I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 905: Cuotian stone

Listening to Nangong's dry words, Nangong Lingqing's heart sank, and he turned around reluctantly, looked around, and looked at the expressions on the faces of people around him, regretting bringing Suning over.

"Hehe, Mr. joked, Su can't prove himself about this kind of thing. If you don't believe it, Su has nothing to do." Suning turned his head away, squeezed a smile, looked at Nangong Qian in front of him, and said softly. Said.

Outside the Nandou venue, Nangong Ruining led Nangong Yeliang to hear the movement in the Nandou venue, and slowly walked over, passing by nearly a hundred people around, watching Nangong Qian, Suning and others, a smile appeared on his face meaning.

"Haha, today the Nandou venue is quite lively." Nangong Ruiningning stood with her hand in hand, and slowly walked to the side of Nangong Gan, looking at Nangong Ruining next to him, Nangong Gan let out a burst of laughter, and beat Suning. Nangong Lingqing was informed to Nangong Rui.

Seeing Nangong Ruining, Nangong Lingqing's face suddenly became gloomy, and her eyebrows were slightly raised, as if she had great dissatisfaction with Nangong Rui.

"Mr. Su, Tianzong Shenwu, I have heard of Mr. Su's reputation earlier, but I saw it today and it was really extraordinary." Nangong Ruining slowly walked to Suning and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Mr. praised."

From Nangong Ruining's words, Suning knew that if she wanted to leave here today, unless Nangong Lingqing had a fight with them, it would be impossible to leave safely.

"Everyone, I heard that Mr. Su hit the Xia family's psychic sniper team with his own power. You can want to see the contest between Mr. Su and my big brother!" Nangong Ruining slowly turned around, walked to the stage, and looked around. Around a hundred people around, their lips opened slightly, and their voices slowly sounded in the Nandou venue.

"War! War! War!" Just after the voice fell, nearly a hundred people around were boiled with enthusiasm, shouting loudly, the sound resounding across the sky, deafening.

Nangong Gan heard the bursts of shouts coming from behind, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he took a pause, soared into the air, landed firmly on the competition stage of the Nandou venue, and shouted to Suning: "Mr. Su, please !".

Seeing the reactions of the people around him, Suning turned his head and glared at Nangong Ling Qing behind him, then smiled and was about to step onto the competition platform.

"Wait, eldest brother, second elder brother, Mr. Su is a distinguished guest invited by Elder Tongyun and Elder Xun, I am afraid it is a bit inappropriate for you to act like this!"

Nangong Ling Qing's eyebrows were slightly raised, and a touch of determination flashed in his eyes, and he pulled Suning, his figure blocked in front of Suning, and stared at the two Nangong Qian and Nangong Ruining on the stage.

"Bastard! You trash!" Xia Xiao was furious, and regardless of the injuries of Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingyi, he used his spiritual power to knock them away tens of meters away.

Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingyi snorted, and then came back and knelt on the ground in an instant, "I'm sorry, Patriarch, I blame the Nangong clan for bullying!"

"They bullied others? Why don't you say that you are useless? You can't beat it with so many people? You still lost?"

"In the eyes of the world, everyone thought that the strengths of the Xia family and the Nangong clan were equal. It's better for you, you have to rush to prove that you are a lot weaker than the Nangong family!" Xia Xiao yelled.

It would be okay if both battles were won, but I lost.

After sending so many people, the loss was even more tragic. At this moment, the entire Xia family became a laughing stock and became the world's after-dinner talk.

He worked hard for so many years before he developed the Xia family and was destroyed by two people in front of him overnight.

"You two! It's not an exaggeration even if you die! What are you doing back alive? Does it bother my eyes?"

"Sorry Patriarch."

"I'm sorry, I only say I'm sorry?" Xia Xiao will urge his spiritual power to fly the crutch in the corner to Xia Qingyi's face, hitting his pupil.

"Ah!" Xia Qingyi collapsed on the ground, wailing loudly, "I can't see anymore, my eyes! Ah!"

The blood in Xia Qingyi's right eye drenched his clothes instantly, and she covered her right eye with both hands and wailed.

"Come on, drag it down for me! Locked in the sky stone!" Xia Xiao said coldly without even looking at him.

Xia Qingtian knelt on the ground, shivering all the time, did not dare to lift her head, her arms no longer hurt when she heard the words "Cuo Tianshi".

"Xia Qingtian! Xia Qingyi is young to cause trouble, are you not sensible? Following such a mischief, you will destroy the Xia family's psionic sniper team! What should you commit?" Xia Xiao raised his eyes and examined Xia Qingtian.

Even if Xia Qingtian didn't look up, he could feel the countless sharp edges on his back, making him uncomfortable.

Dou Da's sweat rolled off, smudging a pool of water stains on the ground.

"Patriarch...I...I originally wanted to teach the Nangong family a lesson, but I didn't expect..."

"Unexpectedly, you can't beat it, right? You lost such a big face! Do you know what we are saying now? I will read it to you?" Xia Xiaoyou said quietly.

"No...no need." Xia Qingtian's voice trembled, her expression frightened.

"The Xia family repeatedly provokes the Nangong clan and loses with a great advantage."

"The Xia family deceived others and sent the entire psionic sniper team, but unexpectedly they were all annihilated by the Nangong clan."

"The rankings of the Xia Family and the Nangong clan are finally divided."

"Which spirit stone should I buy in the future? Have you counted them now?"

After waiting for a series of remarks, the Xia family instantly became a target of public criticism. If it weren't for him, even if he came back from the Nangong clan, he would lose face.

According to Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingyi's retaliatory psychology, most of them will use the power of the Xia family to retaliate. In the end, the entire Xia family may be destroyed.

"Do you think that the foundation of the Xia family was created by the two of you? You can squander it at will?" Xia Xiao said, playing with his fingers.

"Report to Patriarch! Our business..."

"What's wrong with the business?" Xia Xia Xiao asked.

"A lot of big customers are now requesting to withdraw their orders, and they are not willing to cooperate with our Xia family anymore! Especially the concentrate and spirit stone, they almost lost all their business." The subordinate said.

Xia Xiao’s brows frowned, "Lingshi and concentrates are the most profitable industries of the Xia family. Now they are all lost. Are you going to let the entire Xia family drink Northwest Wind?"

Xia Qingtian was so frightened that her legs were soft, and she knelt on the ground and trembled violently.

"Come on, drag away the Heavenly Stone!" Xia Xiao yelled. Originally, he planned to keep Xia Qingtian alive, but after hearing the news, the anger in his heart burned to the fullest.

If Xia Qingyi and Xia Qingtian are not dead, his anger will hardly disappear.

Two guards poured in from outside the door, hesitating Xia Qingtian to drag him away, Xia Qingtian shouted, "My family will spare me, I won't dare anymore! Patriarch, please!"

"Report to Patriarch, Xia Qingyi is dead." Another person who came to report came in, and these words happened to fall into Xia Qingtian's ears.

When the voice fell, Xia Qingtian was stunned, and there was no sound from his throat.

That's the cuotian stone...

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