I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 919: Absorb the elixirs

"Brother...Big brother, don't make trouble, this Mr. Su is still here, don't let people look at the jokes." Seeing Nangong Qian getting closer, a bad feeling rose in Nangong Lingqing's heart, and her figure slowly backed away. Unfolding the folding fan in his hand to cover his face, he said softly toward Nangong.

"Mr. Su, take a good rest first. My incompetent brother and I won't bother you!" Nangong turned around slowly and said with a smile. As soon as the words fell, she grabbed Nangong Lingqing who was about to slip away. The collar dragged him out of the room and walked in the direction of the Nandou venue.

"Brother...Mr. Su, help!"

"Hmph, even if the king of heaven and Lao Tzu come today, I can't save you. I, a big brother, must teach you well. It's not bad to go out twice, and I will teach your big brother to me!"


The noisy noises of Nangonggan and Nangong Lingqing passed from the courtyard into the room.

Suning, Jiang Bailin, and Jun Xinghe heard the sounds from the courtyard, and a smile appeared on their faces.

In the magnificent Yuxu Pavilion, Nangong Ruining sits above the first place, closing her eyes slightly, propping her head with one hand, enjoying the unique tranquility, seemingly not worried about what happened yesterday.

"As soon as Suning came, the whole Upper Three Cities and the Nangong clan were so turbulent, which is really interesting." Nangong Ruining slowly opened her eyes and muttered in her mouth, feeling a little more curious about Suning in her heart.

Under Nangong Ruining’s gaze, Nangong Yeliang’s figure slowly stepped into it, looking at the gloomy Yuxu Pavilion, with a movement of his wrist, the entire Yuxu Pavilion became brighter, and Nangong Ruining’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and she reached out to cover it. With the dazzling light shining from above.

"Second Young Master, have you heard about the family's affairs?" Nangong Yeliang stepped into the hall, sitting in a chair casually, seemingly not paying attention to Nangong Ruining at all.

Seeing Nangong Yeliang's actions, Nangong Ruining's eyebrows frowned slightly, seeming to be a bit dissatisfied with him. After a long time, he slowly said, "Oh? The things about Xia Xiaoxiao are naturally known. Why, Yeliang Do you think Ben Shao’s news is not as good as you?"

Listening to Nangong Ruining’s slightly angry words, Nangong Yeliang paused. He slowly stood up straight and walked to the center of the hall. A smile appeared on his face, and he slightly arched his hand towards Nangong Ruining. The son misunderstood, Yeliang didn't dare, but..."

"Why, do you want Ben Shao to guess?" Hearing Nangong Yeliang's ordinary words, an impatient expression gradually appeared on Nangong Ruining's face, staring at Nangong Yeliang in the middle of the hall.

"Second Young Master, I heard that Suning did a lot of effort in yesterday's affairs. For this reason, the First Young Master and Third Young Master went to visit his injuries together."

"And as far as I know, Elder Tong Yun was also with him to see Mr. Su this time."

As if perceiving the increasing anger in Nangong Ruining's words, Nangong Yeliang trembled, slowly raised her head, looked at Nangong Ruining who was above the first, and whispered.

Nangong Yeliang’s words fell in Nangong Ruining’s ears, poking straight into his heart, as if there were ten thousand needles, an invisible coercion radiated from his body, covering the entire Yuxu Pavilion, here Under the pressure, Nangong Yeliang's figure trembled slightly, cold sweat gradually oozing out of his forehead.

A picture of Nangong Tongyun visiting Suning appeared in Nangong Ruining's mind. An unnamed anger gradually rose from the bottom of her heart. The hand holding the chair became harder and harder, and a glimmer of brilliance passed through her eyes.

"Second Young Master, you don't have to be too angry. I heard that Elder Tongyun and Elder Xun went together with the order of the Great Elder. It is said that Elder Tongyun is actually not willing."

The invisible pressure caused Nangong Yeliang's body to make a sound of skeletal movement, and a sensation of pain came from all over the body, and said with difficulty in the invisible pressure.

Nangong Ruining’s eyes flashed, and she raised her hand slightly, the invisible pressure that enveloped the entire Yuxu Pavilion suddenly disappeared, feeling the sense of relief from all over her body, and Nangong Yeliang felt a long moment of relief. Tone.

"Oh, it's interesting. An outsider actually attracted the two elders of the Nangong clan to come to visit." Nangong Ruining opened her lips slightly and let out a low voice.

"Second son, Suning is currently in the limelight in our Nangong clan. I am afraid the Patriarch appreciates him. Shall we check it out?"

"After all, the first son and the third son have been there now, and we are the only one left." Nangong Yeliang raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, a trace of fear appeared in his eyes, and said with a trembling voice.

Nangong Yeliang felt fear for a while, regretting what he said earlier, that he shouldn't have told him about Nangong Tongyun's visit to Suning, and he was almost punished for the harm.

"Go, let's pay a good visit to Mr. Su." While speaking, a smile appeared on Nangong Ruining's face, and the strange curvature of the corner of his mouth felt a little unpredictable.

Looking at the weird smile on the face of the first Shang Nangong Ruining, Nangong Yeliang couldn't help but shudder, and the trembling voice responded. Under the gaze, Nangong Ruining slowly got up from the chair and tidyed up his clothes. There is a kind of majesty in it.

"Bai Pho, Brother Jun, please help me protect the Fa at the door. With this Haoyuan Maimai Pill, I can repair the meridians in my body."

"I was thinking about finding materials for refining by myself, but I didn't expect that brothers Gan and Ling Qing would send them to me. I really don't know if this was due to heaven." Suning said towards Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe. He shook his head slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe looked at each other. With Suning's current situation, it really requires a very quiet environment for recuperation. Moreover, repairing the meridians is not an ordinary trivial matter and requires careful attention.

"Suning, are you sure that this Haoyuan Pulse Protecting Pill is effective for your current situation?" Jiang Bailin was a little worried, after all, he had never been in contact with these, and he didn't know whether this pill had any effect on Suning.

"Haha, Bailin, with my alchemy skills, don't you worry about it?" Suning shook his head helplessly, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked an arc, seemingly very confident.

Listening to Suning's words, Jiang Bailin was taken aback, almost forgetting Suning's attainments in alchemy, and his frowning eyebrows gradually eased.

"Well, then Xinghe and I are guarding outside." Jiang Bailin nodded slightly, Xuanshi and Jun Xinghe walked out of the room and guarded in the courtyard to prevent anyone from disturbing Suning during this period.

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