I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 925: Ancient incidents

Among the ancient Qilin tribe, because the great elder Jun Yuanhua decided to open the boundary marker, a storm was set off among the entire ancient tribe. Many people in the tribe were unwilling to open the boundary marker again, so they agreed to let Jiang Bailin and others temporarily It is precisely because of this that he left the ancient Kylin clan. Jun Yuanhua is worried that some people in the clan will start with Jiang Bailin because of this matter.

At the entrance of the boundary monument, the hot high temperature enveloped the world. A few people headed by the Great Elder Jun Yuanhua gathered here. The vast energy fluctuations continued to surge, and an indescribable sense of oppression filled the entire space. .

Above the huge altar in front of the boundary monument, with the divine power of Jun Yuanhua and others constantly pouring in, a faint brilliance appeared in it, looming, as time passed, everyone's foreheads were oozing cold sweat.


Jun Yuanhua opened his eyes, a ray of brilliance flashed in the depths of his eyes, and after looking at the two people around him, he at the same time retracted the divine source power that was instilled into the altar, and immediately heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Grand Elder, no, with the strength of the three of us, even if we can open the boundary marker, if the things inside run out again, how can we resist?"

"Yes, if you don't have complete assurance, this boundary monument still cannot be opened easily."


The voices of the two gradually rang and fell into the ears of the great elder Jun Yuanhua.

Jun Yuanhua slowly got up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and adjusted his state. "I know the danger. If we don't solve the problems in the boundary marker, I am afraid that the source stone that my ancient Qilin clan currently has cannot maintain these in the clan. For people's cultivation." Jun Yuanhua shook his head slightly, a helpless look appeared on his face.

On the square outside the main hall, hundreds of people, headed by Jun Mo Ke, were all opposed to Jun Yuanhua’s opening of the boundary monument. I don’t want the disaster that happened a thousand years ago to appear in the ancient Qilin tribe again. There are divergent opinions and a burst of noise. The sound rang above the square, resounding across the sky.

Jun Yuanhua and the other two elders were shaped like rainbows. They suddenly flew out from the direction where the altar of the ancient Qilin tribe was, and floated above the main hall square. Seeing the dense crowd under their feet, the expressions of the two elders gradually It became a little dignified.

"Elder, do my ancient Qilin tribe want to reproduce the tragic situation it was a thousand years ago!"

It seemed that he noticed the three Jun Yuanhua in the air. Jun Moke slowly rose into the sky, his clothes floated in the wind, and his low voice gradually sounded in the air.

"That's right, you are the great elder of our ancient Qilin tribe, don't you think about the development of our ancient tribe!"

"No matter what, I can't open the boundary monument again. My ancients finally got out of the shadows of the past and have the status quo now!"

"That's right, the boundary monument can't be opened, and the disaster of a thousand years ago can't be staged in our ancient Qilin tribe!"


On the square, as Jun Mo Ke's words fell, the people continued to make noises, and they were noisy for a while, all standing in opposition to Jun Yuanhua.

Hearing the words of the people in the square, even Jun Yuanhua could not help but his expression became a little dignified, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was a hint of impatientness in his eyes.

"Everyone, be quiet, and listen to the old man!"

In the face of so many people, Jun Yuanhua knew that force could not be used to solve this matter. Force could only make the current situation more out of control. He could only tell the status quo of the ancient Qilin people one by one so that everyone could understand what he did. importance.

"Quiet! Listen to what the great elder said!" Listening to the still noisy voice in the square, Jun Mo Ke frowned slightly, the expression on his face gradually changed, and he issued a stern shout towards the square below, the words fell, The voice gradually decreased and became quiet.

"You are all the old people of my ancient Qilin tribe. As the great elder of the ancient tribe, do you think that my Jun Yuanhua wants my ancient unicorn tribe to fall into a position of eternal immortality?"

"After incidents thousands of years ago, the ancients have developed into such a grand occasion. I, Jun Yuanhua, think that I have done enough for the ancients."

"Now I plan to open the boundary monument, but also to make my ancient Qilin tribe think about the future of my ancient Qilin tribe, and want my ancient unicorn tribe to be able to return to the grandeur of things at its peak!"

After everyone in the square calmed down, Jun Yuanhua kept his hands behind him, staring at hundreds of people headed by Jun Mo Ke with his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and immediately said, the old and heavy voice continued to sound in the air, directly hitting everyone Heart.

After the disaster a thousand years ago, Jun Yuanhua made this series of decisions in order to prevent the ancient Qilin tribe from being annexed by other forces. Only then did the ancient Qilin tribe have the current situation, and the talents can survive this steadily. Thousands of years.

Listening to Jun Yuanhua's voice, the hundreds of people on the square were a little speechless for a while, and the expression on their faces gradually became a little embarrassed.

"Elder Moko, even if these people are worthless, you should know."

"The reason why the ancient Qilin tribe can still practice in this space with a lack of spiritual sources is that it has been consuming the remaining source stones in our tribe, right?" Jun Yuanhua stared at the Jun in the sky with deep eyes Mo Ke, the old voice gradually sounded, directly hitting Jun Mo Ke's heart.

The expression on Jun Moke's face gradually changed, his clenched fists gradually unfolded, he shook his head helplessly, and then asked softly: "Yes, yes, it is indeed the source stone that has been consuming inventory, but this What does it have to do with opening the boundary monument!"

"In the past 100 years, have you ever checked all the current inventory, right? With the remaining stock of source stones in my clan, even if it saves some, it can only support my ancient clan for more than ten years. "Hearing Jun Moke's answer, Jun Yuanhua stroked his gray beard, frowned slightly, and said lightly.

The conversation between Jun Yuanhua and Jun Moke, hundreds of people in the square listened to their ears, cold in their hearts, and the expressions on their faces gradually became astonished. If it was really like what Jun Yuanhua said, then After more than ten years, the ancient Qilin tribe will completely fall into a state of exhaustion of their spiritual sources. This scene can hardly even be imagined.

"If we can't solve the problems in the boundary marker, how will the talents of my ancient race cultivate more than ten years later."

"If you don't have enough strength and foundation, have you ever thought about how my ancient Qilin tribe will return to this world and how to stand in this world?" Jun Yuanhua's words and sentences are like thunder, constantly hitting everyone. In the heart, completely defeated the only line of defense in their hearts.

The complexion of everyone in the square gradually changed, and strange brilliance gleamed in their eyes, and they all turned to Jun Yuanhua's camp, all uttering a voice supporting him to open the boundary monument.

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