I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 906: Punishment (Part 1)

The reason why the Xia clan has this situation is because Xia Qingtian insists on going his own way. He really thinks that with his connections in the Xia clan, he can cover up the sky with one hand and cover up the established facts, just thinking about how to save his face. But never thought about the consequences of all actions.

At the moment when he heard Xia Qingyi's death, the expression on Xia Qingtian's face gradually became frightened, his pupils kept shrinking, his face became a little pale, and he sat on the ground.

"Tsing Yi... he's dead!" Xia Qingtian lost consciousness for a while, she didn't have a trace of strength in her body, and there was no previous look in her eyes, which made people feel a little hollow.

If it weren't for Xia Qingtian's stubborn behavior, neither Xia Qingyi nor he would be punished, and Xia Qingyi would not lose his life because of it. The Chutian stone punishment is one of the cruelest punishments among the Xia clan. People who have been punished to receive this punishment will have no chance of surviving in nine out of ten.

"Bring it down!" Seemingly noticing that there was no movement behind him, Xia Xiao made an angry noise, and the two guards carrying Xia Qingtian's figure trembled. His eyebrows were slightly raised, as if A little panic.

Although they have a little sympathy for the fate of Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingyi, looking at the furious Xia Xiao, the two have to obey his orders. After looking at each other, the two will limp Xia Qing on the ground. The sky stood up and dragged into the penalty hall abruptly.

Located in the hall of the penalty hall in the northwest corner of the Xia clan, an old man stood with his hand in his hand. There was no expression on his face, and on his slightly numb face, only two pairs of piercing eyes turned occasionally. A faint light flashed in the depths.

"Return to the hall master, the criminal Xia Qingtian has been brought here, and the family master ordered him to be sent to the Tianshi for punishment." The guard dragged Xia Qingtian, who was limp, with hollow eyes, into the hall.

The old man slowly turned around, raised his eyebrows slightly, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face, but it disappeared in an instant, staring at Xia Qingtian who was lying on the ground.

"Hey, it really is a troubled autumn. I didn't expect that Xia Qingtian, who has always considered himself arrogant, will fall into the hands of the old man." The old man stroked his gray beard, and his indifferent pupils instantly brightened.

Seeing the two bloodstains left by dragging Xia Qingtian, the old man waved his sleeves, an invisible force emanating from his hands, but instantly wiped out the blood stains outside the lobby, as if it had never appeared before.

"Fine, you two, come with me with Mr. Xia!" After finishing the work, the old man stared at Xia Qingtian in the hall, and said after a long time.

After the words fell, the old man dusted his sleeves and turned to the depths of the penalty hall. The two guards looked at each other, and some helplessness appeared in the depths of their eyes, and then he set up Xia Qingtian and followed the old man.

The old man came to the back of the penalty hall hall, stopped slowly, his lips moved slightly, and there was a soft chant in his mouth, as if there was an invisible force floating around the old man, sinking into the lines of the ground.


As the old man groaned, the grained ground slowly separated to the two sides. Under the attention of the three people, a bottomless passage appeared in front of everyone, a rotating staircase went deep into it, and the old man stood with his hand holding his hand. , Walked down the stairs and plunged into the darkness.

The two guards slowly came to the front of the passage, staring at the unfathomable passage under their feet, and swallowed secretly, their eyebrows were slightly raised, but this seemingly endless dark passage gave them a touch of fear.

"I only heard people who have been to the penalty hall talk about the horror here, but now it seems that they are really not talking nonsense!" One of the guards slowly spoke.

"I can't help it. Seeing this, it should be for the two of us to send him down. It's really unlucky. He is still so tossing people when he is dying." The other guard looked slightly solemn, and glanced at Xia who was lying limp. Qingtian, complained.

Xia Qingtian's mind was still deeply stuck in Xia Qingyi's death. He never thought that Xia Qingyi would cruelly put him and Xia Qingyi to death because of this incident.

The two guards looked solemnly at each other, and reluctantly set up Xia Qingtian, and stepped along the stairs to the depths of the passage, gradually sinking into the darkness.

A wisp of breeze blew up from under the endless dark passage, making a burst of "whoop" sound, and it sounded like countless souls were crying and howling, which not only made people feel a bit creepy.

The path of unfathomable darkness is like the road to hell. The more you go down, the more fear in your heart.

I don't know how long it has passed, a blood-red light appeared in the passage, looming, and it was particularly conspicuous in the extremely dark passage.

"Okay, it's okay here, let us take the rest, you go back!" As soon as the old man's words fell, the two punishment cousins ​​walked out slowly and took Xia Qingtian from the guard.

After the handover, the old man slowly turned around, and together with the two disciples, led Xia Qingtian into a huge cavity. The faint blood-red rays of light flashed and reflected on everyone's faces. Go up, like a ghost from hell.

"Xia Qingtian, Mr. Xia, as long as you enter my penalty hall, you don't have to find any excuses to escape."

"If you can settle down a little, maybe I can make your death easier, and I promise that it won't bring you any pain." The old man stroked his gray beard lightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up with an imperceptible arc.

As the people continued to deepen, heart-piercing screams slowly sounded, reverberating in the cavity, like the souls in hell.

Listening to the screams coming from the surroundings, Xia Qingtian's face gradually turned pale. Through the faint blood-red light, each body was embarrassed, and blood-stained tortured persons were printed in his eyes. .

"No, no, I'm Xia Qingtian, the head of the Xia family's industry, I can't die! Can't die!" Xia Qingtian recovered, his pupils kept shrinking, trying to break free from the shackles of the two, from here Escape out.

"Hehe, Mr. Xia, this is the Penalty Hall, not the outside world, not a place where you can come and go if you want."

"People who enter this place have no other way to choose except to go out sideways!"

The old man stood with his hand holding his hand and watched Xia Qingtian's resistance. With a movement of his wrist, a strand of silk flew out from the cuffs and fell on Xia Qingtian's body. He just blocked the weak source of God in Xia Qingtian's body in an instant. Prevent him from having a chance to escape from here.

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