I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 924: Scheming

In the laughter of the women in Liuxiangfang, Suning walked quickly into Linxian Pavilion and found the private room of Nangong Ruining.

Nangong Ruining was sitting in the private room and saw Suning smile slightly, "Mr. Su, please sit down."

Suning hesitated, how he felt like a lamb to be slaughtered, as if caught in a trap, he always felt something was wrong.

"Mr. Su?" Nangong Ruining shouted again, interrupting Suning's thoughts.

"For today's matter, please don't take Mr. Su's heart to heart. I have already picked out the immortal roots of those ignorant servants and expelled them from the Nangong clan."

When the voice fell, Suning felt a bit chilly in the vest. If he had known that Nangong Ruining would be such a heavy hand on these people, he would not let them go back.

I originally thought that Nangong Ruining was trying to protect his subordinates, but he didn't expect it to be heavier punishment.

"What's the matter? Mr. Su, I see you in a trance." Nangong Ruining asked knowingly.

Suning twitched the corners of her mouth and said sternly, "It's okay, it just suddenly remembered something. In fact, you don't need to invite me to dinner. I have no right to ask how you discipline the subordinates of the Nangong clan.

Up to now, the only way to clear this relationship is as clean as possible. Who knows, after Nangong Ruining returns, will he say that it is because he punished these two subordinates so severely.

After a meal, Nangong Ruining always poured Suning wine intentionally or unintentionally, one cup after another, even if she was not drunk, she almost vomited.

Suning has always been drinking enough, but after only a dozen drinks today, I feel a little groggy.

He used his spiritual power to force out all the wine he had just drunk, and a pool of water stains appeared on the ground instantly.

Nangong Ruining glanced at the water stains on the ground from the corner of his eyes, and an imperceptible smile flashed under his eyes.

This wine has long been smashed by it. It is colorless and tasteless, and even a strong person with high spiritual power can't detect it.

Ordinary people will only feel drunk more violently than before and will not think too much about it, but they will be cautious and careful like Suning, they will definitely use their spiritual power to force the wine out.

The most powerful part of Gu Soul Powder is here, the spirit beast master who has spiritual power and urges spiritual power to force the wine out, in this process, will all the Gu Soul Powder into the blood and be absorbed by the body.

At most one minute, you will fall to the ground and fall asleep.

Nangong Ruining looked at Suning's groggy look, counted the time in her heart, quietly waiting for Suning to fall to the ground.


Suning poured one head on the table and shattered the wine glass on the table.

"Not bad, I actually insisted on it for nearly two minutes." Nangong Ruining said with a smile, looking at Suning's eyes with a little more playfulness.

The next thing is completely under his control.

Suning, Suning, just because you are worthy to attract Nangong Tongyun's attention? I'm going to let you taste the taste of this casual showy!

Until the night, Suning was still awake, but his consciousness was very clear. Since Nangong Ruining became drunk, he realized that he had been fooled.

But the body has long been out of his control. The more he uses his spiritual power, the weaker his body becomes.

At this moment, the Nangong clan has set off a great storm.

A group of people were in the Guiyuan Hall. Nangong Ruining stood to report, pretending to be ashamed and willing to be punished.

"To the Patriarch, today Mr. Su had a conflict with several of my servants. Mr. Su felt quite resentful in his heart. In order to apologize, I specially set a private room in Linxian Pavilion. I didn't expect..."

Jun Xinghe and Jiang Bailin were also here. Hearing Nangong Ruining's statement, Jiang Bailin asked in a slightly puzzled voice, "Is what he said is true? Suning doesn't have such a big temper, right?"

"How is it possible! Please eat dinner because his servant offended us, but he didn't let us be punished, so he sent a letter specifically saying that he would apologize. What he said now made everyone feel bad. I think Suning is a very small-minded person, and he has to invite dinner to let him go!" Jun Xinghe complained.

He immediately didn't have any good feelings for Nangong Ruining, and a little admired his methods.

Even Jiang Bailin had doubts about Suning, let alone people who didn't know Suning at all.

"There must be some misunderstanding, Suning is not such a stingy person."

"Qing'er, don't interrupt! Let him continue."

Nangong Ling Qing whimpered his lips and stepped aside.

Nangong Ruining continued, "Unexpectedly, after Mr. Su drank too much, he seemed to be a different person. He had to drag me to the Liuxiangfang next door. I tried my best to persuade him, but I couldn't stop him. "

"The family rules of the Nangong clan are very strict. I didn't dare to step into the fireworks field recklessly and say to wait for him outside."

"Mr. Su entered Liuxiangfang surrounded by a group of women, but I waited and waited until Mr. Su came out. After all, I invited Mr. Su to come for this meal. He hasn't come out now. I'm worried. What happened."

When the words fell, Nangong Ying was furious, and he was furious, "Absurd! Who didn't know that Suning was a guest of my Nangong family, and he would go to such a place to bluff!"

This momentum shocked Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe.

Jiang Bailin took a cold breath, "You won't be so angry, right?"

"This is an old family tycoon. Since ancient times, the family rules have been very strict. For ordinary people, it may be no problem, but it is intolerable for such things to happen in the Nangong family.

"After all, they are old antiques! It seems that this Nangong family can't stay any longer." Jun Xinghe vomited.

After listening to Nangong Ruining's words, Jun Xinghe had already guessed the general idea. Nangong Ruining planned this game deliberately. It is no wonder that Suning was only invited to the dinner. It turned out that this scene was set for him. .

There was only one purpose, and that was to get Suning to leave the Nangong house, but he couldn't figure out what was the purpose of Nangong Ruining in driving Suning out of the Nangong house.

At this moment, Nangong is burning with anger, even if Fan Shengyun is Suning's security, he does not want to keep Suning in the Nangong clan now.

Even if Nangong Lingqing wants to help Suning say something, she still knows the rules of the Nangong clan, and practitioners must not enter the fireworks field. This is the ancestral motto of the Nangong clan.

Nangong Tongyun stood beside him quietly, unable to see the expression in his eyes. Nangong Ruining glanced at her, but she did not see her mood swings.

When Suning woke up, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe were already waiting for him at the gate of Liuxiangfang.

"Why are you here?"

"It's hard to say, let's find a place to stay first."

Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe, you and I have a word to say, how vividly and vividly Nangong Ruining designed to frame Suning, I am amazed.

Unexpectedly, in such a decent family of the Nangong clan, there are still such black-bellied practitioners.

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