I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 899: Strength rolling

Hearing the ridiculous words of Xia Yang, Nangong Tongyun did not intend to end the battle easily. Instead, he wanted Xia Yang and the faces of the Xia clan to rub on the ground until he died.

"Heh, foreign objects are also part of the strength. If the Nangong clan doesn't have these things, my Xia family can give you some for free." Faced with Nangong Tongyun's ridicule, Xia Yang replied unwillingly.

When the voice fell, there was a glimmer of cold light in Xia Yang’s eyes, and he waved his hand. The two people beside him seemed to understand the meaning. They suddenly moved, and they attacked Nangong Xun and Nangong Tongyun, watching. The expressions on Nangong Tongyun's face were not moved by the two god-level powerhouses who were constantly approaching.

"Hey, it's nothing more. I'm getting older and have to fight with you. It's really..." Nangong Xun shook his head slightly, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he took a step forward, and the whole body suddenly burst out, like The beast awakens.

An extremely powerful force erupted from his body. The source of the gods in his body burst out like a volcanic eruption. Nangong Xun slowly raised his hand, as if he was about to attack.

There was a sense of crisis in the hearts of the two god-level powerhouses, their eyebrows furrowed, and the moment Nangong Xun raised his hand, the figure quickly retreated, standing dignified on both sides of Xia Yang.

Nangong Xun's sudden change made the expressions of Xia Yang and the others gradually become solemn, and they did not dare to think about underestimating the enemy as before.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm at an age, and I'm just moving my muscles and bones. This hasn't been done yet." Looking at the two retreats, Nangong Xun smiled and said softly.

Hearing Nangongxun’s words, the three people headed by Xia Yang felt a little bit awkward on their faces. They were all gods, and they were bluffed by him. This spread out, how are they still in the spirit beast master? Get in this circle.

"Do it!"

Xia Xia Yang's eyes are cloudy, no longer talking nonsense with Nangong Tongyun and Nangong Xun, the two beside him glanced at each other, and they stunned almost at the same time. With a move of the wrist, one shot flashed with dazzling light. The spear appeared in his hands, stabs Nangongxun and Nangong Tongyun as fast as lightning.


Facing the two men’s offensive, Nangong Xun’s mouth curled up, and his body moved, turning into a rainbow light, carrying the sky divine brilliance toward the two of them, the divine source in his body slowly oozing out, gathering on the palm of his hand. , The two palm-like gods shining with dazzling light originated from Nangong Xun's hands, colliding with two god-rank powerhouses, making a loud noise.

Accompanied by a huge sound, a violent shock wave swept away. Stone chairs and trees on the street were all shaken to powder in this shock wave and swept away.


The palms of the two gods passed through the long spears in the hands of the two gods, and directly bombarded the two of them. The faint spirit of the whole body suddenly broke, and the faces of the two suddenly turned pale, and their bodies were blown out. , Two muffled hums came from the throats of the two, and a stream of red blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

On the other side, Nangong Tongyun showed a smile on his face, and slowly walked towards Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingtian behind him. Gada Gada’s walking sound was like a reminder note, falling into Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingyi. In the ears.

I previously thought that there were three gods that could easily suppress Nangong Tongyun and Nangong Xun, but he didn't expect that Nangong Xun would actually hide his strength, nor that he could suppress two gods so easily.

"Why, do you only dare to let your subordinates take action? Or you don't have the strength at all?" Nangong Tongyun slowly stopped, glanced at the two gods who were suppressed by Nangong Xun, and said softly .

Listening to Nangong Tongyun's constant ridicule, and the two gods who were suppressed by Nangong Xun, Xia Yang's face gradually turned greenish, and his figure rushed out toward Nangong Tongyun's position.

"Baling Spear Technique!"

Along with the violent shouts from Xia Yang's mouth, a long spear with a pale red light appeared in his hand, carrying the sky full of divine glory and hitting Nangong Tongyun directly.

"Baling Spear Art, the name is domineering, but it's a pity that people are useless!" Nangong Tongyun's mouth curled up, and Zhu's lips opened slightly, and he let out a soft mockery.

As the voice fell, Nangong Tongyun slowly raised his hand, and while his fingers moved slightly, an invisible and extremely terrifying coercion suddenly broke out with her as the center, and the little gods gradually condensed in front of her, forming a ball-sized **** The source bead, divine brilliance spread all over it, emitting rays of light, and with the movement of Nangong Tongyun's wrist, the divine source condensed in front of him suddenly shot out, shaking waves of air.

Seeing the divine source light group that is constantly approaching, the corner of Xia Yang's mouth evokes a curve, "You can stop me!" With a sharp scream in her mouth, the spear in Xia Yang's hand suddenly It shoots out and directly collides with the Divine Source Light Group, only to penetrate the Divine Source Light Group in an instant.

Xiayang Yang came this time, and the battle between Nangong Tongyun and Nangong Xun was captured by numerous media again. It caused an unprecedented sensation in the whole Shangsan City for a time, which was more affected than the previous storm. Big.

Outsiders actually don't understand the right and wrong between the two big families.

But all kinds of public opinions have been pushed to the cusp of the storm, causing countless people's reveries.

Was it the Nangong clan bullying others, or the Xia family's loss to malicious smear?

They don't actually know the real inside story. They can express their thoughts at will with one keyboard and two hands.

Suddenly, the reputation of the two big families was affected to some extent.

"Patriarch... these news and reports..." A young man walked in from outside the study, his face solemn, and he dared not look up.

"It's also time for the Nangong clan to reorganize and reorganize!"

Xia Xiaoxiao didn't lift his eyelids, and his voice was vigorous and vigorous but full of murderous intent, making the young man shiver and kneel on the ground with a thud.

"Family...How is the Patriarch going to deal with the Nangong clan?"

"I have my own arrangements, you go down, find the housekeeper to settle your salary today, and then you can leave!" Xia Xiao is still calm, calm and majestic. He didn't even look at it from beginning to end, knowing that he was cowardly in front of him. People.

"Yes..." the young man said shivering, his legs were weak and he couldn't stand up while holding on to the wall. He moved his knees little by little, and knelt out of the study, for fear that he would be buried here one second later.

"Look, I would say that no one can take over as the captain of the psionic sniper team." A guard said teasingly, his eyes full of jokes when he looked at the young man.

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