I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 913: The negotiation broke down

The atmosphere in the main hall gradually became a bit solemn. Faced with the terrifying aura and coercion emitted by the two god-level powerhouses, Suning was obviously unable to support it. It was a bit difficult to stand up straight, cold sweat on his forehead and back.

"Patriarch Xia, are you deceiving my Nangong clan?" A cold voice came slowly from outside the hall.

I saw a beautiful shadow slowly entering from outside the hall, becoming more and more clear. Nangong Tongyun was dressed in a pale blue palace dress, her black hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and her eyebrows were like a crescent moon. With a bright smile, his figure slowly stood in front of Suning.

"Thank you." When Nangong Tongyun stood in front of Suning, the strong sense of oppression from the surrounding suddenly disappeared. Suning's figure suddenly felt relaxed, and he slowly raised his head to look at the back of Nangong Tongyun, and said with ease.

At the same time, several rainbow lights submerged into the main hall, and the several elders headed by Nangong Jin were all staring at Xia Xiaoxiao in the hall, with different expressions on their faces, but they all showed a touch of hostility.

"Xia Xia Xiao, if you just retreat, my Nangong clan can ignore what you did before. If you don't, you can blame me for waiting!" Nangong Jin glanced at Suning behind Nangong Tongyun, and immediately looked at Xia Xiao, brows slightly. Suddenly shouted.

Xia Xiao stood with his hands on his hands, his clothes moved with the wind, and he looked around the elders in the hall, and the corners of his mouth were curved, which seemed to be a bit of disdain.

"Nangong Jing, it seems that you have some misunderstandings about my Xia clan. As I said before, it was me Xia Xiao, who made the whole Xia clan the grand occasion!" As he spoke, Xia Xiao slowly raised his hand. Taking off the sunglasses in front of him, a pair of five-color pupils appeared in front of everyone, and it seemed to be a little breathtaking, which made people feel uneasy.

Regarding the rumors that Xia Xiao had five-colored pupils, the people of the Nangong clan headed by Nangong Ying had heard of it, but for thousands of years, no one had seen it with their own eyes. It was just rumored that these five-colored pupils were extremely domineering. Breathtaking ability.

Headed by Nangong Ying, Nangong Jin, Nangong Xun and other elders all showed a touch of surprise, and their eyebrows frowned.

"Nangong Jing, if you agree to my terms now, maybe I can let you go. If not, your Nangong clan may have a big change today!"

Looking at the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Guiyuan Hall, a strange expression gradually appeared on Xia Xia Xiao's faces, staring at Nangong Jing and whispering.

"What's the matter, I want my Nangong clan to bow their heads, you dream!" The other two elders in the hall heard Xia Xiaoxiao's words and couldn't help shouting angrily.

Listening to the words of the two, the smile on the corners of Xia Xiaoxiao’s mouth became more intense, urging the gods in his body, and an invisible force projected from the two pairs of five-color pupils, centering on the Guiyuan Hall, expanding towards the surroundings. go with.

Along with the gleam of light in Xia Xiao's eyes, everyone's figures were slightly taken aback, seeming to be absent for a moment, and the expressions on their faces gradually became serious.

"What did you just do!" Nangong Jin's eyebrows frowned, and the old thick voice echoed in the hall.

At that moment, his spiritual consciousness was greatly shaken, and it seemed that an invisible force was interfering with his spiritual consciousness and disturbing his soul.

"Hehe, don't you know the domain? That's right, after all, you haven't got anything about ancient beasts for so many years."

"With the strength of everyone present, I am afraid that I will never have a chance to break through my field. Again, if I promise my request, I can let you go!"

Looking around the people in the hall, looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Xia Xiaoxiao felt a little proud in his heart, his lips moved slightly, and said softly.

After Xia Xiao acquired these five-color pupils, relying on the skills in this field, Xia Xiao has developed the Xia clan from a small family to the current field.

"The **** field, I will show you today!" An elder in the Guiyuan Hall urged the god-source power in his body, carrying a terrifying power to attack Xia Xiao in the hall first.

Seeing the old man's movements, Xia Xiaoxiao's mouth overflowed with a smile, and his figure moved, leaving behind an afterimage, flying out of the Guiyuan Hall, his figure floating in the sky above the square outside the main hall.

"To be honest, I don't want to be like this, it's too cruel." Xia Xia Xiao whispered, his clothes drifting in the wind, and immediately mobilized the **** source in his body with all his strength, his lips moved slightly, and there was a low groan.

Looking at Xia Xiaoxiao in the sky, an unprecedented sense of crisis rose in Suning's heart. His pupils suddenly shrank, and he uttered a loud shout, "Stop him!"

Nangong Jin headed by Nangong Ying, Nangong Xun and Nangong Tongyun and other elders took a meal at their feet, and they attacked Xia Xiaoxiao with the sky full of glory.

Seeing everyone's movements, Xia Xiao's mouth overflowed with a strange arc, and said softly: "It's late!" As soon as the words fell, an invisible force shot out from his five-color eyes, spreading out, and shooting. The volatility of the soul surged in my heart.

In the spirit hiding, the Taixu Dragon God's eyebrows frowned, and a bad sound was heard in the dark, and immediately his figure moved, taking over the control of Suning's body, an incomparably vast power of divine consciousness swarmed and resisted the blow of Xia Xiaoxiao.

When this invisible force wrapped Nangong Jing and others in it, everyone's body suddenly stopped in the air, their eyes lost their brilliance, and they recovered after a few seconds, except for Nangong Jin and Nangong Jin. The four of Xun and Nangong Tongyun, the eyes of the other elders were no longer full of expression, appearing a smog white, and they attacked Nangong Jing and others.

"What are you doing!" Faced with the attacks of several people, Nangong Jing's expression changed abruptly, and he uttered an angry shout at them.

At this time, the minds of the elders had fallen into nothingness, and the control of their bodies had fallen into the hands of Xia Xiaoxiao, and they couldn't hear Nangong Jing's cry at all.

"Kill! Kill!", several people lost their minds and had to murmur. The misty white eyes gradually changed, and a dark red rushed into them, carrying the heavenly divine glory to attack Nangong Ying and Nangong Jin.

"Haha, yes, that's it, kill, kill!" Xia Xiao stood in the air with his hands in the air, looking at the chaos of the Nangong clan, the corners of his mouth evoked an arc of evil, his lips opened slightly, and he laughed.

At the moment when the Xiaxiaxiao domain was activated, with Guiyuan Hall as the center, within a range of nearly a kilometer, the disciples of the Nangong clan were all affected by its strange domain and fell into chaos.

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