I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 932: Break through

If it weren't for the summer earthquake, the few people present would probably not take the teacher Suning said in their eyes. When they turned their heads to look at the door, the expressions on their faces gradually changed, and their faces changed. Tieqing, who was an old fox who had lived for hundreds of years, was bluffed by a few hairy boys.

At the moment when everyone looked away from their bodies, Suning, Jiang Bailin, and Jun Xinghe burst into an extremely majestic spirit source wave at the same time. The huge energy wave directly shattered the transparent French windows behind them, watching The corners of Suning's mouth gradually evoked an arc of the dozens of powerful holy ranks floating outside.

"Sword Art!"

Accompanied by a loud shout from Suning’s mouth, the Divine Killing Sword appeared in his hand, his wrist moved slightly, and a series of psychic lightsabers appeared around him, and tens of thousands of psychic lightsabers poured out and hit To the dozens of powerful saints floating in the air.

At the moment Suning took the shot, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe also burst into a tyrannical energy wave. The huge fist wind and sword aura rising from the sky blasted straight into the room behind them.

call out!

Tens of thousands of psychic lightsabers pierced the air, making a slight sound, hitting a group of holy rank powerhouses in the air at an extremely fast speed, watching the psychic lightsaber approaching, everyone's eyes A dignified color gradually rose in the middle, and never expected that Suning and Jiang Bailin could escape from the hands of several god-level powerhouses.


The attacks of Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe landed in the room, making a huge noise, deafening. Although it did not cause substantial damage to Xia Zhen and the group, the dust that was stirred up could help them temporarily blind them. Sight.

When everyone in the field hadn’t reacted, Suning’s heart moved, and a light blue light suddenly appeared on his shoulders, covering Suning’s whole body at an extremely fast speed, with light blue light all over him. Constantly flickering, coupled with the gray-white God Killing Sword in his hand, stood in the air like a **** of war.


With a thought in Suning's heart, a series of terrifying energy shock waves were emitted from the mecha, and palm-like psionic bombs burst out, all blasting towards the room where Xia Zhen's group was. By involving them, he and Jiang Bailin have an instant respite.

At the moment when the shock wave was emitted, the propeller behind Mecha Hill burst out with a dazzling blue light, and Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe instantly rushed out of the encirclement formed by dozens of holy rank powerhouses in the air.

The noise made by the few people was extremely loud, and the huge roar made everyone in the street below and in the building look startled and looked into the sky.

"Look! There is another fight. Could it be that the conflict between the Nangong clan and the Xia clan has escalated!"

"No, if they really start to fight between the two big families, then we are not the worst, such a terrifying aura, if it falls on us, I am afraid it will be wiped out!"

"Quickly, quickly, this scene has to be recorded, maybe it will make me hot!"


Looking at the battle in the sky, everyone showed different looks on their faces. A loud noise came from the building and from the street. Some people directly ignored the danger and ran to the top of the building with their hands. The equipment records this scene, hoping to earn a lot of money afterwards.

In the room, the expressions on the faces of Xia Zhen and the second elder and his party gradually became indifferent, a cold killing intent radiated from them, and the surrounding smoke was instantly dispersed by this huge murderous intent. .

"Catch me! They must die!" Xia Zhen's complexion gradually turned pale, gritted his teeth, his lips moved slightly, and the roar suddenly sounded in the room.

The people headed by the second elders were all swearing at Xia Zhen in their hearts. If he hadn't blindly blocked them, Suning and Jiang Bailin would have fallen into their hands now. With such a disturbance, things will definitely spread. Maybe how many people will say they are stupid.

The figures of the gods in the room were slightly taken aback, and they rushed out of the room. With a movement of their wrists, the tens of thousands of psychic lightsabers in the field suddenly disappeared invisible, even with dozens of holy ones. The strong rank chased after the tail light left by Suning, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe.

For a time, the headlines of the media in the three cities of Changsha changed from Suning's corruption of the Nangong clan's reputation to the headline of the aerial warfare, which caused several sensations in the three cities.

In the Yuxu Pavilion of the Nangong clan, Nangong Ruining is always paying attention to the reports of Suning on the major forums. When seeing the popular changes, his figure was still a bit stunned, and his face seemed to be a little angry. The media collected money and didn't do anything. It wasn't until after reading it that the expression on the face gradually eased, and the corners of the mouth gradually evoked a strange arc.

"The son! The latest news, Suning was chased by Xia Zhen and others!" Nangong Yeliang's face was extremely shocked, and he walked quickly into the hall with a tablet in his hand, shouting as he walked.

"I already know." Nangong Ruining looked at Nangong Yeliang who was shocked, his lips moved slightly, and a gloomy voice gradually sounded in the Yuxu Pavilion.

"Hehe, congratulations, son, this matter is enough to divert the minds of individuals, so that no one will investigate what we are doing."

"Now that several people in Suning are being pursued and killed by Xia Zhen and others, I am afraid they are going to die in these three cities. In the future, the son will be able to lose one competitor."

The expression on Nangong Yeliang's face gradually changed, and the corners of his mouth curled up, his expression seemed to be somewhat flattering, looking at Nangong Ruining who was sitting above the top.

"Hehe, Suning, I want to see how long you can escape!" Listening to Nangong Yeliang's words, a strange brilliance flashed in the depths of Nangong Ruining's eyes. He immediately looked down at the tablet in his hand, and the corners of his mouth raised. A strange arc.

At the same time, Nangong Xun and Nangong Ling Qing also received the news, and their hearts couldn't help but feel tight. They knew the strength and thoughts of these people in Xia Zhen. If Suning and Jiang Bailin were in their hands, I'm afraid The road of practice in this life will be ruined, and I am afraid that he will suffer torment in his hands.

At the moment when he got the news, the only thought in Nangong Lingqing's heart was to find Nangong Xun, go with him to find Suning, rescue him from Xia Zhen's hands, and then turn into a streamer and fly towards the courtyard of Nangong Xun.

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