I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 942: Message delivery (below)

"Qing'er, you can't talk nonsense about this, where did you get this news?"

Nangong Xun frowned slightly, and the expression on his face was a bit solemn. If the news of Suning's Holy Spirit is true, then this matter will become even more difficult.

"Huh? This is what Jiang Bailin said. What's wrong, is there any problem?" Nangong Lingqing looked at the expressions on the faces of Nangongxun and Nangongying, feeling a little bit of doubt in his heart.

Nangongying and Nangongxun looked at each other, the expressions on their faces seemed to become more solemn.

"Qing'er, you didn't tell other people about this!" Nangong frowned, his lips were slightly opened, and his deep voice gradually sounded in the hall and echoed in it.

"No, no, I will tell you the first time. I think that Mr. Su's affairs are spreading in the upper three cities. There must be many people tracking down the forces behind him."

"I have agreed with Jiang Bailin. Let's forge some information about Mr. Su and spread it out. This can help him, but also prevent us from being pushed to the cusp of the storm because of him."

Nangong Ling Qing breathed a long sigh of relief in her heart, and the expression on her face gradually eased, and soon she said the result of the negotiation between herself and Jiang Bailin, and wanted Nangong Huang and Nangong Xun to help. .

"Your idea is good. Your second uncle and I will consider it. Remember, Suning is the Son of the Holy Spirit. You can't let others know about it."

Nangong frowned slightly, staring at Nangong Lingqing in his eyes, afraid that he didn't have a door on his mouth, and immediately reminded him, hoping he would pay more attention.

After all, Suning has already established enough enemies in the upper three cities. Let alone the Xia clan, Xue Qianqiu’s purpose is temporarily unknown. If this news is known to others, I don’t know what it will cause. Such a big trouble.

In the Imperial Palace of the Nangong clan, Nangong Ruining looked a little cold, and the whole Imperial Palace was silent, and an invisible chill gradually rose in the main hall.

"What's the news now?"

After a long time, Nangong Ruining slowly opened her eyes, and there was a little brilliance in the depths of the eyes.

"My son, now there is everything that is said outside, there is no credibility, and there is no news about Suning's whereabouts, it is like disappearing from the upper three cities."

Nangong Yeliang stood in the room, his back was already completely wet with cold sweat, and his tone of speech was a bit nervous, afraid that the person in front of him would vent his anger on him.

Listening to Nangong Yeliang’s words, the expression on Nangong Ruining’s face became more and more gloomy. I am afraid that now even Nangong Tongyun also knows that Suning owns multiple spirit beasts at the same time, and what she has done before is now in vain. .

"Disappeared? The territories of these three cities are so big, how many people can it be easy to hide?"

"Go, find him for me!"

Nangong Ruining's eyes flashed a little bit of cold light, her lips moved slightly, and a gloomy voice echoed in the room.

Compared with the forces behind Suning, Nangong Ruining wants to take away the spirit beasts in Suning's body and control all the techniques he knows. Of course, Nangong Ruining is not the only one who has this idea.

The Shenghongling Mountain Range is located in the south of the upper three cities. Within the jurisdiction of the upper three cities, due to the rampage of monsters and beasts, the population here is extremely sparse, and most people come here. A bounty hunter who hunts monsters and seizes monster crystals.

Suning stood in front of the cliff, looking towards the depths of the dense forest. The dense forest in front of him was lush and lush. Except for the area irradiated by the sun, the deeper place was a little gloomy. As the divine sense explored it, a light gray mist filled the depths. Among them, the shrouded area does not have a trace of life.

Looking at the prosperity of the Shangsan City in the distance, and then at the dark dense forest in front of him, Suning's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there seemed to be some complicated meaning on his face.

"Boy, don't look at it. Now when you return to the three cities, you are looking for a dead end. Not to mention the fact that you can't resist the Xia family."

"Don't look at this forest without any vitality. I can tell you that, in my experience, there must be high-level monsters in it. There are some treasures of heaven and earth. Maybe we can make a fortune."

The Dragon God Taixu floated beside Suning, seeming to notice his hesitant gaze, the corner of his mouth gradually evoked a radian, and then he graciously persuaded him.

"Presumably the people of the Xia clan are searching intensively now. I am a little worried about the safety of Bai Pho and their safety. We all know what Xia Xiao is like. If Bai Pho falls into their hands, then..."

Su Ning frowned slightly, looking at the direction of the three cities in the distance, a little brilliance flashed in the depths of his eyes, and the expression on his face seemed to be a little worried.

"Smelly boy, there is the guy from the ancient Kylin clan and the guy from the Kylin, I believe he will have nothing in a short time."

Seeing the expression on Suning's face, Taixu Dragon God shook his head slightly, seeming to have some helplessness, and then softly comforted him, the implication was that Suning would not be too impulsive, so as not to have more incidents.

Listening to the words of the Dragon God Taixu, Suning's frowning eyebrows gradually eased, even if it is not for his own safety, but also for Feng Lingyue and the others, if it is really at this time to return to the three cities, the face can be met. It's not just the Xia family, Xue Qianqiu is the more troublesome person.

After thinking about it, Suning shook his head slightly, and walked towards the dense forest surrounding the Shenghongling Mountain Range behind him. After entering the dense forest, Suning could clearly feel that a gloomy breath continued from all directions. The rushing made the blood in the body seem to stiffen.


Suning walked cautiously toward the depths of the dense forest, and a faint roar of beasts came out of the dense forest and fell into his ears.

"Oh, it hasn't been long since, and there is already the breath of monsters."

Taixu Dragon God's exquisite figure stood on Suning's shoulders, and murmured in his ears.

Hearing the faint beast roar from the surroundings, Suning couldn't help but raise a dignified look on his face, his brows frowned, his eyes looked around vigilantly, and the spiritual source in his body gradually flowed.

As Taixu Dragon God said, not long after entering the dense forest, the sound of monsters was heard. You can imagine the number of monsters in this dense forest. Of course, there may also be many surprises. Elixir.

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