I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 935: I'm here to help you

This scene was filmed by the media again, and public opinion reoccurred.

It is not that Xue Qianqiu could not guess what might happen, but even if he knew the development of the matter, he could only choose to do so.

He can treat the Nangong clan and the Xia family impartially, but for Suning, he can't stand by and save Suning even if he gains his own reputation.

Xue Qianqiu was floating in the air, standing still, quickly unfolding his spiritual consciousness, exploring Suning's movements.

Countless figures flashed in front of him, and the huge Shangsanshi was in his divine consciousness, as if overlooking a map.

In just a few seconds, Xue Qianqiu found Suning's position, "Follow me!"

When the voice fell, more than a dozen people rushed to the direction of Suning.

"Damn! Why are you chasing so closely? Is the Xia family crazy?" Suning flees while avoiding. Hill's psychic shield can't last long under the strong attack of the Xia family god-level powerhouse.

After a while, the psionic shield had broken through several large holes.

"Father, I can't hold it anymore." Hill said with some difficulty, and he was going to be consumed alive after such consumption.

"You come in quickly, I'm a little bit nasty, and you can hold on for a while and come out after your spiritual power returns to normal!" Suning ordered.

Hill hesitated for a moment, looking at the riddled with holes in his body, he could only hide in Suning's body first, speeding up the repair of spiritual power and broken body.

"Damn it!" Suning cursed, fleeing hard to avoid the pursuit of the Xia family, and the projected psychic shells quickly exploded at the foothold of the strong Xia family.

The entire upper three cities are full of gunpowder, smog, and people can’t be seen clearly.

The Xia family's god-ranked powerhouse explored Suning's movements with his own spiritual knowledge throughout the entire process, pressing on every step of the way.

Had it not been for Suning, the Xia family would not have fallen to the point where everyone avoided it.

"Suning! Don't run away, no matter how far you run, you will die in my hands sooner or later!" Xia Xia shouted angrily, while pursuing him without forgetting to threaten.

In fact, he has no confidence in whether he can catch up with Suning. Suning is also very smart. He has been running in the places with the most people in the upper three cities. Even the psionic projectiles can accurately avoid the crowd. He wants to see it. Look, whether Xia Zhen is a slapstick, or really so bold.

If the Xia family wants to rejuvenate, they still need to establish a good image in the upper three cities. Otherwise, they still can't convince the crowd. Even if Xue Qianqiu favors the Xia family, they can't ignore the leisurely mouth.

Although Suning understood Xue Qianqiu's difficulties in supporting the Xia family, he still couldn't help but scold his mother.

Xue Qianqiu just hopes that the big families in the Shangsan City can maintain the initial balance. If one party suddenly grows and the other party is weakened, the balance of the whole balance will be broken and the Shangsan City will fall into crisis.

"Come on! Come chase me, I really want to see how I will die in your hands!" Suning provocatively, the more he speaks badly, the more he can pick up the anger of Xia Zhen to the highest point.

Until all his sanity is covered by anger, Xia Zhen's mind will only have the idea of ​​killing Suning, and then he will completely ignore the safety of the people in the three cities.

Not to mention hurting hundreds of people, but if anyone in the upper three cities was hurt, the entire Xia family would not want to be alone.

"You bastard!" Xia was shocked, using his fastest speed to shuttle through the upper three cities, a lot of spiritual power was consumed, and the speed gradually slowed down.


Before Xia Xiao gave a death order in the Xia family, he could no longer rely on foreign objects to cultivate, and he had to cultivate his foundation honestly.

Even though Xia Zhen had a large number of high-tech mechas, he didn't dare to take them out, so he could only grit his teeth and chase after Suning.

The anger was aroused, he forgot to maintain a balanced speed chase, the variable speed chase would double the spiritual power.

It didn't take long for Suning to leave Xia Zhen far behind, and ridiculed from time to time.

"Does the famous Xia family have this ability? Your strength is ashamed to call yourself a god-level powerhouse, it's really good for food!"

"You!" Xia Tian shouted angrily, still chasing at varying speeds, the spiritual power in his body increased, and it was obviously unable to keep up with Suning's speed.

But Suning's provocative words filled his ears, vowing to let Suning die in his own hands.

Suning perfectly avoided all the moves and exercises Xia Zhen used.

Although Suning knew that he was not an opponent of the Xia family, he could not afford to provoke him. He still had a way to escape.

Besides, when he really couldn't run away, he hid his spiritual power and hid in the purple-marked glass tower. No matter how the Xia family pursued him, it would be impossible to find him.

Thinking of this, Suning smiled even more.

After a few minutes, Suning could no longer see Xia Zhen's group of people. He drove the mecha happily in the air.

Suddenly a few silhouettes floated down from the air, and stood in front of him. Xue Qianqiu stood in front of Suning's mecha. When he moved his wrist, the mecha stopped, standing in the air, unable to move.

"Damn it! Did you catch up so soon?" Suning scolded, and looked at it, not from the Xia family, but from Xue Qianqiu, the lord of Shangsan City.

Does Xue Qianqiu still protect the Xia family? It is obvious that today is the basket that the Xia family stabbed, but Xue Qianqiu did not go after the Xia family, but blocked Suning's path.

"City Lord Qianqiu, what's the matter with you?" Suning frowned and asked sharply.

If Xue Qianqiu was also on the side of the Xia family, it seemed that today's battle would have to be fought!

Then don't blame his subordinates for being unsympathetic, letting the upper three cities be destroyed and recovering the economy from scratch.

"I'm here to help you, follow me." Xue Qianqiu started to explore the location of Xia Zhenzhen, there are still dozens of kilometers to arrive, they can talk for a minute or two.

"Help me? You would be so kind! You don't want to personally give me to the Xia family to help the Xia family rejuvenate, right?" Suning said leisurely, and he tried his best to restart the mecha.

"I am the person of the Holy Spirit King, and you are the Son of the Holy Spirit, I don't have to harm you!" Xue Qianqiu said loudly, standing calmly in the air.

what? Suning's pupils shrank, and his whole body was shaken. Xue Qianqiu's words filled his mind.

What is the name of the Holy Spirit King who will not harm him? Isn't the Holy Spirit King always sending people to hunt him down?

What is going on here? How could the King of the Holy Spirit protect his peace.

"Don't try to lie to me! Hill come out!" Suning shouted loudly.

Hill's spiritual power has been restored to half, able to withstand part of the damage, he rushed out of Suning's body, condensed into a transparent protective cover, covering the entire mecha.

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