I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 803: Hairpin Assembly

It seemed that there was a huge amount of energy submerged in it, and the lines on the beast egg kept shining with brilliance, and the sound of cracking the egg shell sounded in the spirit reservoir.

With the gradual fragmentation of the eggshell, Suning's body, a pure energy suddenly appeared in Suning's body, the huge energy in the body rushed across the meridians, and the intense pain that came from Suning directly fainted.

After a long time, Suning slowly opened his eyes, and the clothes on his body disappeared, but Suning was not in his mind right now, carefully feeling the profound spiritual source in his body.

"Holy Order."

"Is that it?"

Shanglin City.

As the heart of Shanglin Province in Shangsanzhou, it is more prosperous than any other city, and its high-tech is second to none in the province.

The hairpin conference is held every five years, and the younger generation of strong people in the three continents will receive invitations to compete.

To be famous in the three continents, you must go through the competition of the hairpin conference.

The top 20 in the competition will have the opportunity to be included in the Yulin List in one fell swoop and become famous. At that time, various sects and big families will come to select disciples.

Even if he didn't get a good ranking, if he could be favored by the elders of any major sect, his path of cultivation would be much smoother.

This time, the hairpin conference is more lively than in previous years, and the talents are abundant.

With the existence of the Zihen Liuli Pagoda, Suning simply brought all the people out this time, and Zhou Meiniang and several women were placed in the tower.

At this kind of occasion, it is natural to be accompanied by wind, spirit and moon.

With three days to go before the Hairpin Conference, Suning and Jiang Bailin and his wife have arrived in Shanglin City, looking at the grand occasion.

This year's Hairpin Conference was hosted by the Wang Family of Shanglin City. The entrance to the venue was already tightly closed. After all, it was just a young generation of powerhouses, not more famous than the big family.

Even if you are unhappy, you can only queue up honestly.

"This is too unreasonable, right? So many people, just one entrance?" Suning said, if it wasn't for the many people coming and going next to him, he should pay attention to his image. He almost cursed his mother directly.

From the reception desk at the entrance to the last person, there was a ten-meter-long line. The most terrible thing was that one person would be delayed for a long time at the door, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Sure enough, the congestion is caused by a few slow idiots ahead!"

"Forget it, it's rare to participate in the hairpin conference, but it's just queuing, it doesn't matter." Feng Lingyue Wan'er smiled, and the crisp voice instantly relieved the irritability in his heart.

"Let's go, I can only bite the bullet and line up." Jiang Bailin sighed lightly, and took Wan'er to the front.

Although he was very resistant to queuing in his heart, he walked forward honestly.

"That's it." After a pause, Suning continued, "Huh? You said...Can I find someone to line up?"

"If someone chooses it, it's okay, but we don't have a few acquaintances here, who can we line up for?" Jiang Bailin nodded, his eyes flashing.

If someone could actually line up here instead of them, it would naturally save a lot of time.

A group of people lined up here waiting for admission, really dumb.

"Ahem... Ugly snake, haven't you been out for a long time, do you want to come out and play?" Suning raised her eyebrows and made a plan.

The Dragon God Taixu just dozed off, and he didn't hear the conversation in front of a few people, only heard Suning ask him if he wanted to come out.

He didn't even think about it, but he agreed, then turned into a white light and appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, you just wait for us here for a while. Let's go around to see if there are any good spirit weapons." After saying that, Suning was about to take a few people and leave here, leaving Taixu Dragon God alone. Line up here.

In order not to let others be too surprised at him, Taixu Dragon God had already taken the Sealing Ointment before he came out.

Now in the eyes of outsiders, he is an old man without spiritual power.

The Dragon God Taixu hadn't figured out the situation yet, he stood in the team with joy, looking at the lively atmosphere.

He hasn't seen this grand occasion for a long time.

Most of the people waiting in line are themselves, young talents, charming and beautiful people, everything.

"Then let's go first." Suning smiled and patted Taixu Longshen on the shoulder, halfway through.

As soon as they turned around, they heard accusations around them.

"Eh eh eh! I said what's the matter with you young man? How can you let the old man line up for you to play?"

A nice voice full of magnetism sounded, but the words coming out of the mouth were not very nice.

He was a young man, and Suning quickly explored it with his spiritual consciousness, and he was only at the Lingtian realm level.

People all around turned their heads when they heard the sound and took a look at the situation here.

Suning instantly petrified, turned her head stiffly, her lips moved, but she couldn't find words to refute.

Isn't it just to let Taixu Dragon God line up instead of them? Why is it kidnapped morally?

This was his own promise, and he did not force Taixu Dragon God...

Suning thought to himself, feeling more guilty at the thought of the second half.

"Don't get me wrong, it's all voluntary." Taixu Dragon God said with a smile while looking at the man.

"Don't speak for him anymore, even if he is your son, you can't indulge him so much!"

I rely on!

son? !

Suning's facial features are twisted together, never expecting that others would think of him as a mean old man.

After being silent for a while, he gradually calmed down.

He had already discovered on the way here that many young people came with their parents or elders in the clan, and it is not unusual for this person to think so.

"Listen to me, things are not what you think."

"Don't talk anymore. The people who come to attend the Hairpin Conference are doing their part in queuing. It is unfair for you to find someone to replace the line. Take your father back to rest soon."

When the voice fell, the man still gave Suning a blank glance.

People around him also started to talk, blatantly pointing at him to discuss.

"Why would there be such a person coming to the Hairpin Conference?"

"I don't know how he got the invitation post. Doesn't the Wang family review the list of participants?"

"If you want me to say it, he probably will be eliminated in the first round of the competition."

There is a black line on Suning’s head. Had Feng Lingyue been standing next to him, clutching his arm tightly, and giving him a look of "If you dare to lose your temper here and see how I can deal with you", he would have already It happened.

Is this person used to being taken advantage of by others? Originally, the queuing matter was that the Wang family didn't handle it well, and it was not the first hairpin conference. Does he know how many invitations he has sent out?

There is only one entrance. Isn't that just a plan to give them offense?

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