I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 936: Block (Part 1)

Xue Qianqiu, who knows the identity of Suning's holy spirit son, felt excited at first, but after seeing Suning's reaction, her heart gradually became a little surprised, her figure was taken aback, and she couldn't react in a short time.

"Master Shengzi, don't you believe me?"

Xue Qianqiu looked surprised, her voice trembled slightly, her eyes were staring at Suning, and a strange brilliance flashed deep in her eyes.

"Master, leave it to me, you go first!"

Mecha Hill’s voice rang out in the sea of ​​Suning’s divine consciousness, and the words fell. Mecha Hill was stripped from Suning’s body and stood independently in front of Suning, with a dazzling blue light radiating from his feet. A raging psychic flame was burning below, and a vast energy wave radiated from the Mecha Hill.

Xue Qianqiu quietly looked at Suning and the Mecha Hill in front of him, the expression on his face gradually hidden, and finally stared at Hill and Suning blankly.

Regarding Suning’s reaction, Xue Qianqiu guessed that there should not have been people with the Holy Spirit in the three cities. Suning was unwilling or daring to believe his words. He wanted Suning to believe in himself, so he could only let him go. , To stop the Xia clan.

In the middle of the air, Suning stared at Xue Qianqiu with a solemn expression, and his mind gradually sank. If he had come to help Xia Zhen and the others, there would be no chance to escape today.

The blue light surrounding the mecha Hill in front of Suning suddenly shrank, and was submerged in the mecha. A violent energy wave radiated from Hill's chest, shaking the surrounding space slightly.

Xue Qianqiu's eyebrows frowned, her eyes staring at the mecha Hill in front of Suning, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in her eyes, and the psionic mecha that could escape from the user's body, even in the upper three cities, was extremely rare.


On the chest of Mecha Hill, the little blue light spots gradually condensed, and violent energy fluctuations suddenly emitted from Hill’s chest, directly hitting the position of Xue Qianqiu's figure, a domineering wave of air. Swept away.

At the moment when Mecha Hill issued this attack, Suning's thoughts moved, and the figure of the Taixu Dragon God reappeared, transforming into a huge golden dragon supporting Suning's figure to escape quickly.

Facing the terror attack of Mecha Hill, Xue Qianqiu's expression was indifferent, and he waved his sleeves slightly to dissolve Hill's attack, turning into a light blue rain of light falling from the sky.

"My lord...Shall we just let him leave like this?"

Behind Xue Qianqiu, a **** step exuding a trace of brilliance emerged from the void, his hands clasped fist-like, and said respectfully towards Xue Qianqiu.

"Well, let him go. I'm afraid Master Holy Spirit will not be able to accept it in a short time. I will find a chance to explain it later." Seeing the figure of Suning and Taixu Dragon God that have gone away, Xue Qianqiu's eyes flashed A trace of brilliance, slightly raised his hand.

Had it not been for the Xia clan to be too cautious along the way, they were afraid that they would use their full strength to chase Suning, which would cause the people in the Shangsan City to be injured.

Xue Qianqiu lowered her head slightly, looked at the time on the bracelet, her lips moved slightly, and she muttered: "It's almost there."

As the words fell, Xue Qianqiu stood with his hands on his hands, and his deep eyes stared into the distance. Several rainbow lights approached here at a rapid speed. Seeing Xia Zhen's figure, a radian gradually appeared on his face.

Xia Zhen, who was chasing Suning, had a group of people with ragged clothes and a slightly distorted expression on their faces. Several god-level powerhouses were besieging him, and he escaped unscathed, and he was constantly mocked by Suning.

"The Xia family, the great elder, Xia Zhenzhen, blatantly violated the city's security contract, you know what the crime is!"

Behind Xue Qianqiu, the strong figure of the god-rank floated slowly in front of Xue Qianqiu, his lips moved slightly, and a deep voice sounded in the air.

Hearing the sound from the front, the expressions on the faces of Xia Zhen and the group gradually became a little serious, and the eyebrows were frowned. Right now, the Xia clan has just embarked on the road of rectification and revival. If Xue Qianqiu is asked to criticize by name, yes. The reorganization of the entire Xia family may have a considerable impact.

"Master Xue, why are you here?"

Xia Zhen looked around, and found no trace of Suning. She resisted the dissatisfaction in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Xia Xia Zhen, are you going to blatantly violate the contract in front of me?"

Xue Qianqiu stood with her hand in her hands, and as the words sounded, a frightening aura radiated from her body, and the invisible coercion instantly filled the audience.

Feeling the terrifying pressure from his body, Xia Zhenzhen and the figures of the group of people behind him were all taken aback, the expression on his face became more solemn.

"My Lord, where are you? I'm just taking them to **** something. It's mainly because the Patriarch specifically explained that this thing is particularly important. No, I have specially selected some people with good strength to follow."

Xia Xia Zhen's eyeballs turned steadily, and a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he explained with a smile.

Although the mouth is respectful to Xue Qianqiu, but Xia Zhen and others don't know how many times they have scolded Xue Qianqiu. Suning humiliated him without revenge. This is another Xue Qianqiu.


"So this thing is very difficult to come by? You are all in tattered clothes, is it all for the thing you said?"

Listening to Xia Zhen's words, the corners of Xue Qianqiu's mouth evoked an imperceptible arc, and the invisible pressure gradually increased, and the heavy pressure suppressed Xia Zhen and his group a little breathless.

"My Lord, you are misunderstood." As he spoke, the expression on Xia Zhen's face gradually became a little gloomy, and the whole body exuded a trace of divine origin fluctuations to weaken the sense of coercion from the whole body.

"Hmph, do you think I'm blind!" Xue Qianqiu frowned slightly, the expression on her face became cold, and a chill flashed in the depths of her eyes.

When the voice fell, the wrist of the strong god-rank in front of Xue Qianqiu's side moved, and a picture suddenly appeared from the air. It was Xia Zhen starting from the hotel and chasing Suning's video all the way. The chase caused trouble to all parts of the upper three cities. Little destruction.

"My Lord City Lord, if it is just compensation for damages in the upper three cities, my Xia family can still compensate!" Xia Xiao's whole body, wisps of divine brilliance gradually seeped out of his body, wrapping his body in it, flashing A burst of pale white brilliance.

Facing the continuous obstacles of the snow and Qianqiu before him, the little patience left in Xia Zhen's heart gradually dissipated.

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