I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 941: Passing the message (on)

If it weren’t for Jiang Bailin’s explanation, Nangong Lingqing would just think that what Suning possessed in his body was just a few higher-rank spirit beasts. From the video obtained previously, it was only speculation that he possessed a giant dragon form. Lingqing and Jun Xinghe are not the only spirit beasts that resemble divine beasts.

Now Nangong, the patriarch of the Nangong clan, has also changed his attitude towards Suning 180 degrees. The original plan was to let Nangong Lingqing and Nangong Xun cut contact with Suning. Now it is learned that Suning possesses multiple spirit beasts at the same time. After that, he didn't mention it again. The reason why Nangong Lingqing came out to find Suning was precisely because of his acquiescence.

"It now appears that if you want to hide Suning's true identity, the difficulty factor is no less than that of fighting dozens of gods. The entire upper three cities are now circulating videos about the beasts in his body."

Consistent with Jun Xinghe, Nangong Lingqing also wanted to protect Suning, using the name of the Nangong clan to protect him, but the reality is extremely cruel.

"Well, what you said is correct, but as far as it seems, these people don't know the true details of Suning. Maybe we can start from this point and forge a piece of information. Whether those who are interested, believe it or not, at least It should be able to hide what ordinary people think of Suning."

"After all, people agree. With more people who believe, over time, naturally, only the most widely spread will be the dominant message."

Listening to the words of Nangong Lingqing and Jun Xinghe, Jiang Bailin frowned slightly, and the expression on his face seemed to be a bit solemn. After thinking about it, he explained and analyzed it to the two of them.

Jiang Bailin’s words fell in Nangong Ling Qing’s ears, making him suddenly feel a sense of clarity in his heart, a little bit of brilliance flashed in the depths of his eyes, with the strength of the Nangong clan, he wanted to be a person It's easy to fake something out.

"Okay, then let's split up, Brother Bailin, Brother Xinghe, you continue to secretly investigate the whereabouts of Mr. Su, as for spreading the news, I will go back and discuss it with your second uncle."

A touch of joy rose in Nangong Ling Qing's heart, and he nodded slightly, and soon said his plan, and the three of them worked together to achieve the highest benefit.

In today’s upper three cities, people who watch the excitement no longer associate Suning with the incidents of Liuxiangfang. They are more interested in his identity. One can have more than one beast, besides. People who can still allow Xue Qianqiu to take the initiative to help, the forces behind must be extraordinary. If they can make good contact with them, it will be a great benefit to both the individual and the clan.

"Elder Xun, where are Suning and his friends now? What's the news?" Nangong Yan slowly got up from the head of the Guiyuan Hall, and came with his hands under his hands, and a strong voice gradually sounded in the hall.

"Da...returning to the Patriarch, there is no news about Suning's whereabouts so far, but now there are some interested people in the upper three cities who are searching everywhere."

"As far as I know, the three clans of Xia, Dongfang, and Huangfu are secretly investigating the details of Suning. I believe there will be some results soon."

Nangong Xun frowned slightly, and the expression on his face gradually became serious as he spoke.

If it’s just the Xia clan, it’s not enough. Now that Suning possesses multiple spirit beasts in the Shangsan City, almost everyone knows it. The major forces want to see what power is behind Suning. Have such an amazing background and strength.

"It seems that this matter is a bit tricky, I guess someone should come to my Nangong clan to find out."

Listening to Nangong Xun's words, Nangong's eyebrows frowned slightly, her eyes flashed with a strange brilliance, her lips moved slightly, and her deep and thick voice gradually sounded.

Until now, Nangong Yong finally understood why Fan Shengyun had to say those things to himself at that time, and why he said that he had a good relationship with Suning, which is of great benefit to the Nangong clan.

"Elder Xun, please go down and let everyone below my clan pay attention. If there is news that is not good for Suning, it will be blocked immediately."

"Also, let the people below take a look. If you know Mr. Su's whereabouts, you must report it as soon as possible."

Nangong Yan stood with his hand in his hand, slowly moving forward, walked to the center of the hall, and took a hand from behind to put a hand on Nangong Xun's shoulder.

Hearing Nangong Ying's words, Nangong Xun's figure was slightly taken aback, a touch of joy rose in his heart, and he arched his hand towards him, softly responded, and walked outside the Guiyuan Hall.

"Second Uncle, is father still inside?" Nangong Ling Qing, who had just arrived at the gate of Guiyuan Hall, looked at Nangong Xun with joy, and opened her lips slightly.

"What's wrong, didn't you go to Mr. Su? Did you find it?"

Seeing Nangong Ling Qing's appearance, Nangong Xun's figure was slightly taken aback, and then he stopped and asked.

"That's not true, but I met Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe, and they knew something incredible!" Nangong Lingqing looked at Nangong Xun with a smile, and there was a hint of excitement in his words.

"Forget it, I won't chat with you. If you have something to do, hurry up and I will go in and talk to my father."

While speaking, Nangong Ling Qing's figure walked towards the Guiyuan Hall.

Looking at the appearance of Nangong Lingqing, Nangong Xun felt a little bit of doubt in his heart. At this time, what else could be other than Suning’s background. Nangong Xun thought a little bit, and immediately followed Nangong Ling. Qing returned to the hall.

"Huh? Why are you back?" Seeing the figures of Nangong Lingqing and Nangong Xun, Nangong Ling raised his brows slightly, and his lips moved slightly, making a questioning sound.

"Father, when I go out this time, I know something about Mr. Su, would you like to hear it?"

Nangong Ling Qing walked quickly to the center of the main hall and stood not far in front of Nangong Jing.

"Huh? Come and listen."

Nangong Jing said softly, a little brilliance in her eyes.

"Father, do you know the Holy Spirit King?"

The smile on Nangong Lingqing's face became more intense, and the corners of her mouth curled up, and she spoke softly.

Hearing the three characters of Holy Spirit King from Nangong Lingqing's mouth, both Nangongying and Nangongxun's figures were shocked, and the expressions on their faces gradually became a little serious.

"Father, I just learned that Mr. Su is the current Son of the Holy Spirit!"

Nangong Ling Qing was immersed in her own world, completely unaware of the changes in the expressions on the faces of Nangong Ying and Nangong Xun, and she told herself since ancient times.

Perhaps it is because there is no concept of the Holy Spirit, Nangong Ling Qing only thinks this is a good thing.

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