I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 950: Brahma Ascension

"To enter Tianyuanzong, you need to cut off all your family affection, friendship and love in the upper three cities, and you can only go to Tianyuanzong alone. Can you do it?" The old man came slowly, even if he was stating things, he was preaching general.

In the Nangong clan, Nangong Ruining listened to these reprimands, and was often unhappy on weekdays, but at this moment he stood sincerely.

"I can do it." Nangong Ruining said solemnly, even though his half-arched body was a little bit sore and daring to move.

Compared to his future prospects, he can ignore all the so-called family and friendships. If there is still something to leave, there is only one Nangong Tongyun.

If he exchanged his future for Nangong Tongyun, he would never do it.

He has been dormant in Nangong's house for many years. His mind is the most sane and calm. He knows what he wants and how to weigh the pros and cons.

"Very well, then you can enter the Tianyuan Sect with this group of disciples." The old man nodded slowly, his back seemed to never bend.

"This group of disciples will gather at the top of Cangshan Mountain in January. From time to time, remember not to delay too much." The old man warned again.

According to his rights, he can only help here. If the time is up and he can't see Nangong Ruining, he will automatically be eliminated.

"Thank you senior." Nangong Ruining thanked him, and respectfully withdrew from the box.

Only in front of this old man can he see his absolute surrender.

The moment he left, the old man in the house disappeared instantly, without a trace of breath, as if he had never appeared.

Walking out of the box, Nangong Ruining's face showed a joyful expression, and she raised her eyebrows, "It's done!"

Now, the rise and fall and reputation of the Nangong clan has nothing to do with him.

Most of the disciples who entered the Tianyuanzong were reluctant to abandon family, friendship and love. Only Nangong Ruining was the most decisive one who agreed.

Cold-blooded and wise, this is what the old man fancyed him.

Such a person has an advantage. No matter what opponent he is facing, he only has his own interests in his eyes.

If there is a major crisis in the future, he will not favor favoritism and can handle it impartially.

Having fulfilled his wish, Nangong Ruining's footsteps started briskly, and she showed a rare smile on the street.

In one month, he was a disciple of Tianyuanzong.

The top of Cangshan.

Fan Shengyun stood at the center of the turbine with his back hands, as if waiting for something.

A white light rushed from bottom to top, and Fan Shengyun smiled slightly, "Senior brother is a bit late today."

The old man who had just talked with Nangong Ruining stood beside him, and with a wave of his right hand, the hat was put away, revealing his true face.

The hair is neatly combed into a bun, and a redwood hairpin is tied to the bun. There is no extra hair on the face. Willow eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, and thin lips like cicada wings look fierce, and the eyes are mixed He did not show warmth because of Fan Shengyun's greetings, and his indifferent expression became even more indifferent.

"Junior Brother has found a suitable candidate?" Fan Shengyu raised his eyebrows, his tone of dominance and stern tone, from the time he came to the top of Cangshan, before Yu Yu opened his eyes to see Fan Shengyun.

"Dare to ask the brother, did you find it?" Fan Shengyun asked gently without getting annoyed.

Fan Shengyu snorted coldly, and glanced at Fan Shengyun with disdain, "That's natural."

Fan Shengyun still had a gentle smile on his face. He nodded, and moved his right foot half a step to the right, stepping on a concave spot, while Fan Shengyu's left foot stepped on the left concave spot.

Two radiances, one black and one white, rose into the sky, straight into the sky, and the two brothers of Fan Shengyun were wrapped in the radiance and rushed into the sky.

The top of the Cangshan Mountain regained its tranquility, just like an ordinary mountain range, with no turbines visible.

"Suning is a rare spirit beast master." Christine sat cross-legged on the ground, with his head down and his expression unclear. There was a bit of appreciation in his words.

Ulysses was slightly stunned, his eyes locked on her, a ruthless look appeared in his eyes, "The strength is good, but it is not rare."

Hearing his words being refuted, Kristen looked up, his lips pursed to refute, and did not speak after meeting Ulysses's gaze.

She curled her mouth, got up and patted the dust on her body, and turned around with a hum.

She walked slowly among the mountains with her hands on her back, closing her eyes to recall the scene of Suning fighting.

Most of the monsters in the Shenghongling Mountains are familiar to her, and the strongest person who has come into contact with the most in the past is Captain Ulysses.

Originally thought Ulysses was the strongest person in this mountain range, but he suddenly broke out a Suning. The exercises he used and his spiritual power were really admirable.

The throbbing in her heart seemed to have changed a little. In her heart, Suning was a strong man who could be next to Ulysses.

Christine's footsteps were extremely slow, and he laughed unconsciously while thinking of Suning's appearance.

Hearing a sweet laugh not far away, Ulysses broke the stick in his hand and threw it into the campfire.

In the early morning of the next day, the light shone through the leaves, and the mottled shadows of the trees swayed, adding a strange atmosphere.

When a gust of wind blew, Suning woke up, quickly got up and put in a defensive posture, and hurriedly woke them up.

"Ulysses! Get up, a monster is approaching us!"

Ulysses woke up instantly when he heard the word "monster" in the half-dream and half-awake, his eyes widened, and he looked around with his back against Suning.

The two quickly unfolded their spiritual consciousness and probed the surroundings.

"There is a low-level wolf demon on the east side, and a low-level tiger beast on the west side. Not many...not one!" Suning quickly said of the demon beast he had detected, suddenly opened his eyes and dignifiedly encircled the square.

He rose in the air, standing on the top of the tree, feeling the breath of the monster beast pouring in from all directions.

The aura of the monster beast became stronger and stronger. After the confirmation, Suning looked down and said sharply, "Ulysses, hurry up and wake up the others! A large group of monsters have come! The number is huge!"

Ulysses was astonished at Suning's spiritual consciousness, but before hesitated, he got up and walked in the crowd.

All the people have already done a defensive posture, ready to face the attack of the monster beast at any time.

"Damn!" Suning jumped down, frowning, unexpectedly there would be so many monsters during the day.

I originally thought that night was the peak period for monsters to infest, but I didn't expect that the monsters here would be the opposite, and they would come out in swarms during the day.

Is it because of the corpse of the Black Underworld Frost Python? Damn it! Dispose of the body if I knew it!

The aura exuded by the corpse of the Black Underworld Cold Frost Python was really attractive, and some monsters wanted to carve up his corpse, so as to increase some demon power.

When Suning sensed the existence of monsters, groups of monsters also discovered their aura.

"There are too many people here, it's not suitable for a head-on fight, let's find a place to hide first, and let the monster beasts of their teams meet first!"

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