I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 928: Framed (Part 2)

Although Xia Xia Xiao was stripped of his pupils in the Nangong clan and suffered heavy injuries, it was because of his spirit treasure that changed this way. With Xia Xiao's temperament, I am afraid that what plans are currently being brewed.

Nangong Xun, Nangong Jin, Nangong Tongyun and others walked out of the hall in front of the Nangong Clan’s Guiyuan Hall. After listening to Nangong Yin’s punishment of Suning, Nangong Xun and Nangong Lingqing looked on their faces. There seemed to be some changes, and they knew in their hearts that it would be impossible for Suning to do such a thing.

While in the main hall, Nangong Ruining has always tried to expel Suning from the Nangong clan, and has no concerns about the benefits Suning will bring to the Nangong clan. From a single point of view, Nangong Lingqing, Nangong Xun and others No matter how stupid it was, it would have occurred to him that this matter had a great relationship with Nangong Ruining.

"Hey, I really didn't expect Mr. Su to look like this after drinking. It's a shame that you and Elder Xun Tongyun specially went to visit him before." Nangong Ruining hurried to catch up with Nangong Tongyun, beside her. There was a whisper.

Hearing the voice coming from beside him, Nangong Tongyun didn't stop. There was still a cold and arrogant expression on his face. He didn't even look at Nangong Ruining, as if he didn't exist at all.

"Heh, the second brother is really a good method. I really didn't expect that after so many years, you still haven't changed at all!" It seems that after hearing Nangong Ruining's words, Nangong Lingqing held the folding fan in his hand, strong Enduring the anger in my heart, a sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, glanced at Nangong Ruining, and said softly.

"Third brother, what do you mean, do you think I caused this incident?"

"Yes, this matter has an inseparable connection to me. I also admit that I did something wrong. I should desperately stop Mr. Su at that time, and shouldn't let him go to such a place to mess around and cause trouble. Such a thing."

Nangong Ruining was taken aback for a moment, with a shocked expression on her face, slowly turned around, staring at Nangong Lingqing's pupils, and her lips were slightly opened.

"You!" Hearing Nangong Ruining's words, he didn't give him a chance to refute. Nangong Lingqing held a cloud of anger in her heart and nowhere to express it, and the nameless flame in her eyes seemed to grow a little bit stronger.

"My third brother, if Mr. Su is upright, how could he go to such a place? If it is true, even if I don't stop him, I will not have such an incident."

"I know that you and Mr. Su are still dating. With your temperament, I am afraid that he has been deceived by him. My father is right. You, don't walk too close to him, lest you do anything wrong in the future. Things that are beneficial to the Nangong clan, even if it is the second brother, I will not be able to intercede for you.” Nangong Ruining pretended to have a regretful expression on his face, shook his head slightly, and softly persuaded Nangong Lingqing.

"Elder Tongyun, you go to prepare and contact the major media in the three cities. I want to make a public announcement to quell the negative impact of this incident on our Nangong clan!" Nangong Ruining and Nangong Lingqing quarreled On the occasion, Nangong Ying walked out of the Guiyuan Hall with his hand in his hand and said softly.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Nangong Tongyun slowly turned around, arched his hand toward Nangong Ying, and immediately halted his figure, and the sword rose, turning into a stream of light and fleeing away.

"And you, Qing'er, your second brother is right. I'm afraid we were all deceived by Suning before. This person's disposition is elusive, so you still don't want to interact with him."

Seeing the distant figure of Nangong Tongyun, Nangong Yong walked slowly to Nangong Ruining and Nangong Lingqing, looked at them, and said softly.

Nangong Jin and Nangong Xun are both old foxes who have lived for hundreds of years. The situation now shows that this incident was planned by Nangong Ruining and used to target Suning. However, the attitude of Nangong Huang now makes the two of them. Have to bury these things in my heart.

"Qing'er, the owner of the family is right, let's less contact Suning in the future."

Looking at the expression on Nangong Lingqing’s face, Nangong Xun was deeply afraid that he would face Nangong Jing again at this time, and would be punished by the family rules at that time. Even if he wanted to help Suning clarify, there was no one, so he moved forward slowly. , Put one hand on Nangong Ling Qing's shoulder, softly persuaded.

Listening to the words in Nangong Xun's mouth, Nangong Ying's complexion changed slightly, and he returned to normal in an instant. He nodded slightly towards Nangong Xun and Nangong Lingqing, even if he turned and left, to prepare the required information for the announcement.

Looking at the hostile expression on Nangong Lingqing’s face, Nangong Ruining can think of how unhappy he is in his heart, but the more unhappy he is, the happier Nangong Ruining's heart is. It seems that since he was a child, he has not been affected by Nangong. Favorite.

"The two elders and the third brother, I still have some things in my hands, so I won't delay here." Nangong Ruining's mouth gradually conjured up an imperceptible arc, and whispered towards Nangong Lingqing and his party. It turned into a rainbow light and went away.

In front of the Guiyuan Hall, Nangong Lingqing looked at the distant figure of Nangong Ruining, gritted his teeth, and made a noise. The force of holding the folding fan in both hands became stronger and stronger, making the hands appear purple.

"Qing'er, your second uncle and I are not old-fashioned things. Naturally, we can see this kind of thing very clearly, but now the owner of the family has determined that even if we say more, it will not have any effect, you...understand? "

Seeing Nangong Ling Qing's appearance, Nangong Jin shook his head slightly, with a look of helplessness on his face, slowly walked to his side and said softly.

"Qing'er, the great elder is right. The most important thing at the moment is not to vouch for Suning, but to prove Suning's innocence." Nangong Xun continued Nangong Jin's words, his eyebrows frowned, expression Some dignified.

Listening to the words of Nangong Jin and Nangong Xun, Nangong Lingqing breathed a long sigh of relief, knowing in her heart that this is not when she is fighting against Nangong Ruining. As long as he can find evidence that Suning is framed, he will naturally. Ended accordingly.

"Elder, second uncle, what you are talking about is that we have no news so far. We only know that Mr. Su appeared in the Liuxiangfang in the end. How should we investigate this?"

Nangong Ling Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in her eyes, looking at Nangong Jin and Nangong Xun in front of her, her lips moved slightly, and she spoke softly.

As long as we can find out where Nangong Ruining and his people have been recently, we can definitely find some clues.

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