I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 911: Want peace talks

If there is no existence of Fan Shengyun, and it is not known that Suning is the disciple chosen by Tianyuanzong, perhaps Nangongyan would consider the request made by Xia Xiaoxiao, but now, Nangongjing is determined and it is impossible to hand over Suning to Xiaman. Xiao, no matter what the reason is, there is no need to discuss it.

"Patriarch Xia, I think you might have some misunderstanding. If it weren't for Suning, my youth may have fallen into your hands at this moment. If I were like you today, I would have to regain half of my property. Do you think you Can you agree?" A glimmer of brilliance flashed in the depths of Nangong's eyes, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and he spoke after a long time.

If the industry is now withered and the family is not defeated by the Xia clan, but the Nangong clan, I am afraid it would have been swallowed by Xia Xiao.

"If Nangong Patriarch is unwilling to hand over Suning, that's okay, then return the half of the inheritance collected from my Xia clan to my Xia clan."

"Of course, I Xiaxia Xiao also understands the current situation. If Nangong Patriarch is willing, my Xia clan will all be attached to your Nangong clan in the future."

In order to restore the vitality of the Xia clan, Xia Xiao had to quietly seek peace, just hoping that the Xia clan could have a good future. Otherwise, if things go on like this, I’m afraid the Xia clan has only a little property right now. Will be gradually divided by other families.

Nangongjing slightly squinted his eyes, staring at Xia Xiao with sunglasses, as if to see what tricks he was doing, and willingly attached the Xia clan to the Nangong clan. How could it be possible to use Xia Xiao’s temperament? Out of such conditions.

"I have to say, the conditions you mentioned are very attractive, but do you think I will believe it?"

"With the magnificence of your Xia clan in the past, you would willingly give me the family business you built yourself? Do you feel realistic?"

Listening to Nangongjing's words, Xia Xia Xiao's face gradually became a little gloomy, his brows frowned, and an imperceptible brilliance flashed across the five-color pupils under the sunglasses.

"Patriarch Nangong, as the head of the family, you should be able to understand my current mood, and naturally you can understand that I set out these conditions just to give my Xia family the capital to survive."

"If Patriarch Nangong is unwilling to hand over Suning, then please carefully consider the terms I have offered." Xia Xiao's hands holding the chair gradually became harder, holding back the anger in his heart, and doing his best to achieve it. calmly.

Nangong Yong’s deep eyes stared at Xia Xiao, and the expression on her face was as calm as water, with no waves at all, her heart gradually relieved. With the current strength of the Xia clan, even if he did not hand over Suning, he did not agree to Xia Xiao’s proposal. It is impossible for them to have the strength to counterattack and openly confront the Nangong clan.

"Patriarch Xia, if it were someone else, forget it. I know exactly who you Xiaxiaxiao is. Will you be willing to belong to my Nangong clan?"

"If you put this in front of any family in the upper three cities, no one will believe it. If you tell the world and someone testifies, maybe I will think about it."

The conditions Xia Xiaosuo offered were really attractive. Even though the Xia clan's industry is now withered, it still has some useful value, Nangong Jing said after some thoughts.

"Hehe, the announcements are all trivial matters. As long as the Patriarch of Nangong promises, I can immediately initiate an announcement in Shangsan City to inform the world that the Xia family will belong to the name of Nangong." Hearing Nangong's words It seemed that he was a little relaxed, and the corners of Xiaxia Xiao's mouth evoked an arc that was not easily detectable, and he said lightly.

On the roof of the main hall, Suning held his breath and listened carefully to the sound coming from the hall under his feet with ears erected. His expression gradually changed, seeming to be a little cold. He looked at Fan Shengyun, who was sleeping beside him, and moved. The top of the building leaped down and landed calmly at the entrance of the hall.

"Mr. Xia is here to ask the Nangong clan for compensation, isn't it?" A smile appeared on Suning's face, and the expression in his eyes became a little complicated and subtle, giving people an incapable feeling.

Hearing the sound from the entrance of the hall, Xia Xia Xiao and Nangong Jing turned their heads, raised eyebrows slightly, and stared at the figure of Suning who was slowly entering the hall.

"Patriarch of Nangong." Suning arched his hands respectfully toward Nangong, bending over and shouted, and Nangong gave a slight response, indicating that Suning need not care about etiquette.

Suning slowly got up, and immediately turned her head to look at Xia Xiao, and the corners of her mouth gradually raised a curve, "Patriarch Xia, if you need compensation, I can compensate you, and you don't have to embarrass Patriarch Nangong."

Xia Xiao held the handle of the chair in his hand tightly, and there was a glimmer of brilliance in his five-color pupils. The reason why the Xia clan fell to this point was mostly due to the existence of Suning.

"Little friend, you don't care about this matter, I'm free to decide." Nangong Jing was very pleased when he heard the words in Suning's mouth, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he immediately looked at Suning and said.

"Patriarch Nangong, I was the one who started this matter. I will naturally not escape. This is contrary to my way of thinking. I hope that Patriarch Nangong will make it happen." A curve appeared on Suning's face.

"Oh, just relying on you as a hairy boy, what do you pay for compensation?" Under the sunglasses on Xia Xiao's face, a ray of cold light flashed in his eyes, wishing to execute Suning on the spot.

"Patriarch Xia, your Xia clan has been chasing me for so long, so you must know my identity. As the master of the Kuntianyu domain, I think it is not difficult to compensate your Xia clan for the loss." Listen With Xiaxia Xiao's words, Suning walked slowly towards the center of the hall, stood in front of Xiaxia Xiao, and said with a smile.

"Kun Tianyu? Boy, do you have paste in your mind?"

"My Xia family's any industry in the upper three cities can cover the annual income of Kun Tianyu, which is what you say. Do you think you can compensate?"

"Patriarch Nangong, what do you mean, neither plan to hand over nor plan to make compensation?"

Listening to Suning's words, Xia Xiao slammed into the scene, the complexion on his face gradually changed, a little cold, and the whole body exuded a trace of terrifying invisible coercion.

Nangongying's eyebrows were slightly raised, and there seemed to be a trace of coldness in his peaceful expression. On the face, anger gradually appeared, staring at Xia Xiaoxiao firmly.

"Patriarch Xia, you need to know where you are now, and what are you here for?"

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