I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 914: The field opens, the riots rise

For a time, riots broke out in the Nangong clan, and screams of fighting came from everywhere. In front of the Guiyuan Hall, the Taixu Dragon God controlled Suning's body, looking solemnly at Xia Xia Xiao in the sky, with deep eyes. There was a touch of brilliance.

"What the **** is going on!" Suning's consciousness turned into a villain, slowly appearing in the spiritual reservoir, his brows frowned and an extremely solemn expression on his face.

"How could he have these five-color double pupils!" Taixu Dragon God also had a solemn expression, his eyes seemed a little surprised, his lips moved slightly, and he muttered in a low voice.

The strange expression of Taixu Dragon God surprised Suning's heart, and the expression in his face gradually changed.

"Ugly snake, what is the origin of these five-color double pupils! Are these people affected by these pupils?" Suning asked softly, her lips moved slightly.

"These five-color double pupils are the eyes of the ancient beasts, the eyes of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Flood Dragon. During the ancient divine war, the ability of these two pupils caused very serious trauma to the line of the Holy Spirit King. In the end, the Holy Spirit King used four directions. The Golden Wing Mantle severely injured it, and since then, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Flood Dragon has no trace."

The starry sky travel **** stood with his hand holding his hand, staring at the eyes of Xia Xiaoxiao in the sky, recalling the divine battle thousands of years ago, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and he spoke softly.

"Quadrant Golden Wing Cover?" Suning murmured in a low voice, recalling the Quartet Gold Wing Cover previously obtained in Wang's house in his mind, and his wrist moved up and down in his hand.

"In other words, can you stop him with a square gold wing cover, right?" Suning stared at the light group in his hand, then looked at the starry sky travel god, and asked softly.

Xingkong Youshen shook his head slightly, his expression showing a little helplessness, with their current strength, even if they spurred the Quartet Golden Wing Cover, they could not contain it.

Looking at the square golden wing cover that sinks and floats in his hand, Suning's eyebrows are slightly raised, and he secretly said, how can I know if it's useful if I don't try it, and then a ray of fine light burst into Suning's eyes.

"Ugly snake, use your current strength to urge the Quartet Golden Wings, are you sure to deal with Xia Xiaoxiao?" Suning's voice slowly sounded, and it was passed into the ears of Taixu Dragon God.

Listening to Suning's words, Taixu Dragon God was slightly taken aback, recalling the scenes of the ancient gods war, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in his eyes, "You can try."

As the voice fell, Taixu Dragon God controlled Suning's body. With a movement of his wrist, the square gold wing cover turned into a stream of light, which suddenly shot out from the spiritual reservoir and appeared in the palm of "Suning".

"Old friend, after tens of thousands of years, we have finally fought together again!" Taixu Dragon God stared at the exquisite square gold wing cover in his hand, and he whispered, as if he understood Taixu Dragon God's words, Sifang Jin The wing shield quivered slightly and let out a soft moan.

A smile appeared on the face of "Suning", a god-level power erupted from his body, his lips moved slightly, and with a soft singing, the square golden wing cover flew out of the palm of his hand and gradually enlarged in the air, shining brightly. Ups and downs around the Quartet gold wing cover, emitting a dazzling light.

On the roof of the Guiyuan Hall, Fan Shengyun seemed to be completely unaffected, still sleeping soundly, but his eyebrows were slightly raised, and it seemed that the noise from the surrounding made him a little dissatisfied.

Feeling the strange fluctuations in front of the Guiyuan Hall, the faces of the four people headed by Nangong Jing all showed a surprised expression. They glanced at Suning standing in front of the palace and the square gold wing cover that was constantly rotating and flying in the air. , And immediately fell into battle.

Looking at the square gold wing cover that gradually expanded in the sky, exuding dazzling brilliance, a touch of timidity passed through Xia Xiaoxiao's five-color pupils, and there seemed to be a fear from the depths of the soul flooding my heart.

In just an instant, Xia Xia Xiao returned to normal, looking at the square gold wing cover that was getting closer, the corner of his mouth slowly curved up, and he slowly raised his hand. An extremely powerful force gathered in front of his palm, and then suddenly issued a shock. There was a wave of air.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the Quartet Golden Wings shuddered, and the speed of travel seemed to slow down a bit, but it returned to normal in an instant, appearing like lightning in the sky above Xia Xiao Xiao, gradually magnifying, towards the suppression of Xia Xiao under.

Xia Xia Xiao slowly raised his head and looked at the square golden wing cover that was suppressed in the air. He was about to shoot. A picture flashed through his mind, and the fear in his heart became clearer.

"Can Nian just swayed my deity!" Xia Xiao's lips moved slightly, and he whispered softly, suppressing the remnant thoughts of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Flood with powerful spiritual power.

As the Quartet Gold Wing Cover gradually approached, strands of golden silk thread overflowed from the Quartet Gold Wing Cover and intertwined in the air to form a golden barrier, enveloping Xia Xiao's figure.

Boom! Boom!

"Huh, the thing is a good thing, but the user's strength is not good!" While talking, Xia Xiao left Suning in front of the Yuan Palace, and the whole body overflowed with radiance, gradually covering his body shape, and his body shape With a move, it swayed through the barrier formed by the square gold wing cover, and the palms carrying a frightening atmosphere slapped on the square gold wing cover, making a muffled sound.

During the time of lightning and flint, the square gold wing cover seemed to be unable to withstand this huge force. The golden barrier surrounding Xia Xiaoxiao gradually cracked all over it, and the cracks gradually spread to the surroundings, seeming to break at any time.

"It's so noisy!"

Fan Shengyun opened his eyes, two brilliant lights shot out from them, and slowly stood up, looking at the chaotic Nangong clan, his eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Oh, interesting, interesting." In Fan Shengyun's eyes, the bodies of the elders and the disciples of the Nangong family who were being manipulated were covered by a trace of light green.

Before Guiyuan Hall, "Suning"'s mouth gradually overflowed with a trace of red blood, and the huge power from the square gold wing cover made him a little unbearable.

"Hey, it really is too far-fetched." Taixu Dragon God shook his head helplessly, and said softly.

It was not because of his strength, but Suning's body could not bear this force. If it continued, the meridians in Suning's body would be greatly affected.


With a loud shout, Xia Xia Xiao gathered the power of the gods on his right hand, and blasted towards the cracked golden light mask. The light mask made a crisp sound, suddenly shattered, and turned into a single golden ball in the air. The rain of light scattered, and the Quartet Golden Wings shuddered, slowly shrinking, and flew towards Suning in front of the Guiyuan Hall.

The mask broke, and a smile appeared on Xia Xiao's face. In a flash, the two pairs of five-color pupils stared at Fan Shengyun on the top of the Guiyuan Hall, feeling shocked.

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