I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 858: Meet Wang Dong again

"If we talk about the overall strength alone, with the number of people here, we can completely crush the Wang Family, but it is inevitable that they have some unknown methods."

"And listening to what you just said, there may be other forces within the Wang family, right."

There was a glimmer of light in Li Li's deep eyes.

Hearing Mo Li's words, the corner of Suning's mouth curled up. As expected, he was an old fox who had lived for hundreds of years. He really guessed something.

As if he knew Suning’s difficulties, Li Qi glanced around at the people behind him, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "All of you here are trustworthy people, so feel free to say it."

Suning lowered her head and pondered for a moment, and then raised her eyebrows slightly, "To be honest, there may be the existence of the Holy Spirit in this king's family, and the reason for this is still unknown."

For Mo Li, the four words "Holy Spirit Line" were quite familiar. He naturally knew what these words meant, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Lao Mo, you didn't make any noise when you came to Shanglin City." Suning sat down slowly and said softly.

Li Qi was relieved, turned his head slightly, and met Suning's eyes, "Relax, we have hidden the fluctuations in strength, no one will notice."

"Well, that's good. I need you to help me investigate the information of the second elder Wang and his disciples." Suning Meiyu gradually eased and said softly.

Hearing Suning’s words, Li Li guessed that the second elder of the Wang family mentioned by Suning should be the one connected with the Holy Spirit. He nodded slightly, and after discussing with everyone in the room, So he got up and left, and Suning and Jiang Bailin also left.

At this time, Wang Tianyuan and Wang Dong, the second elder of the Wang family, had already returned to the Wang family and took all the disciples to hand over the matters.

"Huh? Why didn't the patriarch come to the Hui people today?"

Wang Tianyuan looked around and asked with some doubts.

"Haha, Elder Tianyuan, I think my father should be busy with important things at this time, but that's fine."

Wang Dong said with a big smile, and then walked towards the inner courtyard of the Wang family with Wang Tianyuan.

After returning to their residences, Wang Dong suddenly remembered that the family was preparing for the hairpin conference before they left, and couldn't help but be a little curious about the outcome of the conference.

"Master, you are back!"

In the courtyard, the servant saw Wang Dong's figure with a touch of joy on his face.

"Well, what happened in the family during my absence?"

Wang Dong said slowly.

Hearing Wang Dong's words, the servant's eyes dodge a little, and his heart was entangled, not knowing whether to tell Wang Dong about Wang Feng.

"Huh? Why."

As if noticing the strangeness of the servant, Wang Dong raised his brow slightly, his expression gradually becoming solemn.

Suddenly, two strange spirit source fluctuations entered Wang Dong's range of perception, and entered the inner courtyard at a very fast speed. Wang Feng's body moved and appeared above the courtyard.

"Who is presumptuous in my Wang's house!"

Wang Feng looked coldly and let out a sharp shout.

Before the start of the hairpin conference, Wang Dong and Wang Tianyuan took some elites from the family and set off to Shangsan City, the core land of Shangsanzhou. They wanted to find out in advance the situation of the major families in Shangsan City and Shangsan. Some commercial information in the city has made sufficient preparations for the Wang family to move to the Shangsan City in a few years.

During this period, Wang Dong and Wang Tianyuan did not know what happened in Shanglin Province. In their memory, they only remembered that the Hairpin Flower Conference was about to be held in Shanglin City.

Su Ning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other when they heard the stern shout from the front, both felt a little puzzled. Everyone knew about their affairs in the Wang family. Is there anyone else in the Wang family?

"Hmph, how can anyone in my royal family be able to set foot!"

Wang Dong let out a cold snort, and sent out a terrifying energy wave in the direction of Suning and Jiang Bailin.

The spiritual source light beam carrying the violent amount of madness emitted a dazzling light, cutting through the air, and directly attacking both Suning and Jiang Bailin. Only in an instant, they arrived in front of Suning.

Suning's expression was startled, and with a flick of his wrist, he wielded the Excalibur Sword to create a sword aura soaring into the sky.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the sword energy collided with the energy beam, suddenly bursting out an extremely violent energy wave, causing many of the Wang family's disciples to look towards the sky.

One shot missed, Wang Dong's mouth curled up, his body moved, and he rushed towards Suning and Jiang Bailin.

As Wang Dong's figure kept getting closer, the two gradually saw each other's face clearly.


"Brother Wang Dong?"

The two couldn't help but exclaimed. Wang Dong didn't expect that Suning and Jiang Bailin would appear in their royal family. Similarly, Suning didn't know that Wang Dong belonged to this royal family.

"Haha, who I thought was, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Why do you appear in my Wang's house?"

Wang Dong looked at the two of Suning in front of him and let out a hearty laugh. For Suning's powerful partners, Wang Dong naturally still remembered.

As if he noticed the environment he is in now, Wang Dong slowly came to Suning and put one hand on the shoulders of Suning and Jiang Bailin, "Walk around, it's been a long time, let's reminisce about the past!"

With that said, Wang Dong, Suning and Jiang Bailin slowly descended, and finally came to the courtyard where Wang Dong was.

"Hehe, Brother Wang, it's been a long time."

Suning said with a smile.

Since Suning and Jiang Bailin entered Shanglin Province for the first time, they have met Wang Dong, and the reason why the Pang family can establish a foothold in Taikun City is also because of Wang Dong. Otherwise, the Pang family was It is impossible for a weak force to gain a foothold in Taikun City under the pressure of historians.

"Haha, you are kind of polite."

"By the way, Suning, when did you come to my Wang's house?"

When Wang Dong saw Suning's appearance, he couldn't help but laugh, and he didn't make too many guesses in his heart.

"Why, Brother Wang is not in the clan during this time?"

"Suning became famous in the first battle in the Hairpin Conference. I am afraid that no one knows this in Shanglin Province!"

Jiang Bailin said with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Bailin's words, a gleam of light flashed in Wang Dong's eyes, and the smile on his face became even better. When he first met Suning, he felt that Suning would definitely do something in the future.

"Oh? With the strength of Brother Su, I am afraid it should be among the top five in the conference!"

Wang Dong's words fell in the ears of Suning and Jiang Bailin. The two looked at each other, resisting a smile, and shook their heads slightly.

Seeing the strange expressions of the two of Suning, a terrifying thought flashed in Wang Dong's heart, and an incredible expression gradually appeared on his face.

"Could it be..."

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