I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 912: Forced to choose

The corner of Xia Xiaoxiao's mouth gradually evoked an arc, listening to Nangongjing's words, the anger in his heart gradually became a little uncontrollable, and it surged like a volcano.

"Patriarch Nangong, I have already said that you can choose one of the two conditions. Unfortunately, you didn't make a choice. To be honest, I can take Suning away today, and none of you can stop me." As he spoke, the expression on Xia Xiao Xiao's face gradually became a little arrogant, and he stood with his hands behind him.

"Xia Xia Xiao! I also gave you the opportunity. If you issue a notice in Shangsan City, I, Nangong Jing, can consider your proposal!"

"Since you are not satisfied with this, there is nothing to talk about between us. In the future, we will go our own way. My Nangong clan does not welcome you! See off!"

Nangong Yu stood up fiercely, frowning, staring at Xiaxia Xiao in the hall, with a solemn expression on her face, and roared towards Xiaxia Xiao.

In the center of Shangsan city, in an extremely magnificent palace, Xue Qianqiu, the mayor of Shangsan City, looked at the huge psionic screen in the center of the hall with a solemn expression, and thoughts in his heart.

Thousands of years ago, Xue Qianqiu worshipped in the name of King of the Holy Spirit. Because of his strength, King of the Holy Spirit asked him to hold important positions here. From a small city to today’s boundless three cities, he looked step by step. As it grows here, every step is extremely difficult.

"What is the difference between the Xia family and the Nangong clan now?" On Xue Qianqiu's face, two sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the deep and thick voice echoed in the hall.

"Return to the mayor, Xia Clan's patriarch, Xia Xiao, is now in the Nangong clan."

"Subordinates thought that Xia Xiaoxiao went to the Nangong clan this time to regain the original source of the Xia clan from the Nangong clan, but..." The man half kneeling in the hall, bowed his head, clasped his fists in front of him. Said softly.

Xue Qianqiu's body is dignified, her chest is broad, and her face is sharp and angular. She is dressed in a snow-white robe and slowly turned around, staring at the man in the hall.

"You mean to say that it is impossible to reach a reconciliation between Xia Xiaoxiao and Nangongjing. There may be even greater accidents during this trip, and even greater incidents in the upper three cities, right?" Xue Qianqiu lips With a slight movement, a deep voice sounded.

"The mayor is wise!" the man said loudly.

"Regarding this matter, what is the attitude of the other two companies?" Xue Qianqiu moved slightly and walked to the entrance of the hall, standing at the entrance of the hall watching the scenery of the big Shangsan City outside.

"Return to the mayor, the other two have not done anything unusual for the time being. It seems that they are not interested in this matter." The man slowly got up, hanging his head and following Xue Qianqiu's back.

"Hmph, the family industry can develop to such a large scale, and now that the contradiction between the Xia family and Nangong has become apparent, how could these people be willing to let this opportunity go? They are just waiting for an opportunity."

"Prepare, go to the Nangong clan to see, before things develop into an uncontrollable situation, strangling the minds of these people in the cradle is the most important thing."

Xue Qianqiu stood with her hands in her hands, a glimmer of brilliance flashed across her eyes.

The four great families in the Shangsan City, the Xia family, the Nangong family, the Chu family, and the Luo family, if there is an accident in these big families, this peaceful and peaceful Shangsanshi will probably fall into chaos again.

"Yes!" The man bowed his hands respectfully and walked out of the hall immediately.

Xia Xia Xiao turned his head slightly, and looked at Shang Nangong through the sunglasses in front of him. The corners of his mouth could not help but a curved arc, as if a little chill appeared in it.

"Hehe, Patriarch Nangong, since I Xiaxiaxiao is here today, it is impossible to go back empty-handed. Since you reject my proposal, I have to take another approach."

While speaking, Xia Xia Xiao slowly turned his head and looked at Suning in the main hall. The expression on his face gradually changed, and finally became a little strange and cold.

"Patriarch Xia, this matter was caused by me, and I am willing to provide compensation for the Xia family. Is Patriarch Xia still not satisfied?" Seeing the look on Xia Xiao's face, Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his face gradually rose. A solemn look emerged.

"Boy, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet, I am Xia Xiao, now I don't need these compensations, what I want is the Nangong clan, and all the industries of Kun Tianyu that you mentioned!" The expression on the top gradually changed, and it seemed that something strange appeared in it, and the whole body exuded a trace of terror.

Hearing Xiaxia Xiao’s words, the expression on Nangongying’s face suddenly changed, and his anger was full, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Xiaxia Xiao, it is you who figured out the situation! This is my Nangong clan, not you. Xia Family, you can't tolerate you being presumptuous here!"

After the words fell, Nangong Jong waved his big hand, and a brilliance shot out from his hand, and quickly flew out of the hall. An extremely tyrannical aura radiated from his body, carrying boundless anger, and suppressed it towards Xia Xiaoxiao.

Seeing Nangongying's reaction, the corner of Xia Xiaoxiao's mouth was curved, and his expression was extremely relaxed.

"Nangong Jing, do you know why my Xia family can gain a foothold in these three cities, and why can it be among the top four families?"

"It's not because of the strength of the Xia clan, but just because of me, Xia Xiao! It is not the Xia clan who made me, but I have made the Xia clan today!" Xia Xiao's words fell, and his body spread out. A coercion comparable to Nangongjing.

For a time, two invisible coercion in the hall spread all over it, restraining and confronting each other. Suning, who was in the center of the hall, gradually became a little dignified. Facing the two coercion at the same time, even though he was a strong Saint, He couldn't bear it too, and a trace of cold sweat gradually oozes on his forehead.

The immense and vast coercion radiated from the main hall. For a while, the expressions on the faces of the major disciples near the main hall of the Nangong clan changed, a little pale.

"What happened in the Guiyuan Hall? How could there be such a powerful pressure!"

"Have you not heard? Patriarch Xia is also in the Guiyuan Hall, saying that he is discussing reconciliation with our Patriarch. Seeing this, it should be out of play."

"Heh, their Xia family also has today?"


Feeling the movement at the Guiyuan Hall, all of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion and rumors among the Nangong clan.

After receiving the Nangong Clan's message, all the elders in the Nangong clan got up one after another, turning into a rainbow light across the air, and gathered from the Nangong clan to the Guiyuan Hall.

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