I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 900: Fairness and freedom

"Don't look at the high salary and attractive salary of this position. Any cat or dog will dare to apply for the job! The threshold of the Xia family is not something anyone can get over!" The other guard agreed.

The young man hung his head, his knuckles were white, but he did not dare to attack.

After he walked out the door, there was a burst of undisguised laughter from the Xia family.

The captain of the psionic sniper team was killed by the people of Suning and Nangong not long ago. Xia Xiao was furious when he learned about this, and he searched for someone who could take over as the captain overnight.

As the head of the Xia family, Xia Xiaoxiao has a reputation and his temperament is even more feared by outsiders.

His eyebrows were sharp and solemn like an inverted blade, his piercing eyes were always full of murderous intent, and the corners of his mouth had never smiled.

Except for a few people close to him, no outsider has ever dared to look directly into his eyes.

As time passed, there was a rumor that Xia Xia Xiao's eyes were fascinating. What's more, it was said that his eyes were inlaid with the eyes of ancient monsters.

The entire Xia family, even if there were people who had been in for a long time, did not dare to look up at his eyes.

"Come here!" Xia Xiao yelled, and the two guards who had just laughed immediately gathered their smiles and rushed in.

"Patriarch." They lowered their heads, with an exceptionally honest duty.

Xia Xia Xiao slowly got up, put his hands on the table, and said quietly, "Get ready, I'm going to the Nangong clan."

"Yes!" The two guards quickly agreed, and escaped the room like a flee.

"Nangong Ying, it seems that you are also confused!" Xia Xiao lowered his eyes, opened the drawer and took out a pair of sunglasses to cover his pupils.

The Nangong family.

"Patriarch, Patriarch of the Xia family is here." Xiaosi came to report, and Nangong 璿 put down the tea cup, and Gu Jing Wubo, "I see, please come in."

"No, I'm already here." Xia Xiao said sharply.

From the moment he stepped on the threshold of Nangong's house, no one dared to block his way, thinking with their toes, they all knew what he was here for.

The public opinion is overwhelming, even if Nangong Yong wants to keep his ears off the window, he can hear the comments of the servants.

"Patriarch Xia, I've heard of the name for a long time, and when I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation." Nangong Jing got up and laughed.

"You don't have to pretend to be polite between you and me, you know what I came for!" Without waiting for Nangong Yan to be seated first, Xia Xia Xiao took the lead to sit down, instantly overwhelming the guests.

"We, Su Ri Su Ri of the Nangong clan stayed in this house. I really don't know what happened outside." Nangong Jing brushed his sleeves and sat down.

"Nangong Jong! Don't play stupid here! The Xia family and the Nangong clan have always respected each other, and the well water does not offend the river. I also admire your Nangong clan as a person and never infringe the Nangong clan!"

Xia Xia Xiao talked to himself, and Nangong Jing only took care of drinking tea, and ignored what he said.

Seeing that no one agreed for a while, Xia Xia Xiao said harshly, "Nangong Yong!"

"Excuse me, Patriarch Xia, I was thinking about other things just now, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly." Nangong Jing looked up and smiled.

"You!" Xia Xiao yelled, although he was very angry, he still suppressed his anger and recounted the contradiction between the Xia family and the Nangong clan.

"What do you plan to give us the Xia family on this matter?"

"Explain? But it's all the turmoil caused by the ignorant juniors. It's no surprise that Patriarch Xia doesn't have to be angry about it!" Nangong Yong's face was always a gentle smile.

Even if Xia Xia Xiao's tone is not good, his face is still smiling.

"Sure enough, the upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked! Have you forgotten the ancestral instructions of the Nangong clan? Are you just disregarding the teachings of your ancestors?"

Speaking of the ancestors of the Nangong family, Nangong Yan finally showed a touch of sorrow, and the hand that flicked the tea cover paused, then put away the smile on his face.

He placed the teacup on the teacup and made a muffled noise. The water in the cup did not show any ripples, but a finger-wide crack appeared on the mahogany table.

"As far as the matter is concerned, Patriarch Xia has lived such an old age, don't you even think about it?"

Xia Xia Xiao coughed when he saw it, then looked away, and said sarcastically, "Our Xia family's psychic sniper team was all annihilated by you, and your Nangong clan has contributed a lot!"

"I also heard that there are still a few strange faces following. Is it possible that they are also from the Nangong family?"

"Oh?" Nangong Jing pretended to be surprised.

The calm attitude added to Xia Xiao's anger. "It seems that your Nangong family has lived in this dilapidated house for too long. Any cat or dog can travel with you!"

Nangong Yan raised his eyes and did not conceal the Li Mang in his eyes. Their Nangong clan adhered to the principle of three-point courtesy, and they kept giving in.

Now that the rules of the ancestors have been complied with, it is time to fight back.

"Nangong Xun is the second elder of my Nangong clan, and his son Nangong Lingqing was walking with him. Nangong Tongyun also went to look for them not long ago."

"They are all sane and calm people, willing to walk with other people, which shows that the behaviors of those people are similar."

"People with the same surname are called cats and dogs. What is Xia Qingyi that Nangongxun and the others are unwilling to accept?"

Nangongjing directly used the word "things" to describe Xia Qingyi, and even satirized him that he was not as good as a cat or a dog. Xia Xiaoxiao could no longer bear the anger in his heart and started shooting the case!

"Nangong Jing! I am good at talking for the sake of the entire Nangong family. Don't shame you!"

"My face, I don't need Patriarch Xia to give it!" Nangong patted the table and stood up. After a halt, he appeared in front of Xia Xiao, facing Xia Xiao's eyes directly, and the sharp light in his eyes was even worse.

It's just that Xia Xia Xiao always wears sunglasses and can't see his pupils clearly.

"I didn't come to fight you today! You Nangong clan annihilated my entire psionic sniper team and injured Xia Qingyi. Give me an explanation as to how to compensate you!" Xia Xiao turned his head away.

This angle happened to be able to see Xia Xiao's pupils, and when he fixed his eyes, Nangong was surprised.

Five-color pupils? how come!

"Then how does Patriarch Xia want to compensate?" Nangong Jing asked, closing his gaze.

"The Nangong family's gold mining industry is all handed over to our Xia family, so I can forget the past, otherwise, public opinion will grow, then you will not want the face of the Nangong family." Xia Xiao threatened.

"What a big lion, do you know how big the gold mining industry of our Nangong clan is?"

"Then how hard it is to find our Xia family's psionic sniper, do you know?"

"It's just a waste of high-tech assistance!" Nangong sneered. In his eyes, except for the spirit beast master who is dedicated to practicing, he doesn't like these high-tech at all!

If these high-tech products were left aside, if the Xia family and the Nangong clan were at war, it would still be possible to decide who would win or lose.

Besides, Nangong Yong doesn't care about public opinion. He has always believed that justice is in the hearts of the people.

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