I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 908: Learn from

Although Suning's body is weird and extremely fast, Nangong has gone through many battles over the years, and his body has already had muscle memory, and he subconsciously punched Suning at the upper right.


Under the attention of nearly a hundred people, the fists of the two collided together without any fancy moves. They collided with pure physical strength, but obviously, after Suning’s body was baptized by Lei Jie, every inch of muscle contained The power of each has increased substantially.

With a loud noise, a huge crack appeared under Nangong Gan's feet, but there was no surprise on his face, only endless fighting intent. Just this punch gave him recognition of Suning's strength.


Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, as if she realized that Nangong's work was not easy, and a solemn look gradually appeared on his face. Before he could take a shot, Nangong's figure suddenly shot out, and the distance between the two suddenly narrowed. , One after another, fists carrying terror and power kept colliding.

The moment the two punches hit, the strong wind raged like a storm, shaking the air around the two of them into visible ripples, spreading in the air, and occasionally a terrifying punch wind fell on the stage, huge The shock wave shook the competition platform, and the sky was dusty.

Nearly a hundred people around the competition platform watched the battle between the two, and their eyebrows were slightly raised, and a very surprised look gradually appeared on their faces. They only fought with their bodies. In the Nangong clan, they have never seen it. Someone in the younger generation can stop Nangong from doing a full blow.

"Hahahaha, Brother Su is great!" Nangong Qian let out a big laugh while launching a fierce attack on Suning, seeming to hide his strength.

Looking at Suning, who was on the stage with Nangong, there was an imperceptible look on Nangong Ruining’s face. Nangong Yeliang whispered a few words in the ear of Nangong Yeliang beside him, and Nangong Yeliang didn’t turn his head back. After leaving, it seems that there are more important things to do.

In just a short moment, the number of times Suning and Nangonggan fought nearly a hundred times, and waves of extremely terrifying energy continued to erupt, and the stirred waves directly blew away the dust on the stage. Come.


The figures of the two men suddenly shot backwards under the shock wave just now, and the floor on the stage gave birth to a series of horrible cracks under the feet of the two.

"Hehe, sir, he is also very good!" Suning wiped the dust off his body, a smile appeared on his face, staring at Nangong Gan in the distance.

"Mr. Su's physical strength is the strongest one I have encountered so far. Is it because of some body-building exercises?" A smile appeared on Nangong's dry face.

As soon as the voice fell, Nangong gave his feet a stop, urging the spiritual power in the body, and the speed of the whole person increased a bit, and his body disappeared in the air strangely.

"Quick!" Suning's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he made a fist with his five fingers, urging the spirit source in his body, and slammed down into the void behind him without hesitation.

The majestic spiritual source power swept out, and Suning's fists shone with a ray of light, and the terrifying power seemed to shatter this space.

However, Suning's fist was rushed, and her eyes became a little dignified. With a stop, her figure suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only an afterimage, and her real body appeared high in the sky.

At the moment when Nangong Qian emerged from the void, Suning’s eyes flashed with brilliance, carrying the monstrous spiritual power, one corner stepped on the back of Nangong Gan, if it hits, I am afraid that Nangong Gan will be lost instantly. Control of the body.


The figures of the two were constantly shuttled in the air, colliding with each other, bursting out violent energy fluctuations, and the forces gathered together to form a terrible storm vortex. Everywhere they passed, a terrifying crack was torn apart. .

Although it was a full shot, but after just a simple physical collision, Suning and Nangonggan both had a certain understanding of each other's strength, and at this time they were just satisfying their unruly fighting spirit.

Suning Meiyu slightly raised her eyebrows. If she wanted to get away today, she would have to clean up Nangong Gan first. With a thought, the spirit source emanating from her body became more solidified, like a god-level divine presence. , Shining with dazzling brilliance.


The two of them were tacitly attacking each other, not only the physical body, but also a part of the spiritual source strength. The two figures crossed in the air, and finally collided together, making a loud noise.

Under everyone's attention, the figures of Nangong Qian and Suning suddenly shot backwards from the air. Nangong Qian placed the hand that had just confronted Suning behind him, concealing the trembling of his wrists.

"That's it, Mr. Su is really good at it!" Nangong shook the trembling right hand behind him, and smiled and came to Suning.

Nearly a hundred people onlookers kept thinking about the battle just now in their minds, and they haven't recovered for a long time.

"Haha, sir is humble." Suning responded with a smile.

After the discussion with Nangong Qian ended, Nangong Ling Qing took Suning and left the Nandou venue quickly, with a somewhat unnatural look. As time passed, night gradually fell, and there were already a little bit of stars in the sky.

The heavy and old wooden door opened and closed, and Nangong Yong dragged his tired body into the house slowly, and habitually sat by the table.

Looking at the ripples of the tea cup on the table, I felt very complicated.

The Nangong family has never had any grudges with other families, and they rarely even have contact with each other.

However, in the past few days, the Nangong clan and the Xia family became deadly enemies in an instant, although public opinion fell to the Nangong clan.

But Nangong Jing knew very well in his heart that they couldn't make such an appearance.

The Xia family, who had always been on an equal footing with them, had suffered so much damage, which would undoubtedly arouse some people's suspicion, and they would think whether the Nangong clan had begun to arrogantly cause trouble.

Governing a family is just like being a human being. The Nangong family, which has always been low-key, has dominated all major public opinions this time.

This is no longer a show, and can even be described as a storm.

Everyone would guess if there was any movement in the Nangong family.

The family that had been calm for hundreds of years suddenly started to stir up storms, which is really not a good thing.

Why did Nangong Xun and Nangong Ling Qing go to help Suning an outsider? Nangong Jing is puzzled. The root cause of this incident is that Suning started.

He sits at the table, it's most of the night when he sits, and doesn't even know it in the latter half of the night.

There was a sudden noise from the top of the building, interrupting Nangong Jing's thoughts. He withdrew his thoughts and shouted, "Who is it?"

"Patriarch Nangong don't need to panic, it's me."

A male voice came from the roof, and fell into the house a moment later, smiling at Nangong Jing.

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