I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 929: Humiliation

"It's okay. It's definitely not convenient for us to check in Liuxiangfang. Let's start with Nangong Ruining. See where he and his men have been in the past two days. Maybe there are some clues." Nangong Xun Shan Shaving his sleeves, his eyes looked in the direction of Nangong Ruining Mansion, and a touch of color flashed through the depths of his eyes.

After the three people discussed in front of the Guiyuan Hall, they turned into three streams of light and fleeed away, letting Nangong Ling Qing secretly search for relevant clues about this matter.

As soon as Nangong Tongyun returned to the Huaxu Pavilion, he began to prepare a series of materials that Nangong Jing needed. In the courtyard, a group of servants came and went, holding different materials in their hands and sent them to her room. .

Soon after, Nangong Ruining's figure slowly fell in front of Huaxu Pavilion, looking at the three big golden characters on the plaque, a strange brilliance flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Second son."

When the busy people in the courtyard saw Nangong Ruining's figure, their expressions were slightly taken aback, and out of etiquette, they whispered to Nangong Ruining.

"Well, is Elder Tongyun here?" Nangong Ruining waved his hand slightly, and immediately stopped a maid who was about to send documents in, and asked with a smile.

"Second son, the master is sorting out the information, if you have something, please wait until the master is finished before talking with him." The maid was taken aback, with a smile on her face, and she turned towards Nangong Ruining. Said softly.

The entire Nangong clan basically knows that Nangong Ruining likes Nangong Tongyun, especially the people in Huaxu Pavilion. Perhaps it is because of Nangong Tongyun, but Nangong Ruining doesn't seem to like it that much.

Listening to the maid’s words, Nangong Ruining knew what she meant, nothing more than saying that Huaxuge did not welcome him, and immediately smiled on his face, took the information from the maid’s hand, and whispered: “I’ll give this information to Tong Yun Elders are fine."

Seeing Nangong Ruining's behavior, the maid's figure was taken aback, and her face seemed to be a little unhappy, but the blockade had no effect.

"Elder Tongyun, second son, he..." The maid followed Nangong Ruining into the room and whispered towards Nangong Tongyun, a little timid.

"It's okay, you can go down first." Nangong Tongyun didn't show a trace of expression on his face, he immersed himself in sorting out the dense files on the table, and said softly.

"Huo, with so many documents, why don't you let me help, or share some pressure for you." Looking at the file in front of Nangong Tongyun, Nangong Ruining said with a smile.

Hearing Nangong Ruining's voice, Nangong Tongyun's eyebrows frowned slightly, and a look of dissatisfaction flashed across her face, and then slowly got up, staring at Nangong Ruining in front of her, her lips slightly opened, "No need! Please go back. !"

After the words fell, Nangong Tongyun slowly sat down and continued to sort out the information in front of him. After all, these were all things Nangong Jing pointed out and needed to be sorted out.

"Haha, Elder Tongyun is still as usual, how can you find a suitable Ruyi Langjun like this?"

"Anyway, I don't have anything to do here, so I will help you organize it together. After finishing it earlier, you can also relax earlier."

Nangong Ruining's figure was taken aback for a moment, and then she whispered softly, the words fell, and she put the materials in her hand on Nangong Tongyun's table, and was about to walk next to Nangong Tongyun.

Nangong Tongyun's complexion slightly condensed, and his eyebrows frowned. An invisible sense of oppression radiated from his body and enveloped the entire room, with a sense of disgust flashing in his eyes.

"The second son's good intentions are appreciated by my heart, but this is my Huaxu Pavilion, not your Yuxu Pavilion. You are not allowed to be presumptuous here."

"I also ask the second son to stop disturbing me. These things are the chief of the family. If there is any mistake, you, I can't bear the consequences!"

Even though they are both gods, the invisible sense of oppression that Nangong Tongyun exudes still makes Nangong Ruining a little unbearable, and the expression on his face gradually changes.

"Hehe, Elder Tong Yun doesn't have to be angry, if that's the case, then I just leave." Nangong Rui Ning forced a smile and whispered towards Nangong Tongyun.

After the words fell, Nangong Ruining slowly walked out of the room under Nangong Tongyun's gaze, and the expression on his face gradually became a little gloomy.

Outside the door, more than a dozen maids were surrounded by the door, always paying attention to the movement in the room. Watching Nangong Ruining walk out of the room embarrassedly, everyone's faces flashed across the room. Weird look.

"What do you look at! Are you all right to do it!" Seeing the strange look of the maid around, Nangong Ruining's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the look on his face became more gloomy, and he screamed.

"Second Young Master, this is my Huaxu Pavilion! My people have my own responsibility, so you don't have to do your own hands with Second Young Master!" As if to hear the voice coming from outside the room, an invisible pressure slowly came from the room Stretching out, accompanied by Nangong Tongyun's sharp shout.

Nangong Ruining's complexion became more and more gloomy, she tidied her clothes, and walked out of Huaxu Pavilion under the gaze of everyone. Standing under the plaque, she slowly turned her head and glanced at the scene in the pavilion, and the corners of her mouth gradually raised The weird arc.

"Nangong Tongyun, heh, one day, labor and management will let you take the initiative to roll in front of me! You must taste these humiliations!" Nangong Ruining dusted her sleeves, her lips moved slightly, her mouth Muttered softly, the words fell, Xuan even turned and left.


A newly recruited housekeeper walked into the house with steady steps. Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao was busy, he just yelled softly, not daring to disturb him easily.

Recently, the Xia family has recruited a new batch of new people. Even though the number is less than half of the previous Xia family, all of them are well-paid and attractive.

No one on the lips dared to come to the Xia family, until a few sparse people took the lead, and many people began to sign up, wanting to enter the Xia family to do things.

But Xia Xia Xiao has already given the order to die, this time he wants to rectify the Xia family from the inside out, starting from the bottom people.

He no longer needs many subordinates, but each one must ensure the quality, and he also issued an announcement that subordinates can also practice.

There are not many capable people, this is a summary of Xiao Xia's reading these days.

The housekeeper in front of him was named Xinlongtang, who was the first to enter the Xia family. Xia Xiao admired his courage and directly promoted him to be the housekeeper of the Xia family, and followed him to get in touch with the affairs of the Xia family.

Xin Takitang did not disappoint, and quickly became familiar with the Xia family's needs, and handled them with ease.

The superior courage and calm style of doing things make Xia Xiao especially fond and respectful.

"What's the matter?" Xia Xiaoxiao asked casually without lifting his head.

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