smile.

"If you need us, we can all help. I think it's best to teach us some basic knowledge of the formation, and we can deal with it if something goes wrong in the future." Excited Bailin said with a smile. Suning nodded and said, "Okay, bring them in. Let's learn while the waiter solves the formation."

Soon all four of them walked in and sat on the ground around Suning. The group began to practice formation knowledge. It was really difficult at first, but Suning soon felt a lot more relaxed. These people are worthy of the elites of the major families, and they are really fast in learning, especially Chun Qiuyan, her huge spiritual power has helped her a lot.

In this way, everyone learned the formation during the day and meditated in the evening. Time passed quickly, and at this time the outside world became chaotic. Duan Yuqing's aggressive hunting and killing of Akao's personnel in Fengxian City and Akao's people began to spread rumors about the coming of the end times, causing a large number of people to panic.

Everyone started pouring into Fengxian City. After all, if something happens, this largest human city will give them a good shelter. In short, it is much stronger than dying in the wilderness, which also makes Fengxian City, which is already crowded. , It has become more chaotic, and the influx of a large number of people has also brought various problems.

Nowadays, even the streets are full of refugees who have fled. This real world-destroying disaster has not happened yet, it has become like this, but if something really happened, the entire Fengxian City must not be crowded directly. Exploded? The most frightening thing is that these refugees have nothing. If this continues, Fengxiancheng’s economy will be directly destroyed!

Before the disaster comes, mankind will have to mess up first! "Let people keep an eye on it, and if someone makes trouble, take it away! Those who refuse to obey will kill them directly!" Duan Yuqing made up his mind and said. Lu Fan nodded and left the room. Over the past half month, there have been countless incidents of disturbances by the spiritual masters in Fengxian City.

Some people even summon spirit beasts directly in the street to fight. If the guards hadn't arrived in time to control the two sides, they might have really fought in the city, and the casualties would not be small at that time. "You go out and tell the reserve team to immediately start expanding the entire city and start building new walls and houses. You must ensure that the city will not be as crowded as it is now!"

Duan Yuqing ordered the people behind him to leave quickly. Now their behavior is equivalent to telling everyone that what the Akao people said is true, so there must be a large number of refugees entering, and they are now resettled. primary issue! Everything was arranged, he slowly raised his head and looked at the map in front of him.

The five red dots above have been shining on the sixth mountain range. Last night they received the message from Xianshan for the last time, but they knew they were still safe and had reached the sixth peak! That means that they are likely to be inherited from it!

Duan Yuqing suddenly became full of hope when he thought of this. These five children are their hope! Of course, he, as the leader of Fengxian City, knew the secret of Xianshan, although it was only the part that he learned from the mouth of the predecessors and the ancient books of Fengxian City, that real land of the gods was full of treasures and opportunities.

Although only a few people have been there for so many years, five people have gone up all at once! Five people! In time, these are five great masters who can stand up the banner alone! And I am afraid that they are still five masters with divine tools, and even as long as they practice with peace of mind, it will not be long before he may not be their opponent!

Now the surrounding Langshan Mountain is also on alert. To be precise, the entire Kuntian Region has begun to gather civilians in larger human cities, and begin to build new walls and defense facilities. Humans are social animals, and all of them know that Only by holding a group for warmth can there be a ray of life, otherwise no one will be able to leave once a disaster strikes!

Slowly got up and came to the Fengxian Pavilion in the center of Fengxian City. This was his secret room. At this time, countless figures in the room began to flash, "How's the situation? Old Duan." The old man Yao ranked first. Said seriously. "There should be no problem. Their situation is very stable. Judging from the soul jade staying with me, there should be no problem." Duan Yuqing said with a smile.

As soon as they heard this, everyone's expressions relaxed. This is rare good news, especially the patriarchs of the Dongfang, Xuanyuan, and Chunqiu families, whose mouths almost couldn't close their smiles. "Okay! Okay! We can be considered as successors. For the future of our humanity, I hope everyone will do their best, please!"

Immediately the old man Yao closed the communication, and all the pictures disappeared into the room in an instant. Just when Duan Yuqing thought it was over, suddenly a communication request came over. After opening it, it turned out to be the old man Yao's. "What's wrong?" Duan Yuqing asked after connecting to the communication. "Some new situations are just not easy to say, so I can only come to you." Old man Yao said solemnly.

Seeing him like this, Duan Yuqing knew something had happened. "You said, what happened?"

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