I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 943: Shenghongling Mountains

"Boy, this monster beast crystal is a good thing. If I do more of these things, my strength can be restored again!"

As he spoke, there was a little brilliance in Taixu Dragon God's eyes.

"Smelly snake, listen to your tone, are you going to let me be a tool man?"

Listening to the words of the Dragon God Taixu, Suning turned her head slightly, glanced at the exquisite body of the Dragon God Taixu on his shoulders, and raised her brows slightly.

Seeing Taixu Dragon God did not speak, Suning smiled slightly, took out a Hunyuan pill from the bracelet and swallowed it into his abdomen, in order to prevent the miasma in the dense forest from invading the body. After getting ready, he immediately moved forward vigilantly in the direction where the roar of the beast came from.

As it continued to deepen, some monsters of lower rank and strength began to appear sparsely around. After feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Suning's body, they fled frantically.


In the gloomy dense forest, a black and hideous-looking giant snake is floating among the bushes. The whole snake is more than ten meters long and huge in size. Its dark scales are shining with cold light, and the green eyes are dead. Staring at the direction of Suning, who was approaching in the distance, when he spoke, strands of black saliva fell to the ground along the way, corroding the ground, and strands of pale black mist rose.

"There are some low-level monster beasts around, I think it should be closer to the previous beast roar."

Suning frowned slightly, watching the surroundings vigilantly, his lips moved slightly, and he whispered softly.

After getting deeper, Suning could feel that the miasma poison contained in the light gray mist around him became more concentrated, and immediately gave another anti-poison elixirs. If the poison of the miasma invades the body, that would be it. The gain is not worth the loss.

After taking the pill, Suning's eyebrows furrowed, and he looked up at the dense forest and bushes on the left front. The expression on his face became more and more serious. In this place, any situation may put him in extreme danger. situation.

In Suning's gaze, a spotted leopard with a three-color body flashed past, looked at Suning's direction, and immediately fled, seemingly panicked.

"Boy, don't let your guard down, something is coming."

Just when he felt that there was nothing, the voice of Taixu Dragon God gradually sounded in his mind.

Hearing the voice of the Dragon God Taixu, Suning's mood just relaxed a little suddenly became tense, the string in his heart was stretched straight, and his eyes looked around vigilantly.


A series of small voices gradually sounded around, the voices became louder and louder, as if something was approaching them at a fast speed.

As the voice approached, Suning's wrist moved, and the Divine Killing Sword suddenly appeared in his hand. A trace of invisible coercion was exuding all over his body, and the spiritual source in his body kept flowing among the limbs.

A few tens of meters away from Suning, the huge figure of the Black Underworld Hanshuang Python came to an abrupt end, stopped moving forward, his head was raised high, two dark green pupils staring at Suning, exuding Sisi's chill.

The suddenly quiet atmosphere made Suning even more vigilant, and immediately the divine consciousness unfolded, spreading around, and under the blessing of the world tree, scenes of surrounding scenes appeared in Suning's divine consciousness.

"Good boy, good luck, it didn't take long before I encountered a monster of such a high rank."

Following Suning's gaze, the corner of Taixu Dragon God's mouth gradually evoked a curve, and he said with some excitement.


It seems that he noticed that Suning found himself, the black underworld cold frost python moved at an extremely fast speed among the bushes, leaving a mark about one meter wide in the place where the huge body passed. Swift forward in the direction of Suning.

Seeing the huge imprints around him, the expression on Suning's face became more solemn, and after a pause, his figure jumped up, floating in the air, his eyes looked around.

As if seeing the chance, Hei Minghanshuang violently raised his huge head, opened his huge mouth, and attacked Suning from behind, trying to swallow him in his abdomen.


Suning let out a cold snort in her mouth, and her body moved, turning into an afterimage to avoid the attack of the Black Underworld Frost Python. While avoiding, he saw the huge body of the Black Underworld Frost Python, and a sharp sword spirit came from The sword tip of Divine Killing Sword shot out suddenly, accompanied by a sharp sound, the sword aura slashed at the Black Underworld Frost Python, splashing a faint light of fire.

"Good guy, it's hard like a turtle shell!"

Seeing that the blow was ineffective, Suning opened her lips slightly and let out a cry of exclamation.

A little bit of brilliance flickered in the two dark-green pupils of the black frost cold frost, and it seemed that some chills radiated from his pupils, and the blow was unsuccessful, and it seemed to be a little angry, constantly shaking its huge tail. Wherever he passed, the trees were cut off by him, and wisps of faint sunlight fell from the sky.

With the help of the faint sunlight, the huge body of the Black Underworld Hanshuang Python appeared in Suning's eyes. Looking at this behemoth, the expression on Suning's face became more solemn, and the hand holding the Excalibur Sword was even harder. After a few minutes, his lips moved slightly, and he murmured softly.

"What is this thing, what is it for, it is so long!"

In the spirit hiding, a smile gradually appeared on the face of Taixu Dragon God, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth became more pronounced. He whispered: "Boy, this python is a good thing, you have to work harder for me. Son, take him down for me!"

Listening to the words of the Taixu Dragon God, Suning's figure was slightly taken aback, and he greeted the parents of the Taixu Dragon God 10,000 times in his heart. Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Suning said slightly: "Your uncle, are you? I knew it existed for a long time!"

"Hey, brat, I don't know, I only know that the crystal of this thing must contain extraordinary energy."

Taixu Dragon God denied it, and the expression on his face gradually became a little wretched.

The divine beasts such as Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Xuanwu in the spirit store looked at the wretched expression on the face of Taixu Dragon God, and couldn't help casting a contemptuous look at him.

"I said Dragon God, can you not keep this expression every time, you know that I want to beat you up?"

A strange thing flashed on the face of the star travel god, and he said to the Taixu Dragon God.

Although it was said that it was because of Taixu Dragon God's wretched expression, but in fact, it was still grudge against Taixu Dragon God's previous statement that they were sinister and cunning of the Nether clan, but they all wanted to happen.

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