I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 804: Dig the foot of the wall

It's nothing more than thinking that young people are no better than big famous families and can bully at will.

Obviously treat them all as soft persimmons.

"Cultivation is stupid," Suning murmured.

"What are you talking about?" The man raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and he strode forward and the sword in his hand had been drawn a few centimeters.

"Why? Do you want to be singled out? Then come, do you think I am afraid of you! Does a mere Lingtian stage have the capital to teach others?"

The young man’s face flushed, like pig liver,

Feng Lingyue yelled angrily, "Xiao Ningzi, I can't make trouble when I first arrived!"

"Suning, don't worry about him, don't forget the business we are here, it wouldn't be good to not let in because of conflict." Jiang Bailin also hurried over to persuade.

There are more and more people watching theaters around, and young men are a little bit unable to get off the stage, so they won't let it go so easily, and said sternly, "You can't look down on Lingtian realm, so what realm are you?"

"Say something really shows IQ." Suning said abruptly.

Anyway, his spiritual consciousness has reached the abyssal realm, and the person in front of him can't even distinguish his realm, and wants to bring justice.

"You! What do you mean? Is it possible that you are ashamed to say your realm?"

"I... why should I tell you! The strong here can naturally find out my realm, so why do I need to introduce myself here? Maybe others think I'm showing off."

Suning chuckled and deliberately followed him to speak, the young man's ears were already red, and he was ashamed and angry.

People around started talking again.

"Isn't it easy to explore the realm of others?"

"Unexpectedly, I can't even explore the lowest level..."

"Hey, it was a waste of his talent!"

The words of regret spread to the man's ears, and he only felt that the fire in his heart was burning to the extreme.

But everyone knows that you must never grow branches outside the venue. If you are directly disqualified from the Hairpin Conference, you must not participate in the Hairpin Conference for three consecutive sessions.

For a young man who wants to be famous in Sanzhou, this is the best and fastest shortcut.

Even though he was extremely unhappy in his heart, the young man tried his best to persuade him to calm down and stared at Suning fiercely, "Huh! See you on the competition stage! Don't kneel on the ground and beg me!"

In his mind, even if Suning didn't say his own realm personally, he concluded that he was in a broken state just from the fact that Suning asked an old man to replace the queue.

And he is also in Lingtian realm anyway, and he can easily break the extreme realm.

"You guy..."

"Suning!" Taixu Dragon God shouted sharply, staring at him severely, and spreading his voice with his thoughts, "Have you forgotten your mission? You don't have such a heart, how can you make a big deal?"

"A weak person in the Lingtian realm taunts you even if you can't stand it. Then how will you face the taunts of the Holy Spirit King and the Nether King!"

A basin of cold water was poured down, and Suning's eyes darkened, feeling that his throat was astringent, and he directly took the Taixu Dragon God into the Lingcang and stood alone in the team.

It was his days that went too smoothly. First, he broke the fifth sacred beast, and then he was promoted to the holy rank.

He almost forgot that he was going to fight against the Holy Spirit King and the Nether King.

These two opponents, either, can't look down on his current realm, he just can step on others in the hairpin conference.

"Xiao Ningzi, what's wrong with you?" Feng Lingyue asked softly.

This incident is not Suning's fault. She understands the truth, but as Suning's wife, she has the obligation to advance and retreat with Suning and remind him at all times.

"This person doesn't sound good, don't take it to your heart."

"I'm fine." Suning held Feng Lingyue's hand, the temperature of his palm eased his mood, and a smile appeared on his face again.

While queuing in the line, Suning carefully inspected the realm of everyone. There were so many people present, and among the people he met, none of them was a holy rank.

None of them can fight, it's just a slapstick, let's see how I will show you on the competition stage then!

In this little farce just now, many sharp-eyed people have already noticed Suning's realm. Not far behind Suning, a few wretched men gathered in a pile, whispering something.

Everyone only noticed the occurrence of this farce, and when it was over, they noticed Feng Lingyue next to Suning and Wan'er next to Jiang Bailin.

Even if there were no other practitioners present, they were young, but the appearance of the two of them was outstanding here, and the appearance of the country and the city attracted many people's coveted.

Suning and the young man have been quarreling just now, and few people regard Jiang Bailin and Suning as coming together.

A short and fat man in Ling Tianjing walked over slowly, touching his chin with his right hand, his greasy fat was about to tear his clothes.

"Why does the beauty want to be with this kind of person, might as well walk with me?" This person looked up and down Wan'er, trying to see through her.

Although she was wearing loose clothes, as soon as the breeze passed, Wan'er's perfect and graceful figure could be seen, and this person suddenly became malicious.

Suning is a powerful saint, no matter how beautiful Feng Lingyue is, he doesn't dare to covet it, but Jiang Bailin is just a Lingtian realm, and he doesn't take Jiang Bailin into his eyes.

The blatant provocation instantly detonated Jiang Bailin's anger. He walked forward, stood in front of Wan'er, and stared at the pudgy man fiercely, "You're fat, be careful when you speak!"

"I can't find my wife, so I want to dig someone else's corner? I don't even look at the fat on my body. I look sick. Do you think my wife will look after you?"

Feng Lingyue moved, ready to go to help, but was stopped by Suning, and whispered, "Let him handle it, he can."

Jiang Bailin is also not a fuel-efficient lamp. Don't look at his usual Buddhist style. If he really turns on the stunner mode, he can describe others as perfect and ashamed.

The short and fat man frowned, his stubby hands were dark, and pointed to Jiang Bailin, "Do you know which family I am? Do you dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not, I will go back and tell the elders in the family."

"They will definitely break your veins, so that you can never practice again!"

Thinking that he would scare Jiang Bailin, he sneered, "Is it? I'm so scared, did you just come out of the toilet? Hey, it smells!"

Jiang Bailin also deliberately pretended to be very smelly, covering his mouth and nose.

The people next to him laughed loudly, and even the man who had just quarreled with Suning chuckled.

"Who is making a noise here!" The vicissitudes of life sounded, and an old man with a gray beard slowly fell to the ground, examining several people.

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