I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 931: Threatening

Suning, Jiang Bailin, and Jun Xinghe were all puzzled in their hearts. They didn’t know that Xia Zhenneng could find their place so quickly. It was unexpected that the Xia clan still had so many gods. The strong, follow Xia Zhen's side.

If it is a holy step, with the strength of three people, he can barely fight a battle, but now Xia Zhen and a few holy steps personally lead the team, more than dozens of holy step experts have followed and started to fight them. Surrounded.

"Suning, I want to see how you run today!" The expression on Xia Zhen's face gradually changed, and the corner of his mouth seemed to have a proud arc appearing in it, and the contemptuous voice continued to echo in the room.

"Haha, could it be that you have forgotten who hurt your Patriarch? If it weren't for the teacher's presence, do you think our senior brothers would stay here safely and let you lead someone to besiege?" Seeing more and more people around you A bad feeling arose in Suning's heart, and immediately turned his eyes and opened his lips slightly, concocting an unnecessary existence to scare Xia Zhenzhen.

Hearing the words in Suning’s mouth, not only Xia Zhen and others, but even Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe’s faces flashed a surprised expression. He immediately thought about it and cooperated with Suning to perform the scene. .

"Suning, didn't the teacher say that, let me wait not to reveal his whereabouts." Jiang Bailin's eyes looked around the surrounding figures, and the corners of his mouth immediately evoked an arc of disdain, and his voice gradually sounded.

The words of Suning and Jiang Bailin fell in Xia Zhen’s ears, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart. Although the pupils were deprived, the expressions of Suning and Jiang Bailin in their divine consciousness also It made him think about it. He was easily defeated by Fan Shengyun in the Nangong clan, and the incident of capturing the pupils is vivid.

"Hmph, Suning, don't pretend, if the teacher you mentioned was present, I'm afraid I would have come out to rescue you already, and let you fall into our hands?" The second elder of the Xia clan stood with his hands. Slowly walked out from behind Xia Zhen, staring at Suning and Jiang Bailin's group indifferently.

Listening to the words of the second elder, Suning, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe all had slightly frowned eyebrows, and the expressions on their faces gradually became serious. How could these old foxes who have lived for hundreds of years believe what they said.

Besides, there are not only one or two gods standing in front of them, even if the teacher Suning said exists, and around here, with the number of gods they brought, they can completely suppress it. Living with the teacher mentioned by Suning, it is impossible for him to stand up and escape.

"How can this old immortal be so cunning!" Suning's lips moved slightly, and there was a low voice in his mouth, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

"Suning, what should we do now? It is estimated that we can't deceive them all the time. This old thing hasn't been done now, and it is probably a little jealous. If we delay it a little longer, I'm afraid we will really have no chance to escape!" Jiang Bailin After a while, he whispered in Suning's ear to analyze the current situation.

Listening to Jiang Bailin’s words, Suning’s heart mentioned his throat. If there were no such powerful gods, Suning could take Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe to hide directly in the purple-marked glass tower, but now Several god-level powerhouses surround them, even if there is a little spatial fluctuation, the other party will probably block the space directly, and then not only them, but Feng Lingyue will be exposed.

Suning looked dignifiedly at the people around him, seeming to be looking for a suitable breakthrough, secretly stimulating the spiritual power in the body with all his strength, and a strange brilliance flashed in the depths of her eyes.

On Xia Zhen’s face, a solemn expression gradually appeared in it. Everyone present, except him, knew the horror of Fan Shengyun. Even Xia Xiao couldn’t notice it without losing his pupils. The breath of Fan Shengyun, let alone these people in the field.

"Don't act rashly. If what this kid said is true, I'm afraid that people like us can't stop them!" After thinking for a while, Xia Xia trembles his lips and said softly.

Listening to Xia Zhen’s words, the expressions on the faces of the second elders and several other gods standing around gradually became a little dignified. If even Xia Zhen said this, then the teacher Suning and the others said. , How terrifying the strength is.

Seeing the changes in the expressions on the faces of the people around, the eyebrows of Suning, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe gradually eased. As long as they still have some fear in their hearts, the Suning trio still have a chance to find flaws and break through. Their encirclement.

"Haha, Xia Zhen, if you still want to make your body lack any parts, you can shoot to the three of our brothers, you can give it a try, today, can the three of our brothers be safe from your hands? Go." Suning's mouth evokes an arc of disdain, and his eyes are staring at the several god-level powerhouses surrounding them, the expression on his face is extremely confident.

While Suning was delaying time, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe looked around, constantly analyzing where to break through the most appropriate place, and could escape their control as quickly as possible.

"Suning, I found it. So far, no other god-level powerhouses have been found. The only ones who should be brought are the people in front of us." A strange light flashed in Jiang Bailin's eyes, and he turned his head slightly. There was a whisper in Suning's ear.

Hearing Jiang Bailin's words, the big rock in Suning's heart finally settled down. Looking at Xia Zhen and the second elders beside him, his expression became more confident.

"To be honest, I have to say that the speed at which you get news is indeed fast. Our brothers and sisters did not expect that your revenge will be so strong, but you didn't choose the time very well, and it happened that my master came back. "

"You don't need to all look at me, look behind you!" Suning's mouth curled up, the spiritual power in his body continued to surge, and immediately his lips moved slightly, saying in a very confident tone.

Perhaps because of the previous losses among the Nangong clan, Xia Zhen heard Suning's words, and the expression on his face gradually became a little frightened, and he turned his head to look behind him.

Seeing everyone in the room looked away from their bodies, looking in the direction of the door, Suning, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe looked at each other, a strange brilliance flashed in their eyes.

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