I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 909: The heart of the family

Under the shining of the light, Fan Shengyun's face gradually appeared.

"You are... Fan..." Nangong Jing was shocked, afraid that the wall would have ears, and did not say the next two words.

Fan Shengyun smiled, sitting on the chair and pouring himself a cup of tea, "Don't worry, there are no eyes or ears outside, and it's okay to speak out my name."

"Why are you here?"

"Naturally something is coming." Fan Shengyun took a sip, and then said, "Did Patriarch Nangong bother about the recent events?"

Nangongjing kept silent. Although he had some complaints against Suning, he would not slander Suning in front of others.

I don't know, this is his principle.

"Do you think Suning is a broom star? If he doesn't come out, your Nangong family has nothing to do." Fan Shengyun said leisurely, leaning close to the tea cup and smelling the fragrance of tea.

I was pricked, but Nangong Jing still denied it, "Nothing! Our Nangong clan are not such stingy people!"

"Really? Otherwise, why can't you sleep in the middle of the night? Brother Ying, you don't have to cover up with me. If it were me, I would be very angry too! The calm life suddenly caused waves."

Nangong Jing didn't speak, and sat on the chair without speaking for a long time.

It was accidental that he and Fan Shengyun met. The two of them fell in love with the same secret realm at the time and both wanted to go in and find out.

After fighting for a day and a night, there was no victory or defeat, and finally the two chose to stop and go in at the same time.

That was the time when the two met.

"Brother Fan thinks, how should this matter be resolved? We Nangong clan never have grudges with outsiders." Nangong Jing asked.

"What's the matter with resentment? Haven't you been bored with the boring life of thousands of years?" Fan Shengyun said.

Nangong Jing was stunned, and did not come back for a long time.

If it is true according to what Fan Shengyun said, what if it is a grievance? It is impossible for the Xia Family to beat them. In the two battles, the Xia Family was defeated. What could he worry about?

But Nangong Jing always felt a little uneasy in his heart. He always felt that something bad would happen, and it would be a big thing.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, some things don't need to be too nervous."

"The appearance of Suning is not necessarily a bad thing." Fan Shengyun reminded him that he could not say too much about this matter, and the rest can only be understood by Nangong.

"Is Suning from Tianyuanzong?"

After a long silence, Nangong Yan only thought of this possibility. Tianyuanzong used to be even more innocent than his family.

In the eyes of the world, Suning is just a young man with a good foundation.

The world is so big that there are many people who are stronger than Suning. Apart from Suning and Tianyuanzong, he really can't think of other reasons.

Fan Shengyun was not surprised, and said slightly, "It seems that you really saw it back then."

Back then, they entered the secret realm together and explored it for a long time. When they came out, they accidentally dropped the Tianyuanzong plaque.

When he turned around, Nangong Jing turned his back to him. He thought that Nangong Jing hadn't seen him.

"I saw it, but I didn't tell anyone." Nangong Jing said.

Fan Shengyun nodded, of course he knew, otherwise his life would not be so peaceful.

You know, in this world, thousands of spirit beast masters want to find a way to enter the Tianyuan Sect, if everyone knows that he is responsible for selecting the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect, it is probably annoying to death.

The reason why he was able to live so peacefully was also dependent on Nangong Jing to keep his secrets.

After all, even if Nangong Jing saw the Tianyuanzong plaque, he didn't use it to say that the younger generation of the Nangong family would go in for practice.

"That's why I came to you. Back then, you were able to have such a broad-minded mind, but now why bother with Suning, a junior who is not threatening?" Fan Shengyun explained.

No matter who it is in the eyes, everyone will think that the younger generation of Nangong family is better than Suning.

But for so long in this room, even if Nangong Jing guessed the relationship between Suning and Tianyuanzong, he did not question why he was selected.

He knew that Nangong Yan would want to understand, but he just wanted to click him to let him understand the truth earlier.

"Did the days of stability have passed for a long time, and in the face of the sudden wave, you panicked for a while?" Fan Shengyun asked with a smile.

An awkward expression appeared on Nangong Jing's face, and Fan Shengyun was right.

It is because the peaceful days have passed for too long, and even a little bit of wind and waves will turn into a crisis that cannot be resolved.

"Nangongjing, in fact, you have managed the Nangong family well for so many years. You don't need to be too burdened."

"The rest of my life will be so long in the future, even if there is no Xia family, it will not be the same as the Li family and Zhao family, do you think?"

Nangong Jing nodded, finally letting go, holding up the tea cup in front of him, and offering a cup of Fan Shengyun.

He originally thought that his mental realm was already very high, but now that he listened to Fan Shengyun's words, he understood why Fan Shengyun was able to enter the Tianyuan Sect.

Concerned about the overall situation, that is what a family should be concerned about, rather than focusing on a Suning.

Nangong Ying drank the tea, and when he removed the teacup, Fan Shengyun was gone, as if it was specially for him.

To be precise, it is for Suning.

Who is this Suning from Tianyuanzong? Is it worthy of Fan Shengyun to protect him? Nangong Jing fell into another contemplation.

Suning was sitting on the roof and drinking, with a few empty wine bottles beside him.

Fan Shengyun stood at the treetop not far away, and smiled when he saw this scene. The night when he decided to invite Suning into the Tianyuanzong, it was also the scene, except that the two were reversed.

"What wine to drink at a young age?" Fan Shengyun fell to Suning and snatched his bottle.

"Veteran Vatican!" Suning looked at Fan Shengyun in surprise, afraid that he might be wrong, rubbed his eyes and stood staggeringly on the roof.

"Some days are gone, how are you doing recently?" Fan Shengyun asked.

"That's it, there are no big things, little things keep going." Suning laughed at herself.

Hearing this, Fan Shengyun looked at Suning with some appreciation. Even Nangong Jing thought the things had happened in the past few days, but Suning didn't seem to care.

It's really rare to have such a mind at a young age.

"Why did you come to Nangong's house today? Did you also read the report and worry that the two families will officially have **** with each other?"

This incident began with the assassination of Suning by the Xia family, and now it has evolved into an enmity between the Xia family and the Nangong clan. The change is so fast that Suning can hardly imagine. He really doesn't understand what Xia Qingyi's brain is.

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