I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 937: Block (below)

Looking at Xia Zhen's movements, the gods behind him all urged the **** source power in the body, as if preparing to smash to the end with Xue Qianqiu.

"Hehe, the Xia clan is so powerful, are you planning to do it with me?" Xue Qianqiu's expression became colder and colder, and a bit of cold light flashed in his eyes, and his deep voice sounded in the air.

The moment the voice fell, dozens of god-step figures slowly appeared from the surrounding space, surrounding Xia Zhen and his party, and the huge pressure made the surrounding space a little trembling.

The sudden appearance of more than dozens of god-tier powerhouses made Xia Zhen feel a little shocked in Xia Zhen's heart. After previous consumption, it is now impossible for them to fight these dozens of god-tiers, let alone fight Xue Qianqiu here, That is personally pushing the Xia clan into the bottomless abyss.

"Hehe, Lord City Lord has misunderstood, your aura is too strong, and we are forced to urge the power in the body to resist a little." Xia Zhenqiang endured the anger in his heart and squeezed a touch on his face. Smiling, softly explained in the direction of Xue Qianqiu.

While talking, Xia Zhen and the people behind him all put away the divine origin aura that exudes. At this knot of the Xia clan's reorganization, they don't want to be detained by a betraying clan and openly opposing Shangsanshi. reputation.

"Hmph, I can assume that this matter didn't happen, but you guys are doing so in the upper three cities, don't you need to give me an explanation?"

"Go back and tell Xia Xiao, give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I don't mind letting you Xia clan disappear completely from these three cities!"

The expression on Xue Qianqiu's face became more and more indifferent, his lips moved slightly, and the thick voice sounded leisurely, falling into the ears of Xia Zhen and others like thunder.

After the words fell, Xue Qianqiu brushed his sleeves, and the void behind him suddenly opened a portal, then slowly turned around and stepped into the portal.

After the people who waited for the snow to leave, only Xia Zhen and his party were left floating in the air, their complexion gradually turning blue, and the clenched fists seemed to be a little purple, making a sound of joint movement.

"Elder, are we still chasing?" A trembling voice slowly sounded from the team behind Xia Shao's body.

"Chasing? What do you chase?" Xia Zhenzheng had no place to vent his anger, and immediately uttered an angry noise at the person who was talking behind him, the expression on his face getting colder and colder.

If it hadn’t been for Xue Qianqiu and his party to stop them for so long, I’m afraid they have found Suning’s whereabouts now, and it’s better now. Not only did they not catch Suning, but even his companions did not catch him, and even let Xia Xiao personally. Come out to explain the reason for this matter.

When he thought of this, Xia Zhen’s figure was taken aback. If Xia Xiao knew that they were doing things so inappropriately, and didn’t know how to punish them, if they were handed over to the elders of the penalty hall, it would be really powerless to recover. God.

Outside the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, a crack gradually unfolded from the space, forming a portal that shone with brilliance, and dozens of gods, led by Xue Qianqiu, slowly walked out of the portal.

"Master City Lord, let's embarrass the Xia clan so much for the sake of Mr. Su. There is nothing wrong with it." A god-ranked expert asked with a slightly solemn expression.

"Who is in charge of the things in these three cities?" Xue Qianqiu was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, staring at the speaker.

"Subordinates understand. As for Mr. Su, do you really plan to send someone to find it?" Hearing Xue Qianqiu's words, the speaker was slightly taken aback, and the expression on his face gradually eased.

"It reminds me that now the Xia clan and the Nangong clan are making trouble for him. I am afraid that the people of those two clans can't stand it."

"Take the two of you, find the whereabouts of the son, and protect him secretly. If there is something that can't be solved, bring him to see me directly." Xue Qianqiu frowned slightly, the expression on his face gradually became serious, and Suning was in the limelight. Sheng, I am afraid that all the major forces in the upper three cities will find him, and immediately arranged a few people to protect him secretly to avoid any accidents in Suning.

For nearly a hundred years, I haven’t received any communication from the King of the Holy Spirit. The Son of Holy Spirit appears right now. If there is any accident in the upper three cities, not to mention whether Xue Qianqiu can sit in the position of mayor, I am afraid the entire upper three cities will be affected. Implicated, with the strength of the Holy Spirit, wanting to erase the three cities, it is simply easy.

Hearing Xue Qianqiu's words, several people looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then turned into a few rainbow lights, soaring into the sky, looking for Suning's whereabouts.

"Your uncle, there really is nowhere to fall!"

Standing in front of a steep cliff, Suning's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his eyes were staring at the core area of ​​the large-scale Shangsan City in the distance, and his lips moved slightly and said softly.

"Haha, your kid's luck is really bad. You are the Xia family and the people of the Holy Spirit. They are all chasing you." Taixu Dragon God floated behind Suning and said softly.

"I'm wondering. Why did you meet someone in the upper three cities after I haven't met someone in the line of the Holy Spirit for so long? And they are especially the highest-ranking people in the upper three cities." Suning sat down on the ground. , With both hands on the chest, frowned slightly, asked softly.

"That's okay, at least now that people who know the line of the Holy Spirit are in this city, we are better off, better than those of the line of Nether, staying in a dark place, and stumbling you from time to time. "The Dragon God Taixu shook his head slightly, and said helplessly.

In the spirit store, Black and White Impermanence and Xingkong Youshen heard these words, and suddenly became a little unhappy. Didn't you tell them what Taixu Dragon God said?

"Your uncle, dead loach, who do you say will only hide in the dark and make troubles?" The figure of Xingkong Youshen gradually appeared behind Suning, looking at Taixu Dragon God with a sullen expression.

"Loach..." Hearing the words from the starry sky travel god, the expression on Suning's face gradually changed, and he made a sound of laughter.

The face of the Taixu Dragon **** on the side was gloomy in an instant. Before Suning called him Ugly Snake, he now has another title, which is several levels lower than that of Snake. The fame of a generation of Dragon God is considered by these two people. The corruption is over.

"I'm not talking about you. Besides, your body has been broken up by people, so I am ashamed to say that I am a loach? I am not dead, can I hear it clearly and then come out to speak, I will be stunned." Too Xu The Dragon God rolled his eyes, and an imperceptible arc formed at the corner of his mouth, and he joked softly.

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