I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 915: Quell chaos

On the top of the Guiyuan Hall, Fan Sheng allowed to stand with his hands in his hands, his clothes wafting in the wind, as if he noticed Xia Xiao's eyes, and then slowly raised his head, staring at him with deep eyes.

Seeing Fan Shengyun's actions, Xia Xiaoyu's eyebrows frowned, and the expression on his face gradually became a little dignified. He thought to himself who this person was, when he appeared, and why he didn't notice any fluctuations.

The corners of Fan Shengyun's mouth gradually evoked an arc, his figure moved, disappeared from the top of Guiyuan Hall, and appeared beside "Suning", watching the blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and he was dusted. On the sleeves, a sound came into the ears of Taixu Dragon God, "Don't worry, Suning will be fine with me."

Listening to the words of Fan Shengyun, Taixu Dragon God froze for a moment, and felt a moment of fear. He could actually see his existence. Taixu Dragon God stared at the slightly smiling Fan Shengyun, and soon took control of his body. It was returned to Suning.

"Veteran Van!" Taking control, Suning slowly raised his eyes and looked at Fan Shengyun in front of him, exclaiming at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, you kid, there are a lot of secrets, don't worry, I won't tell them."

"It's the Nangong clan, what happened here?" Fan Sheng allowed to stand with his hand in his hand, looked at Suning in front of him, and then watched the battle in front of the temple, and asked softly.

Su Ning was taken aback for a moment, and she learned what had just happened from the Taixu Dragon God. Although he felt a moment of fear in his heart, he still trusted Fan Shengyun very much in his heart. He was about to share the previous events with his own guesses. One informed it to Fan Shengyun.

"So that's it." Fan Sheng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and whispered in his mouth.

Fan Shengyun slowly raised his head, looking at the two of Xia Xiao in the air, "Since the person in charge is not there, it seems that I can only intervene." The words fell, his figure floated slowly, and his wrist moved. In the meantime, the square gold wing cover was controlled by an invisible force, and after a violent tremor, it returned to calm, bursting with a dazzling light.

Along with Fan Shengyun's actions, a sense of crisis surged into Xia Xiao's heart, and immediately urged the **** source in his body with all his strength, and as his hands waved, waves of terrifying energy sent out in the direction of Fan Shengyun.

Facing several attacks, Fan Shengyun waved his sleeves indifferently to dissolve them. With a slight movement of his wrist, the square golden wing cover above Xia Xiaoxiao suddenly enlarged, and Xia Xiaoxiao was enveloped in an instant.


The huge square gold wing cover continued to rotate, and a very terrifying aura exuded from the inside out, and a gold silk thread kept flashing inside the square gold wing cover, passing through Xia Xiao’s body, the two pairs of five-color pupils gradually disappeared His body peeled away, and there was a painful wailing.

The golden silk threads turned into a golden barrier, enclosing the five-color pupils. When the five-color pupils were stripped away, all the people in the Nangong clan that were controlled by them stopped their movements, their bodies seemed weak, and they suddenly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Fan Shengyun waved his hand faintly, and the square gold wing cover gradually shrank and turned into an exquisite size, and the colorless pupils in the golden mask fell into the hands of him and Suning.

Xia Xia Xiao's figure floats in the air, and his whole body is full of divine brilliance. His eyes are extremely hollow, and wisps of blood oozes, flowing down his face, losing his five-color pupils. He knows that he will continue to stay in the Nangong clan for It was a tragic end, and his figure immediately moved, turning into a stream of light to escape when everyone was not paying attention.

"Thank you, Brother Fan, for helping me. I can't be thankful enough for Nangong!" Nangong Jong came back to his senses and said to Fan Shengyun. Just after that, many of the disciples of the Nangong clan were seriously injured. In contrast, clean up the following The endgame is more important than chasing Tianxia Xiao.

"Haha, Brother Jing is polite, if I didn't have Suning's Innate Lingbao, I wouldn't be able to solve this thing so easily." Fan Shengyun waved his sleeves and put the five-color double pupils into his hands. He immediately smiled and said to Nangong Jing. After hearing the words of Fan Shengyun, everyone cast a strange look at Suning.

"The first elder, the second elder, and the fourth elder, go and arrange to treat the injured disciple."

Hearing Nangong Jing's words, several people headed by Nangong Jin arched their hands, and then slowly fell to the ground, bringing the two elders who had fallen into a deep coma to drive away.

After Xia Xiao’s work, the number of disciples injured by the Nangong clan reached hundreds of them, and nearly a hundred people were killed because of this. In the middle of the night, Nangong Yan couldn’t help but glare through the report on the table. .

The next day, Xue Qianqiu rushed to the Nangong clan riding on the spirit beast Paixun. When he arrived, everything had been settled. He stood in front of the door, lonely and coldly.

"City Lord! Why did you come today?"

"The Nangong clan and the Xia family have such a big dispute, if I don't come, wouldn't it be a mess." Xue Qianqiu closed his mouth tightly, and the voice came from his body, the breath was strong and steady, and the powerful breath was frightening.

"Where is your Patriarch?"


A strange color flashed in Xue Qianqiu's eyes, and he lifted his foot into Nangong's house.

He could still see the traces of the fight, and he accelerated his pace slightly.

"City Lord." From the moment Xue Qianqiu entered the door, Nangong Jing sensed his arrival, greeted him in the front hall early, and stood respectfully.

Xue Qianqiu let out a hum, and went straight into the hall to sit down, his back straight and awe-inspiring.

Nangong Jing stood there, waiting patiently for Xue Qianqiu to speak.

"I'm here today, I have a few things to tell you." Xue Qianqiu raised his eyes, and Gu Jing Wubo's eyes focused on Nangong Yan, as if he wanted to pierce him.

With the frightening breath, even Nangong Yong tried his best to barely stand still, lowered his head and said, "Please tell me the Lord."

"The grievances between the Nangong clan and the Xia family should be settled. You will pay back half of the Xia family's property, and the remaining half will be used as compensation for the Nangong clan."

Although he was quite dissatisfied with this decision, Nangong Jing did not dare to refute, hesitated for a while and had to answer.

"Today your two families are fighting, the economy of the upper three cities has dropped sharply, and the economy has been in chaos."

"So the Nangong clan and the Xia family must not fight again in the future, and must live together peacefully."

Nangong Jing nodded and said yes, he did not dare to ask about Xia's punishment.

After talking about these two things, Xue Qianqiu didn't stay long, got up and hurried to the direction of Xia's family.

Long after he left, Nangong Yan raised his eyelids, the complex emotions in his eyes were unspeakable, and his mood became more complicated.

He stood in the hall for a long time, like a stone sculpture sitting there, no one dared to disturb.

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