I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 802: breakthrough

Since Haiyu all the way back to Kuntianyu, Suning's expression has always been indifferent, Jiang Bailin and Yao old man thought that they were something that caused him.

"Lao Yao, how are the families of these victims arranged?"

Suning's slightly sad voice fell into the ears of Jiang Bailin and Old Man Yao.

"Fuck, I thought you couldn't speak anymore!"

Jiang Bailin whispered in Suning's ear along the way and said loudly.

"Domain Lord, don't worry about these things."

"These people should all be members of Chenshan's firm. Looking back, I will ask Chen Shan to settle these people's families properly!"

Old man Yao stroked his gray beard and said lightly.

Hearing this, the big stone in Suning's heart finally let go, and the frowning eyebrows gradually unfolded.

For these people, what they do is nothing more than to support their own family. If something happens to them, the whole family will lose the pillars, and the future life will become a huge problem, and it may even be caused by it. Depressed and lost hope in life.

"Well, do it now."

Suning resumed her old tone and spoke softly beside Yao Lao.

After dealing with the matter, Suning and Jiang Bailin got up and returned to the mansion. They experienced the events of Taikun City and saw the scene in the sea just now, which made Suning's feelings for family better and more assured in their hearts. , You must make yourself stronger to protect Feng Lingyue and the other women.

After Suning and Jiang Bailin entered the mansion, Jiang Bailin looked at a loss, as if he hadn't figured out how to explain to Wan'er.

In the courtyard of the mansion, Wan'er was standing in the courtyard with her brows furrowed, her expression a little unhappy, quietly looking at the direction of the mansion door, she seemed to be waiting for Jiang Bailin.

"Wan'er, I...I'm back!"

Suning and Jiang Bailin walked through the corridor around the corner and saw Wan'er standing in the courtyard from a distance.

"Mr. Su!"

Wan'er smiled at Suning, then sternly shouted at Jiang Bailin.

"Do you still know to come back?"

"I'm afraid I have forgotten that there is still a person like me at home!"

Jiang Bailin lowered his head and kept blinking at Suning, as if he wanted Suning to defend him.

Seeing Jiang Bailin's look and looking at Wan'er's appearance, Suning shuddered, and then hurried away, afraid that Wan'er would scold him together.

"Suning, you have no loyalty!"

"Oh, it hurts..."

Behind him, Jiang Bailin's voice kept ringing, echoing throughout the courtyard.

Suning came to Feng Lingyue's room, looked at Feng Lingyue and Su Yixing in the cradle, her face was full of doting, and her eyes softened.

"do you miss me?"

Looking at Feng Lingyue's wonderful figure, Suning walked closer and hugged it into his arms.

"Don't make trouble, the child just fell asleep, don't wake up again."

"Otherwise, you will be responsible!"

Two blushes appeared on Feng Lingyue's face, angrily said, and then Suning pushed away, and looked at Su Yixing in the cradle fondly.

"Is Mr. Suningsu here?"

Outside Suning's mansion, a strange man asked the guard.

The guard raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the man in front of him, took out the communication device used by the mansion to contact Suning from the bracelet, and sent the matter to Suning by means of subpoena.


Suning and Feng Lingyue were taking care of Su Yixing. The two finally spent a little time alone, and the sound of the bracelet broke the light laughter in the room.

Suning raised the bracelet and moved his wrist, and the content of the transmission appeared on the top of the bracelet, "Do you want to give it to me personally?" Looking at the content of the transmission, Suning was a little puzzled.

After whispering a few words with Feng Lingyue, and instructing the guards to take the people to the hospitality hall, Suning got up and went.

"Mr. Su!"

The man arched his hands slightly and respectfully expressed courtesy to Suning.

"Well, please sit down!"

"I wonder if Mr. has something to give to me personally?"

Suning picked up the tea cup on the table and looked at the man with a smile.

"Mr. Su, my lord has ordered me to give you this thing!"

"As for what's inside, I don't know what's inside."

The man responded with a smile, then took out the invitation note from his arms and handed it to Suning.

Looking at the invitation note in the man's hand, Suning was a little puzzled. Could it be Pang Jiu'er sent it? Su Ning took the invitation from the man with doubts.

"Mr. Su, the next task is completed, and it's time to go back and return to life, let's say goodbye!"

The man arched his hands, and after speaking, he walked outside the mansion.

Su Ning opened the invitation note with doubts. It contained a textured invitation letter with a few golden words printed on it, "Hairpin Conference". After carefully reading the content of the invitation letter, the corner of Suning's mouth evoked A smile.

"It looks like it's time to show your face."

Suning murmured.

Back in the room, Suning whispered in his mouth, and the purple-marked colored glass tower appeared in front of him. Following Suning's thoughts, he entered the space of the purple-marked colored glass tower.

"So, start breaking through!"

Suning moved her body for a while, whispered, and then took out the soul blood of the beast from the void.

"Boy, what are you going to do?"

Suning held the soul blood of the beast in his hand, and was about to swallow it into his abdomen, when the voice of Taixu Dragon God suddenly sounded.

"Huh? Isn't this stuff for food?"

Listening to Taixu Dragon God's tone, Suning raised her eyebrows slightly and stopped the movement in his hands.

"Smelly boy, who told you that the soul blood of a beast is for eating!"

"You are so violent!"

Taixulong's beards exploded and he shouted.

In the spirit store, the other gods and beasts looked at Suning's appearance and couldn't help but laugh. After a long time, Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Dragon God told Suning how to do it.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Suning took out a stable heart-stabilizing pill of Hunyuan from the bracelet and swallowed it into his abdomen. The soul blood of the beast kept rising and falling in front of him.

After a while, Suning's mind gradually settled, and the whole body gradually emitted a pale green light. Suning used his divine sense to control this power, wrapping the soul blood of the divine beast, and submerged in the spiritual reservoir.


In the spirit store, Can Nian in the soul of the beast seemed to perceive something, and let out a roar that shocked the world. When Taixu Dragon God saw this, two fierce lights shot out from his eyes, trembling with fright.

After the spirit blood of the beast entered the spirit store, Suning only felt that the whole spirit store seemed to bear the weight of 10,000 tons. Suning’s difficult manipulator cooperated with Taixu Dragon God to submerge the spirit blood of the beast into the beast eggs hanging on the world tree. .

At the moment when he touched the beast egg, Can Nian in the soul blood of the divine beast let out a scream, which was absorbed by the beast egg.

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