I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 857: Get ready

Jiang Bailin felt a little puzzled and said, after all, as he said, the power of the royal family can only be in Shanglin Province. The overlord of Shanglin City is still an ant-like existence for the Holy Spirit.

"I don't know the reason. These are just my guesses."

"If the Wang family really has people in the line of the Holy Spirit, you should be more cautious this time. After all, exposing Kuntianyu to them now is not a good choice for us."

Suning shook her head slightly and said softly.

Although Kuntianyu is developing very fast and has made a lot of achievements, it is not enough to be used to openly confront the two forces of the Holy Spirit Line and the Netherworld Sect, exposing Kuntianyu too early, right. As far as they are concerned, there are all harms but no benefit.

"Well, there is some truth to what you said, so let's lie in the Wang's house first, find out the details before we do it, how about?"

Jiang Bailin said lightly.

At this time in the Pang family in Taikun City, Pang Wen, Pang He and other elders gathered in the Pang family hall with a somewhat solemn expression, and the atmosphere was a little solemn.

"About Jiu'er and Mr. Su, haven't we found any clues available!"

Pang Wen put his hands behind his back and said harshly.

In the hall, except for Pang Wen and a few elders, the other ordinary disciples were all startled by Pang Wen's sudden shock, and looked at each other with a look of fear on their faces.

"Why, I'm dull and silent!"

There was silence in the hall, and Pang Wen roared with an unknown fire in his heart.

It has been several days since Pang Jiu'er, Suning and others disappeared, but they did not find a trace of clues related to their disappearance during this period.

"Mr. Wen, don't worry too much!"

"I believe that Suning and the others have found a clue to the Pang Patriarch. It must be because they don't want us to know the interests, so they chose to deal with it by themselves."

With a clear voice, Feng Lingyue and Zhou Meiniang slowly approached the hall.

Ever since Suning left Pang's house silently, Feng Lingyue had guessed the reason and told Zhou Meiniang to prevent them from worrying again.

"Girl Wind, do you know what?"

Pang Wen slowly turned around, staring at Feng Lingyue and Zhou Meiniang.

Facing the eyes of everyone in the field, Feng Lingyue smiled lightly, took Zhou Meiniang to the center of the hall, and said softly, "I don't know the specific reason."

"But I believe that the reason Suning disappeared must be because of some clues to the disappearance of Patriarch Pang."

"What we have to do now is to stabilize this matter and don't let the matter spread out, otherwise it will affect the reputation of the Pang family."


Hearing Feng Lingyue's words, everyone in the Pang family suddenly woke up.

Under the tavern where Suning and Jiang Bailin were, the flow of people gradually increased. The noisy sound made it impossible for the two to stay here anymore, and got up and walked under the tavern.

On the wall downstairs of the tavern, a huge signboard fell into the eyes of Suning and the two, which was extremely conspicuous. Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other, and both felt speechless.

"Anyone who comes to my tavern will have the opportunity to meet the younger generation of legends, Mr. Suning Su!"

Outside the tavern, a crowd yelled, and people were constantly attracted by his words.

"Eh, then, isn't that Suning!"

"Wow, I finally saw the male **** today, so handsome!"

"Ahem, it won't happen, I admit that he is very strong, but in terms of his appearance, can I be handsome?"

A voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, causing all the women in the field to cast a blank eye at him.

"Ahem, everyone, please, the wine here is not bad."

"Our brothers and brothers still have things to do, so please let me leave."

Su Ning forced a smile to endure the silence in her heart.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the field made a faint sound, and then they made a way for Suning and Jiang Bailin in unison, watching them leave.

"The boss does not deceive me! Come, bring me two bottles of good wine!"

"I want to take it away!"

After Suning and the two left, there was a loud shout in the tavern. Today, this tavern is making a lot of money, and I am afraid that all of its storage for a year has been sold.

With a move of Suning's wrist, a map appeared in front of him, and then he led Jiang Bailin to the direction of Li and the others. Soon, the news from the tavern made the headlines of major media in Shanglin City.

Mo Li and many holy rank powerhouses drawn from Kun Tianyu gathered in a high-end restaurant in Shanglin City. Everyone had hidden the Spiritual Source Fluctuations. After receiving the news from Suning, they were here waiting for his arrival.

"Old Mo, Lord Domain Lord really has some tricks. I've heard about this in Shanglin City. I didn't expect Lord Domain Lord to be so hot here!"

"Haha, it's no wonder that Lord Domain Lord doesn't return to Kuntian Domain often."

"Ahem, to be honest, I didn't expect this kid to be so famous here."

The crowd gathered in the room, watching the reports of Suning by the major media on the screen, and there was a burst of discussion from time to time.

"Hey, since the Lord of the domain is so famous, there shouldn't be anyone who will trouble him."

"Maybe the domain master just wants us to see his reputation, haha"

When everyone was discussing, the door of the room was slowly opened, and the figures of Suning and Jiang Bailin suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Look, I just said it, isn't this here."

Li Li looked at Suning, then looked around at the people in the room, and said with a big smile.

Suning and the two entered the room, looking at the nearly twenty people in the field, including Jiamoli, a touch of surprise appeared on their faces. He was far from expecting that Kun Tianyu could call so many backbone forces. Far beyond his expectations.

"You kid, you can. This Shanglin City is the core of the entire Shanglin Province. I didn't expect you to be so famous here."

Standing in front of Suning, Li Li laughed and said, completely forgetting what Yao Lao told him before.

Suning looked at Li Li, shook his head slightly, and waved everyone to sit down.

"This time we are calling everyone here for some of my personal affairs. After the completion, you can ask Lao Mo or Yao Lao to receive the corresponding reward."

Suning waved a big hand, and a picture of Wang's family appeared in the room, and immediately explained the details of the mission to Li and his party in the room.

After listening to Suning's words, everyone in the room looked a little dignified. After all, it is not easy to pull out a deeply rooted family.

"Old Mo, do you have anything to add?"

Suning looked at Li Li in the room and said with a solemn expression.

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