I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 907: Punishment (below)

As it deepened, the evil spirit in the surrounding space became more and more intense, and the atmosphere was depressing, making people breathless. Xia Qingtian felt more and more fearful in her heart, and tried her best to stimulate the power of the gods in her body. The faint brilliance of the spirit-binding silk on the top of the line was shining, and the **** source in his body was sealed to death.

"Mr. Xia, don't waste your energy, save a little bit of energy, or you may not be able to survive a round of punishment later." The old man stroked his beard, a gloomy look appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth gradually aroused A touch of evil charm.

After trying countless times but failing to get a single feedback, Xia Qingtian fell into despair, and the hope of survival in the depths of his eyes gradually disappeared.

After a while, wailing sounds filled with endless resentment spread into everyone's ears. Compared with the miserable screams before, they were more breathtaking and made people feel extremely fearful.

In the huge cavity, it was not as dim as before, and the entire cavity was exuding two faint rays of green and red light. In the center of the extremely huge cavity, a vast altar covered with lines was located.

The quaint altar is seven or eight meters high. There are several steps leading to the altar. Above the altar, a huge triangular prism is floating in the air about three meters above the surface of the altar. The lines are all over it, and there is a faint dark brilliance flowing on it, which is simple and terrifying.

A looming array of resentment bodies floated around, in different states, and the translucent faces all showed an extremely painful appearance, and bursts of wailing spread from here.

Xia Qingtian slowly raised his head, looked at the top of the altar, as if he had noticed something, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

"Haha, Mr. Xia, don't worry, you will be one of them later." The old man bent his body, and as Xia Qingtian looked at the top of the altar, the evil smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense .

"Although you were not able to contribute to our Xia clan when you were a living person, the Patriarch's kindness allows you to dedicate your strength to the Xia clan after death."

The old man slowly got up and waved his sleeves. The two punishment hall disciples slowly walked over. With a movement of their wrists, they took out a device from the bracelet, slowly enlarged it under the influence of the spirit source, and wrapped Xia Qingtian. among them.

"No, don't kill me, don't kill me, I can give you wealth you can't imagine! As long as you let me out, I can give you a lot of wealth, enough for you to use for a lifetime"

As if feeling that the time of death was approaching, the expression on Xia Qingtian's face gradually became terrified, struggling constantly in the ball of light, and shouted at the old man.

The old man's figure was taken aback for a moment, and there was a gleam of brilliance in the depths of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a curve, as if he had some thoughts in his heart, then he waved his hand slightly, and the ball of light that wrapped Xia Qingtian slowly floated in front of the old man.

"As you said, do you still have unknown possessions?" The old man squinted his eyes slightly, staring at Xia Qingtian with deep and energetic eyes, his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate his body.

Seeing the old man's reaction, Xia Qingtian's heart once again raised the hope of survival, nodding frantically at the old man, a smile appeared on his face.

The corner of the old man’s mouth was curved, and he tapped his finger, and the mask that wrapped Xia Qingtian turned into a cloud of light rain, dissipating in the air, Xia Qingtian crawled to the side of the old man, whispering in his ear .

"Haha, well, I didn't expect that Mr. Xia could provide such a huge fortune before he died. The old man is very pleased. Let's make your death easier!"

Hearing the voice of the old man, Xia Qingtian was stunned for a moment, and the expression on her face gradually became astonished. He stayed in the same place for a long time, unable to speak for a long time, and had just hoped to live, but was splashed out by the cold water of the old man. The chill went from the head to the soles of the feet.

After the words fell, the old man's eyes skipped a gleam of brilliance, and the spirit source surging around his body, a thread of spirit like needles shot out from the shriveled fingertips, submerged into Xia Qingtian's eyebrows.

"Throw his corpse into the altar!" The old man brushed his sleeves, stood with his hands back, and restored his previous indifference, leaving only one sentence, turning and walking outside the penalty hall.

In the hall of the Xia family, Xia Xiao closed his eyes lightly, propped his head with one hand, and raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking carefully about the losses of the following industries.

"Patriarch, the old man has something to report, maybe it can solve the temporary difficulties of my Xia clan!" The old man crouched and walked slowly into the hall, the old voice constantly echoing in the hall.

"Oh?" Hearing the voice in the hall, Xia Xia Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and a glint flashed in the depths of his eyes, staring at the old man in the hall.

The corners of the old man's mouth gradually evoked a curve, and he walked slowly to Xia Xiao's side, and whispered in his ear, telling Xia Qingtian the news that Xia Qingtian had provided before his death.

"Well, I did a good job, and I will definitely reward you afterwards!" Although the property owned by Xia Qingtian is a huge amount of money for ordinary people, it is only a drop in the bucket for the current losses of the Xia family. It can only maintain the expenses of the Xia clan for a day.

After the old man left, Xia Xia Xiao quietly looked at the outside of the hall, a glimmer of brilliance flashed across the depths of his five-colored pupils, and muttered, "It seems that only..."

The Nangong clan, in the Nandou venue, as Suning walked to Taichung, there was a burst of cheers from just over a hundred people outside the venue, which was deafening and echoed in the venue.

Nangong Lingqing frowned, clenched his fists, and looked at Nangong Ruining's eyes with a strange brilliance.

As if noticing Nangong Lingqing's expression, Jiang Bailin slowly moved forward, with one hand on his shoulder, confidently looking at Suning on the stage, comforting him softly.

"Mr. Su, for today's battle, I hope Mr. Su will not release the water, and I will do my best!" Nangong Gan looked at Suning standing on the opposite side with a hearty smile on his face, and said loudly, as if there was something. Endless fighting spirit.

As if feeling an endless battle intent, the blood flow in the body seemed to speed up accordingly. Suning shook his head helplessly, and slightly arched his hand towards Nangong.

"Sir, please be merciful!"

After the words fell, Suning's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and under his feet, his body shape resembling lightning, rushed out, leaving an afterimage on the stage, and his fists carried a violent fist wind. Nangong dry.

"Good guy, so fast!" For a moment, Nangong's dry eyes couldn't keep up with Suning's figure, and he couldn't help but sigh.

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