I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 933: Run wild

"Second Uncle, have you seen the report on the forum!"

Nangong Ling Qing's figure fell in the courtyard of Nangong Xun, and she walked in front of Nangong Xun with extremely fast steps, her face was solemn, and she said in a low voice.

Seeing Nangong Lingqing's anxious appearance, the expression on Nangong Xun's face gradually changed, shook his head helplessly, and put the tablet in his hand into the bracelet.

"Qing'er, I know what you are thinking, you want to find me to save Suning, right!" Nangong Xun sighed helplessly, staring at Nangong Ling Qing with her eyes, her lips moved slightly, and a deep voice sounded in the room. .

Looking at the appearance of Nangong Xun, Nangong Lingqing's heart suddenly sank, and a chill rose from the bottom of her heart. His figure was taken aback, staring at Nangong Xun silently, her expression gradually changing.

"Qing'er, I also want to save Suning and the others, but now the Patriarch has made it clear that he must not have any more contact with Suning and his party!"

"And now it's not just Suning's corruption of our ethnic culture. If we try to save him now, we must do it under the eyes of everyone and Xia Zhen and others. Let's not say whether we can let Suning's whole body from their hands. And retreat, the consequences caused by these two things alone are not something that our Nangong clan can bear!" Nangong Xun shook his head helplessly, his lips moved slightly, and said softly.

If Suning’s stay in Liuxiangfang hadn’t happened before, maybe now the Nangong clan and Nangong Xun can still help them, but the reality is cruel. Now Suning’s identity is no longer a guest of the Nangong clan, or even with the Nangong clan. With any connection, the dilemma he faces can only be solved by them.

Under the blue sky, white clouds floated among them, and the figures of Suning, Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe continued to shuttle through them, avoiding dozens of people chasing behind them.

"Fuck, these people are too strong. After chasing for so long, they still don't want to give up! Are we going to make us thoroughly famous among the three cities!" Jiang Bailin glanced behind him slightly and counted. More than ten Hongguang followed them in the distance, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Fuck, young master, when is this, you still complain about this!" Jun Xinghe's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at Jiang Bailin, and the strange voice gradually sounded in the air.


Seeing the dozens of rainbow lights behind him getting closer and closer, Suning's complexion changed slightly, and it seemed to be a little solemn. Immediately after his mind moved, dozens of psychic explosive bullets were ejected from the mecha. Blasted behind them, an extremely violent force raged in the air behind them, and the huge wind and waves directly made them escape faster.

"Damn, how many psionic bombs do you have!" Suning turned his head slightly, frowning, staring at Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe, his lips moved slightly, and an urgent voice slowly sounded in the air.

"What kind of psychic bomb?" Listening to Suning's words, Jun Xinghe felt dazed, and the expression on his face gradually became a little confused.

Upon hearing Jun Xinghe's response, both Suning and Jiang Bailin cast a contemptuous look at him, seeming to look down upon him.

"I don't have any stock here either. I knew I was going to run into this thing today, so I should go to garrison hundreds of thousands of them, and directly kill them, this group of dog bastards!" Jiang Bailin frowned and thought. , Looked at the stock in the bracelet, the expression on his face gradually changed, his lips slightly opened, and he shouted.

After dozens of psionic bombs bombed, the chasing team suddenly reduced. In a blink of an eye, only a dozen people were left to continue chasing. The leaders were Xia Zhen and the second elder of the Xia clan. His expression was so wonderful, he was constantly bombarded by Suning along the way, and the dozens of holy orders he brought were almost consumed by him.

"Your uncle, Xia Xia Zhen, if you have grudges, you go to the Nangong clan to avenge you, so you can lead people to chase down a few of our juniors, and you can do it at a loss!" Suning ran forward while moving towards the person behind him. Xia Zhen and others roared.

In Suning’s spiritual possession, the hearts of Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku were mentioned in their throats. Although they were a little anxious, they wanted to see if Suning could take the whole body under this situation. Retreat.

"I said Lord Dragon God, you really don't intend to care about the life and death of Lord Saint Son!" The scenes of the outside world appeared in the spiritual hiding. The two couples who watched the black and white impermanence were frightened, afraid that Suning would fall into this group. In the hands of the god-level powerhouse.

"This kid has been too easy during this period of time, so he has to deeply experience the feeling of being in life and death, and we can't interfere with his growth too much." Taixu Longshen held his hand. Li Li, his eyebrows frowned slightly, his lips moved slightly, and his deep voice gradually sounded in the spirit reservoir.

"Dragon God is right, we will naturally take action at critical moments, but for now, let him realize it by himself. This is not a good thing for Suning." Xingkong Youshen walked out slowly, holding his hand. Li Li, staring at the scene in front of him, said softly.

The black and white impermanent figure was taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other. Since the Taixu Dragon God and Xingkong Youshen both have such an attitude, it is inconvenient for them to say more.

Faced with the constant ridicule of Suning and Jiang Bailin, the expression on Xia Zhen's face gradually turned green. He gritted his teeth and wanted to torture Suning to death.


Suning fired the last few psionic bombs to the greatest extent possible to weaken those who were chasing them, and the terrifying air wave shook the surrounding clouds.

Along with the huge roar, Suning and Jiang Bailin turned their heads slightly and looked behind them. The expressions on their faces gradually changed, and their eyebrows wrinkled, seeming to be a little solemn.

A feeling of extreme danger suddenly rushed to my heart, and there was no time to think, Suning, Jiang Bailin, and Jun Xinghe subconsciously dodge, the light and shadow of a huge spear suddenly seeped out of the void, and it appeared directly in their previous place. Forward in the direction of fleeing.

"Run, you guys keep running! Aren't you very good at running!" Xia Zhen and several other god-level strong figures suddenly appeared, showing a tendency to encircle, and a wave of invisible coercion radiated from their bodies. Out.

"Boy, I have to say that this mecha on your body is a bit interesting, maybe it can be used by our Xia clan." Xia Zhen's mouth gradually evoked an arc, and said lightly.

If it hadn't been for the Mecha Hill covering Suning's body, they would have caught up with Suning and Jiang Bailin. How could they be as embarrassed as they are now.

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