I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 921: Enmity

Xue Qianqiu's words and sentences fell in Xia Xiao's ears, and his deep voice hit his heart like a Sanskrit sound. It would not dissipate in Xia Xiao's mind for a long time, and it kept echoing.

If it weren't for the overall situation of the entire Upper Three Cities, with Xue Qianqiu's status, it would be impossible to say this to the current Xia clan, Xia Xiaoxiao and others, and it would be impossible to guide Xia Xiao to reorganize the atmosphere of the clan.

"Xuecheng Master said in one word, from now on Xia must rectify the clan style, and will not let down the kindness of the city owner!" Xia Xiao hesitated, and immediately nodded towards Xue Qianqiu, and bowed his hand in a bow.

Xue Qianqiu nodded, "Well, I have found the Nangong Patriarch to discuss the properties that your Xia clan has flowed out. Half of it will be returned to you, and the other half will be treated as compensation for the impact on the Nangong clan during this period. Right."

Listening to Xue Qianqiu’s words, Xia Xia Xiao’s figure clearly stopped, his face was solemn, and he let out a long sigh of relief. Without Xue Qianqiu as a lobbyist, the Nangong clan would have to make concessions. Even if his strength is no longer the same Strong, can't reorganize the Xia clan under the eyes of the other three families.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for your kindness to the reconstruction of my Xia family. I dare not forget Xia Xiao in this life, but I can only serve you!" Xia Xiao said overjoyed and said loudly.

"It doesn't have to be the case. As the current mayor of the Upper Three Cities, I just hope that the Upper Three Cities will get better and better in my hands, with fewer disputes." Xue Qianqiu brushed his sleeves and looked at Xia Xiao's appearance. A smile appeared on his face, and he nodded slightly before turning to leave.

"Send Lord City Lord!" Seeing Xue Qianqiu's back, Xia Xiao yelled slightly, arching his hands.

The great elder who had been silently staying aside, waited until Xue Qianqiu left, a glimmer of brilliance flashed through the depths of his eyes, calmed down, and walked to the front of Xia Xiaoxiao.

"Patriarch, I didn't expect that Snow City Lord would actually intervene in the affairs between us and the Nangong clan, could it be..."

Xia Xiaoxiao stood with his hands on his hands, and the two voids above his face made people feel a little frightened. The eyebrows were slightly raised, and he savored the words Xue Qianqiu had said before.

"Huh, old fox, it's nothing more than afraid that the affairs between our Xia family and Nangong will be too loud, and that it will shake his position as mayor." Xia Xiao snorted and brushed his sleeves, which was invisible. The coercion radiated from the whole body, fleeting.

The great elder standing behind him changed slightly and his eyes were strange, but he did not refute Xia Xiao's words.

"However, Xue Qianqiu's doing this is also beneficial to the Xia family, at least allowing the Nangong family to surrender half of the property they have recently acquired." The corner of Xia Xiao's mouth gradually evoked an imperceptible arc, and his lips moved slightly.

Perhaps Xue Qianqiu did these things just to reduce the fighting between the Nangong clan and the Xia clan, and to restore the peace of the Shangsan City. However, in the eyes of outsiders, Xue Qianqiu was clearly protecting the Xia clan this time.

After the words fell, Xia Xia Xiao stretched out his hands, touched the void of the eye hole that had lost his pupils, and felt the feeling of nothingness from his fingertips. Xia Xiao's heart rose with a ruthlessness, and his fists gradually clenched and tightened.

"Patriarch, let's..." Looking at Xia Xiao's back, the elder was slightly taken aback, and a bad feeling came into his heart, and he asked softly.

"Anyway, my Xiaxia Xiao and the Nangong clan must be incompatible with fire and water. I will take revenge for my eyes, and I will avenge my Xia Xiao!" Xiaxia Xiao slowly turned around, his lips moved slightly, and gave out a sneer.

The great elder was taken aback for a moment. With the only strength and background left in the Xia family, it would be whimsical to fight the Nangong clan, but if Xue Qianqiu stood by them, perhaps things could turn around.

After thinking for a while, the elder slowly raised his head, walked to the front of Xia Xiaoxiao, and whispered in his ear.

Suning looked at the few Haoyuan Pulse Protecting Pills floating in his hand, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked an arc, and immediately took out a jade bottle from the bracelet, and controlled the power of God to protect Hao Yuan. Maidan was sent into the jade bottle.

"Suning, are you okay!" Jiang Bailin asked through the door with a slightly frowned eyebrow, seeming to feel the fluctuation of the huge divine power coming from the room.

"It's okay, I'm starting to absorb the pill, Bailin, and I'll leave it to you two outside." Suning held the Haoyuan Vessel Protection Pill and heard Jiang Bailin's voice and immediately responded.

The damage to the meridians in the body caused the spiritual source to flow in the body not smoothly, and the whole body gradually began to feel a little painful sensation, and Suning's complexion gradually turned pale.

Suning sat cross-legged and put the pill in his hand into his mouth. After the pill was submerged in his abdomen, it turned into a gentle and surging medicinal power, which instantly filled his entire body and drifted through the meridians of the limbs. .

When the power of the medicine dissipated and filled the whole body, Suning only felt that the slight pain everywhere in the body disappeared. Instead, it was an extremely comfortable feeling. The pores all over his body seemed to be relaxed. A faint medicinal fragrance radiated from the pores.

Time does not wait, Suning immediately mobilized the spiritual source power in the body, and the wisps of spiritual source began to dissociate along the meridians following the direction of the flow of the medicine. Under the action of the medicine, a light milky white mist appeared on the partially damaged meridians. After dissipating, the meridians will return to normal, even more tenacious than before.

With the repair of the meridians in the body, Suning's pale complexion gradually improved, his lips gradually became bloody, and a turbid air spurted out of his mouth while he was vomiting.

"This Haoyuan Pulse Protecting Pill is really extraordinary, and now there are only two blocked meridians." With a move of his wrist, Suning took out a Haoyuan Pulse Protecting Pill again from the jade bottle and swallowed it.

Under the action of the medicinal power of the Haoyuan Humai Pill, Suning's mind sank, controlling the strands of spiritual power in his body, and began to unblock the blocked meridians, and bursts of intense pain emanated from it, like a needle stick.

On Suning's forehead, a little bit of cold sweat gradually leaked from the pores, and the expression on his face became a little distorted, and his figure also shuddered, which seemed very painful.

In the courtyard, under the gaze of Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe, Nangong Ruining and Nangong Yeliang slowly descended and stepped into their sight.

When he was at the Nandou venue earlier, Jiang Bailin had already seen Nangong Ruining, and his impression was not very good. Looking at his figure, Jiang Bailin's eyebrows were slightly raised, seemingly unwelcome.

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