I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 951: Monster melee

The **** aura exuded by the body of the Black Underworld Cold Frost Python radiated all night, attracting all the monsters lurking around. When Suning left here last night, those lurking around had lower cultivation bases. The monsters all rushed forward, gnawing on the huge body of the python.

Although the huge corpse of the Black Underworld Frost Python has become dilapidated, it is still a rare delicacy for the monster beasts in this mountain range. Although the crystallization of the Black Underworld Frost Python monster is It was still taken by Suning, but its flesh and blood still contained very objective energy.

The flesh and blood of the Black Underworld Frost Python contains violent toxins. Except for monsters that have antibodies to poison, they cannot be contaminated. As for humans, it is even more impossible to gather their flesh and blood for consumption.

Seeing the corpses of monsters everywhere in front of him, Suning's eyebrows frowned slightly, his eyes flashed with strange brilliance, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

In Suning's vast sense of consciousness, several monsters with extremely terrifying auras in their bodies are rushing towards the direction where they are, seeming to be swallowing the flesh and blood of the Black Netherfrost Frost Python in front of them.

"The current situation is beyond our control. If you want to obtain more monster crystals, you should avoid its sharp edge temporarily before harvesting."

While speaking, Suning glanced at the depths of the dense forest, her expression extremely solemn.

Kristen seemed to notice the change in the expression on Suning's face, and his eyes moved away from him, following Suning's gaze, but he found nothing.

In Ulysses’s mind, he recalled the gaffe of the monster group last night and Christine’s praise of Suning. His heart became more and more uncomfortable. He wanted to take this opportunity to be in front of Christine. Prove that you are powerful.

"Hehe, Mr. Su, these are just low-level monsters. Is it possible that Mr. Su still fears these monsters?"

A nonchalant expression gradually emerged on Ulysses's face, his eyes glanced disdainfully at Suning and the growing group of monsters before him, his lips did not move, and a chuckle appeared.

Perhaps it was because of the unparalleled combat power that Suning showed last night. In Christine's heart, Suning's existence is already stronger than Ulysses. She now has absolute trust in Suning's words.

"Captain Yuri, I think Mr. Su is right. With more than a dozen of us, who want to fight against this group of nearly 100 monsters, the odds of winning are extremely small. Moreover, this group of monsters is still growing. If we force a battle , It will only put us in an extremely dangerous situation."

Kristen slowly turned his head back, glanced at Ulysses, and then placed his gaze on Suning's body. There was a little brilliance in his eyes, and there seemed to be a blush on his face.

Ulysses himself was extremely unhappy. Seeing Kristen helping Suning speak, the unpleasant feeling in his heart became more and more obvious, and his fists gradually clenched.

If Suning hadn't appeared in time, the team led by Ulysses would have suffered heavy casualties when they attacked the monsters last night, but now he is full of jealousy towards Suning. Come, I would rather let the team suffer heavy losses than let Suning appear.

If it weren’t for Suning’s appearance, Kristen would only have Ulysses in his heart. Although Kristen was not his woman yet, he had already regarded Kristen as his own in his heart. And it's hard to see that she has love for anyone else in it.

"Kristen, I am the captain of the Red Feather Gold Hunting Squad. I order you to stay here. As soon as the time comes to fight the monster beast, hunt the monster crystal!"

Ulysses's mind was full of jealousy towards Suning, insisting that he did not want to follow Suning's advice, and wanted to fight the monster group here to the death.

There are more and more monsters around the body of the Black Underworld Frost Python. In order to compete for the flesh and blood on the body of the Black Underworld Frost Python, they beat each other, and the flesh and blood fly all over the place, and the roar and screams continue to be here. Sounds in the space.

"Yuri, it's not the time to be brave, believe me, stay here, it will not do you any good for you, for me, for the team of dozens of people behind you!"

In Suning’s sense of consciousness, those monster beasts exuding terrifying aura are approaching them at a very fast speed. If they don’t evacuate here in time, what awaits them will be an extremely cruel battle. .

"Hehe, Mr. Su, this is my team, not yours. I have the final say on whether to withdraw or not!"

Ulysses didn't listen to Suning's advice at all at this time. He only felt that Suning was interfering with him. He saved them from the monster attack last night and wanted to seize power from him.

Listening to Ulysses' words, Suning was stunned for a moment. She seemed to understand something in her heart. She shook her head helplessly and looked at Ulysses' eyes with a glimmer of brilliance.

"Yuri, if you think I'm doing this to intervene in your team's affairs, to seize power from your hands, well, then you continue to stay here."

"I still want to live a few more years. For the benefit of the present, I won't even want my life. To be honest, I can't do it."

Suning's eyebrows furrowed slightly, her eyes looked around the team, the corners of her mouth gradually evoked an arc, and she whispered towards Ulysses and the others.

For Suning, the lives and deaths of these people like Ulysses have nothing to do with him. To speak so much, is nothing more than not wanting to see them die in the mouths of these monsters.

Suning’s words fell in the ears of Christine and the others, like a ringing thunder, awakening everyone suddenly, a little brilliance flashed in their eyes, and they all knew in their hearts that if it hadn’t been for Suning’s righteous help last night, some I am afraid that people are no longer in this world.

To say that Suning and Ulysses had different views in order to fight for control of their team, it would be just nonsense. When faced with a life-or-death decision, Suning did not choose to abandon them and leave by themselves, but stayed forever. Persuaded them and wanted to take them away.

In the current situation, even if you are an idiot, it is impossible to insist on the same idea as Ulysses. The few people headed by Christine are on Suning’s side and choose to stay with them to avoid their edge , If you don’t even have one's life, then what is the use of more monster crystals.

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