I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 910: For you

"No, I'm here for you." Fan Shengyun said, his eyes drifting far away, endless sad thoughts emerged.

It's okay not to drink, as long as you touch the wine, Fan Shengyun will remember the responsibilities and burdens on his shoulders.

"for me?"

"Remember that I told you before, let you enter the Tianyuanzong practice."

"I remember, I am really sorry, there have been too many recent things, so I can't make it through for the time being." Suning felt a little guilty.

He hasn't contacted Fan Shengyun for the opportunity that many people dream of.

Fan Shengyun chuckled and said, "It's okay. There is still a month left. You can handle everything within this month. I will naturally come to you when the time comes."

"One month?"

"Are you still too short?"

"No, no, I was surprised, why wait for me for a month?" Suning asked.

An existence so powerful that the Holy Spirit King dare not move, why waited for him for so long? Could it be that he knew his identity as the Son of the Holy Spirit?

Seeing Suning meditating, Fan Shengyun couldn't help but slapped the back of his head, "What do you think? Because the next batch of spirit beast masters will enter the sect at that time."

"This time is not set by me. Of course, it is not set for you, Suning alone. It is that time every year when a new disciple of Tianyuanzong enters the sect."

"Oh." Suning scratched his head embarrassedly, and he said, why would such a big sect wait for him?

"Then are there many disciples entering the sect this time?"

"This is confidential!"

"Then did you choose them yourself?"




Su Ning looked at Fan Shengyun speechlessly. He didn't even ask, and he was so angry that he took another gulp of wine.

With a bang, Fan Shengyun fell on the roof. Suning couldn't wake up no matter how he called. He just sat on the roof with Fan Shengyun all night, blowing the cold wind all night.

The next day.

The sky gradually brightened, and the lights in Nangong's house were no longer lit, and everyone started a new day.

The cleaning, the practice of spiritual practice, a peaceful atmosphere, Fan Shengyun hadn't woke up yet, Suning sat next to him and shook his head helplessly.

When do I have to sit down?

"What breath?" Suning was startled, a powerful breath appeared not far away, he unfolded his spiritual consciousness and quickly surveyed the surroundings.

The aura in the Nangong clan was normal and unchanged, the powerful aura gradually approached, and now it had reached the door of Nangong's house.

Suning wanted to go down and take a look at the situation, but worried about what would happen if Fan Shengyun was drunk.

The man at the door trot in to report, followed by a middle-aged man not far away.

"Patriarch! Patriarch Xia is here!"

Listening to the voice from downstairs, Suning realized that this strong man with strong aura was the Patriarch of the Xia family.

He had probably guessed why the Patriarch of the Xia family came here. The public opinion has fermented more violently these days, and the status of the Xia family has suddenly fallen to the altar. No one compares them with the Nangong clan.

With a move of Suning's wrist, he sealed the breath of himself and Fan Shengyun, preventing others from detecting it.

"Let everyone go down!" Seeing Xia Xiao's figure in the corner, Nangong sternly said. This time, he was simply not polite on the surface. He sat and ignored him.

"Patriarch Nangong." Xia Xia Xiao took the lead. After all, he came with a request, so he could only be humble.

Nangong didn't say a word, and sat still.

"I came today to apologize for my reckless words and deeds." Xia Xiao said.

"Most of your Xia family's business is now with us, what else can you take out to apologize?" Nangong didn't save him a bit of face.

Clearing all the subordinates would already give Xia Xiao a face.

What Fan Shengyun said last night gave Nangong a lot of confidence. The Nangong clan didn't need to be afraid of a defeated opponent. Now they naturally put their posture higher.

Xia Xia Xiao stood there, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, still wearing a pair of sunglasses and couldn't see his eyes.

"These eyes are a bit interesting? Is there anything weird about not seeing people?"

Regarding the rumors about Xia Xiao’s eyes, Suning has never believed, he firmly believes that most of the rumors are fictitious.

"That's the pupil of the monster beast." The drunken Fan Sheng Yun Youyou said, and fell asleep again after saying this.

Suning hurriedly looked at him and patted Fan Shengyun's body lightly, "Van Master?"

Didn't he hear the speech just now? Seeing Fan Shengyun's sleepiness, Suning began to doubt his hearing.

Sleeping so dead, can you really speak?

Eye of the monster...

Suning's curiosity is even greater. If he could, he would really like to see what the frightening eye of the monster beast looks like.

"You Nangong family don't want to be cheap and sell well." Xia Xia Xiao was a little sullen.

As the Patriarch of the Xia Family, it is already rare for him to lower his head and actively seek peace, but Nangongying's self-esteem is frustrated because of the lack of face.

"What do you mean by this? Could it be that the customers who lost the Xia family recently turned to the Nangong family?"


"Our two families have always been on the same level, and customers have the right to choose independently. Who they choose to cooperate with is only voluntary, isn't it?" Nangong Jing provoked.

Last summer Xiao told their Nangong ancestors about it, he still remembered it!

"That's all my subordinates who are ignorant, Xia Qingyi and Xia Qingtian, I have put them to death."

"I also hope that Patriarch Nangong can return the business and don't take advantage of the fire."

"Take advantage of the fire?" Nangong smiled and looked at Xia Xiao Xiao contemptuously.

In the eyes of others, what Xia Xiao did may be called being able to bend and stretch, but in Nangongying's eyes, it is to see the wind.

When it was determined that the Xia family was strong, I never saw him so low profile!

"These customers came here by ourselves, and we Nangong family have never gone out to solicit." Nangong said sharply.

In fact, the Nangong family's own industry is already very large, and a mature industrial chain has long been formed, and it simply disdains the Xia family's concentrate and spirit stone business.

Whenever Xia Xia Xiao is a good person, he wouldn't be so embarrassed Xia Xiao.

As an ancient family, he has never seen people who practice by relying on foreign objects. If one day leaves these foreign objects, he will be a weak person.

The Xia family is a typical person who practiced by foreign objects.

"It's OK to pay only half of the business, or leave Suning to me?"

"Then you mean, if I don't let people go, you have to go back to the entire Xia family's business?" Nangong asked.

Xia Xia Xiao was able to say such things because he was still remembering the past. It was just because the Nangong family was not good at bullying, and he wanted to retreat to find Suning's trouble.

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