I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 920: Good birds choose wood for habitation

After Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe went out, Suning sat cross-legged on the bed. With a movement of his wrist, the bag containing the Haoyuan Vessel Protecting Pill appeared in his palm, and a faint scent permeated from the bag.

A gleam of light flashed in Suning's eyes, and he slowly opened the bag, a strong fragrance puffed his nose, instantly permeating the entire room, and the moment the bag was opened, several Haoyuan Maimai Pills in it emitted With a trembling, he actually flew out of the bag and floated in front of him.

Looking at the pill in front of him, a flash of surprise flashed across Suning's eyes, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab the pill floating in front of him, but the pill seemed to contain spiritual wisdom, and even avoided his palm.

"A pill spirit has been born, what realm is the person who refines this pill!" Su Ning's face appeared astonished, and a low groan was heard in his mouth.

After several times of grasping and failing, Suning’s mouth was curved, and a powerful divine power suddenly erupted and enveloped the entire room. The pill that dodges in the air seems to be deep in the mire, difficult to move, and his mind moved. Several powers of divine consciousness wrapped the pill in the air and slowly received it into his hands.

The Xia family, which used to be extremely rich and powerful, began to decline within a few days.

The news that business was lost to the Nangong clan spread throughout the upper three cities, and no one knew it.

All the servants, guards, and butlers of the Xia family submitted the leaving envelopes when they heard the news. They piled up at the entrance of Xia Xiaoxiao’s study and piled up into a small hill.

Xia Xia Xiao picked up the top letter of resignation, and there was nothing in his eyes, and no handwriting could be seen.

Even so, he could probably guess what was piled up here.

With a move of his wrist, a purple glaze divine fire appeared in his palm, and he pushed it out. All the envelopes burned, and finally turned into a pile of ashes scattered at the door. He stepped on the ashes and walked into the study.

The Xia family was already empty, except for the breath of a few great elders, no half of a person could be seen.

"This group eats things inside and out!" Xia Xiao yelled, slapped angrily at the table top, and the whole table including the things on it instantly turned into powder.

"Patriarch, it's important to find a way to revive the Xia family now!" The Great Elder opened the door and walked in slowly, except for him, no one dared to come to Xia Xiao.

Even if his five-color pupil has been stripped, his strength can still sling everyone in the Xia family.

"Great Elder?" Xia Xia Xiao turned his head along the source of the sound.

"It's me." The elder nodded, and couldn't bear to see his current misery.

"In fact, they are not to blame. The good birds choose trees and live there. Now that most of the business of the Xia family has been taken away by the Nangong clan, we should find other ways to make the Xia family invincible again!"

Why doesn't Xia Xia Xiao understand this truth? It's just that he was the defeated general of the Nangong family, and everyone knew that the Xia family's status was long gone.

"Great Elder, it's my incompetence." Xia Xia Xiao sighed and frowned helplessly.

The great elder also sighed. They have been relying on Xia Xiao to support the entire Xia family for a long time. The strong family business has made the younger generation not enterprising, and like to rely on foreign objects to practice.

The high-tech products that once made them proud, they did not expect to be so defeated in the face of the ancient techniques of the Nangong clan, whether it was the Great Elder or Xia Xiao, both had the same idea.

"If you want to rejuvenate the Xia family, there is only one way to change the cultivation method, and you should abandon the habit of relying on foreign objects for cultivation." Xia Xiao said. Although he didn't want to admit that the Nangong clan was better than him, the defeat was a fact. .

"If you had this idea, the Xia family wouldn't have fallen to this point!" Xue Qianqiu's voice sounded outside.

Xia Xiao and the Great Elder were shocked, and quickly went out to meet them.

In the past, the Xia family could still sit in the study and wait for Xue Qianqiu to come home, but now the Xia family can only bow down respectfully.

"City Lord."

"Get up." Xue Qianqiu landed on the ground, watching the embarrassed Xia Xiao Xiao's eyes flashed with strangeness.

"Yes." Xia Xia Xiao slowly got up and stood aside respectfully.

Xue Qianqiu walked straight in, sat on the main seat, and looked at Xiaxia Xiao, "Xiaxia Xiao, do you know you made a big mistake?"

"City Lord, Patriarch is also because of..."

"I admit my mistake and I am willing to accept any punishment." The great elder wanted to explain for him, but Xia Xiao was willing to be punished. He didn't want to say any more, and could only pray in his heart that Xue Qianqiu's punishment would be lighter.

The family had already been left around, and the remaining small business could hardly maintain the normal expenses of the Xia family. If Xue Qianqiu issued a heavy punishment, then their entire Xia family would be completely finished.

Even if the great elder was dissatisfied with Xia Xiao on weekdays, but now the two of them are grasshoppers tied to a rope, and neither of them can be alone.

"When Xia Qingyi and Xia Qingtian were defeated in two provocations, if you had such a humble attitude, you wouldn't be where you are now." Xue Qianqiu said, he knew that this sentence was all words, but if you wanted to If the Xia family was asked to examine the mistakes and reinvigorate themselves, the harder the words, the more useful.

"The Xia family has a great advantage over the Nangong clan. You have absorbed all the advanced high-tech products. It stands to reason that the Nangong clan has no room to fight back. Do you know why you were defeated?"

"I would also like to ask the city lord for advice." Xia Xiao now looks like a different person than before, humble and polite, respectful and generous.

"Because your Xia family's morale is not right! You Xia Xiao has set an example of arrogance, and the younger generation of the entire Xia family has done a good job of doing things!"

"It's as if your strength represents their strength. As everyone knows, apart from you, there is no one in the Xia family who is dedicated to cultivating!" Xue Qianqiu shouted, even if the elder stood beside him, he was not merciful at all.

Xia Xiao has been supporting the parasites of the Xia family for too long, hiding behind Xia Xiao for so long that he forgot to practice the original path.

Cultivate physique first, then practice exercises.

No matter which of the two, the younger generation of the Xia family didn't catch it, only thinking about reaching the sky with foreign objects.

The stable life passed for a long time, so that they did not deeply realize their backwardness.

"The young generations of the Nangong clan are devoted to cultivation and have a good foundation. They have been fighting steadily since they can remember. How do you think Xia Qingyi and Xia Qingtian, who are panicked all day long, will fight against them?"

"Winning or losing is only a moment of time, but the impact on the entire Xia family is inevitable in the long run."

"You look at the current Xia family and you know what to do."

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