I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 923: lesson

Jiang Bailin looked at Nangong Ruining standing in front of Jun Xinghe, a touch of sympathy gradually appeared on his face, he sighed slightly, and then slowly sat on the stone chair.

"Xinghe, this person is the second son of the Nangong clan. You can start with a gentle touch, otherwise they will have no face to see people." Jiang Bailin's mouth gradually conjured a curve, and said softly towards Jun Xinghe.

As soon as the voice fell, Jun Xinghe took a meal and rose into the air. There was an extremely violent power in his fists, and he attacked Nangong Ruining.

Although the ancient Qilin tribe is not in this world, in the heart of Jun Xinghe, the ancient Qilin tribe is countless times better than the Nangong tribe, and it is impossible for others to be so insulted.


When Jun Xinghe's fists approached, Nangong Ruining's wrist moved slightly, and a barrier appeared around him, wrapping it in, and his fists bombarded the barrier with a loud noise.

Jun Xinghe's figure receded, feeling the tingling sensation from the mouth of both fists and tigers, and the expression on his face gradually became a little serious.


The sharp sound of the door opening reached everyone's ears, and Suning slowly walked out of the room, looking at the few people in the courtyard with a smile on his face.

"Isn't this Brother Ruining? What's wrong? This is, yo, that's not Brother Ruining's attendant?" Suning walked slowly into the courtyard, looking at Nangong Yeliang who was stuck in the wall, his lips moved slightly, and he whispered softly. Tao.

Looking at Suning's figure, Jiang Bailin's eyebrows frowned, he was very worried about Suning's injury, and his deep eyes were staring at Suning.

"White Phosphorus, Xinghe, didn't you say that I should have a good rest? Why are you fighting?" Suning slowly turned around, a smile appeared on his face.

Nangong Ruining turned around slowly, watching a glimmer of brilliance flash in Suning's eyes, she was a little puzzled, didn't it mean that Suning was injured? Looks like this, it doesn't look like an injury.

"Hehe, I heard that Mr. Su was injured in front of the Guiyuan Hall yesterday, so I thought about coming to see Mr. Su, but in this way, Mr. Su should be fine." A smile appeared on Nangong Ruining's face. Gradually emerged.

"Thank you, Brother Ruining, for your kindness. Brother Gan and Ling Qing have come to visit, Brother Ruining can rest assured." Suning stood with his hand holding his hand, staring at Nangong Ruining with a smile on his face.

"It seems that I have been thinking too much. Since Mr. Su is in good health, then I am relieved, but..." Nangong Ruining said with a smile, and then left Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe aside.

"Hehe, if it wasn't for Brother Ruining's subordinates to speak badly, how could Brother Xinghe fight against you? Let me say, Brother Ruining still can't be too humble. When you look back, you should take care of your subordinates so as not to get worse. Rules."

Seeing Nangong Ruining's eyes, Suning naturally knew what he wanted to say, and immediately rolled his eyes, sitting next to Jiang Bailin, and said softly.

Listening to Suning’s words, Nangong Ruining’s figure was slightly taken aback, and an imperceptible cold light flashed in the depths of her eyes, and she forcibly resisted the anger in her heart, "It’s because I am not strict in discipline. Since Mr. Su is fine, then I I feel relieved. As for how to discipline the people below, Mr. Rausu won't bother."

As the words fell, Nangong Ruining slowly turned around and glanced at Nangong Yeliang who was stuck in the wall. The expression on his face gradually changed to a little hard to look. He brushed his sleeves and left under the gaze of the three.

"Suning, the injury in your body..." Jiang Bailin asked with a frown, a worried look on his face, staring at Suning.

Su Ning slowly turned her head, looked at Jiang Bailin with a smile, and said softly: "Don't worry, there is Haoyuan Maimai Pill, the damage on my meridian is almost healed."

"There are frequent incidents among the Nangong clan right now, and there has just been a conflict with Nangong Ruining. It is estimated that our future will not be too easy." Suning shook his head slightly, and said softly.

Listening to Suning’s words, both Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe had slightly frowned eyebrows, and the expressions on their faces gradually changed, seeming to be a little dignified. After all, now in the Nangong clan, if someone really wants to find them. Trouble, I'm afraid I can't stand it.

"Hey, I was here to relax, but I got into such a big trouble with the Xia family."

"Suning, don't forget, this place you are, but the Nangong clan, even if they are subordinates, they are all belonging to the Nangong clan." Nangong Ruining's figure has long disappeared, and he is heard in the air. sound.

Suning and Jun Xinghe looked at each other and cursed in a low voice, "I didn't expect that there are such people in the Nangong clan!"

"Isn't it? Let the subordinates come over to provoke first, saying that it doesn't matter, and secretly reminding us not to forget that this is the Nangong clan."

Although the two of Suning were very angry, they had to admit that there was nothing wrong with Nangong Ruining's words.

This is indeed the territory of the Nangong clan. As foreign guests, it is not easy for them to cause trouble.

Even if they are reasonable, after countless individual mouths, who can guarantee that this matter is still the same.

Rumors and rumors are most condemning.

Suning had no choice but to put people down and go back, sitting in the room and chatting with Jun Xinghe.

After about half an hour, Nangong Ruining dragged down and sent a letter without any writing on the envelope.

Suning took the envelope suspiciously, and the person who came to deliver the letter left without saying anything.

"The only thing is that I do not control the people well, but the family motto of the Nangong clan has been to treat people with courtesy since ancient times. You can't let foreign guests suffer any grievances. If my subordinates are punished by you, then the Nangong clan may meet Misunderstood you."

"So I have already punished them well for you. In order to apologize, I have booked a private room in Linxian Pavilion. I also invite Mr. Su to go."

Suning finished reading the content of the letter, and looked at Jun Xinghe even more puzzled.

"What the hell... what do you mean? Slap us and give us another candy?"

"Heh. Take a closer look at this letter, this candy is still for you alone, I'd better go back to my room to sleep!" Jun Xinghe said leisurely.

I don't know why, he always has a kind of hostility towards this Nangong Ruining. On the surface, it will always be light and windy, but who can tell how much bad water is hidden in his heart.

With a puzzled mood, Suning went to Linxian Pavilion alone.

Linxian Pavilion is adjacent to Liuxiangfang, Linxian Pavilion is the best hotel, and Liuxiangfang is the best gentle town.

When entering Linxian Pavilion, Suning glanced at the door of Liuxiangfang. The coquettish and beautiful woman was holding a silk scarf and handkerchief to attract guests. The strong smell of perfume and rouge drifted to the tip of his nose, and she couldn't help but sneezed. The woman at the door laughed.

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