I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 952: Purple Flame Wolf

The ideas of dozens of people in the Akabane Gold Hunting team and Suning gradually reached an agreement. The people headed by Christine began to lobby Ulysses continuously, hoping that he could abandon the distracting thoughts in his heart and leave here temporarily with them.

"Yuri, I think Mr. Su and Kristen are right. The most important thing at the moment is to preserve strength, not to be rash."

"If you are dissatisfied with something in your heart, you can say it directly. There is no need to circumscribe here, take the lives of us people out of anger!"

"To be honest, if Mr. Su is a member of our Akabane Gold Hunting Group, I will recommend him as the captain instead of Ulysses. You are too emotional!"


Everyone’s voices constantly echoed in Ulysses’s mind. Listening to these words, Ulysses gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. The dissatisfaction with Suning in his heart became even more intense. , Even some hate Suning.

Seeing Ulysses, there was no reaction. Judging from the expression on his face, it seemed that he still could not let go of the prejudice against Suning in his heart.

Kristen Willow frowned slightly, a solemn expression appeared on his face, his lips were slightly opened, and a crisp and sweet voice gradually sounded.

"Since Captain Yuri is unwilling to leave, let him stay here. If you are willing to leave with me and Mr. Su temporarily, then follow me and Mr. Su!"

Seeing the appearance of Ulysses, Suning shook his head helplessly. He also understood in his heart that it is difficult to change anything that he believes in his heart. Soon after he stepped down, he continued to shuttle among the towering dense forests, toward Go higher up to observe the battle.

Seeing the figure of Suning going away, Christine and other people who had the same idea as Suning got up and followed Suning's figure to shuttle through the dense forest.

The monster beast that has swallowed the flesh and blood of the Black Underworld Frost Python, while fighting with other monsters, is refining the terrifying energy contained in the flesh and blood of the Black Underworld Frost Python in its belly. A wave of terrifying energy fluctuates from the monster beast. The group keeps emitting.

"Captain Yuri, are we really going to attack this monster group now?"

"Why don't we follow them to see the situation first? What if we do it later and they pick it up."

"Hey, the more monsters come, the better. I don't know how much money this transaction can make!"


After Suning and Christine and his party left, a strange smile gradually appeared on the faces of the remaining few people, as if they were still happy for their departure.

Seeing Kristen lead people to follow Suning away, the expression on Ulysses's face turned a little green, and there seemed to be a trace of anger in his eyes.

"Don't worry, let these low-level idiot monsters fight for a while, let's wait for a good harvest!"

Hearing the words of the crowd, Ulysses’s mouth gradually turned into a curve, and he whispered softly, thinking to himself, after the monster crystals are collected, see how Christine comes to beg him. Torture her well.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, wait for us!"

Not far behind Suning, several silhouettes shuttled through the dense forest and gradually approached his position. Christine's voice rang in the air and fell into his ears.

Looking at the few people headed by Christine behind him, Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and the look on his face was slightly solemn.

"Why are you only? What about Yuri and the others?"

Suning opened her lips slightly and asked softly.

"Mr. Su, Yuri still sticks to his own ideas. I believe your judgment is correct. Maybe it is the wisest choice to avoid the monster group temporarily."

Christine came to Suning's side, a smile appeared on his face, two blushes appeared on his cheeks, and he spoke softly.

Listening to Christine's words, looking at the location of Ulysses and others, a helpless look gradually emerged on his face.

The figures of Suning were constantly shuttled through the dense forest, and soon they came to a cliff on the mountainside. A crowd of people stared at the location of the huge body of the black frosty frost python, and they looked terrifying. The monsters were biting each other, and the scene was extremely bloody.


Looking at the **** scene below, even Christine, who had killed countless monsters, felt nauseous and couldn't help but began to vomit. The other people on the side also had complex expressions.

Seeing the reaction of Christine and the others, a smile gradually appeared on Suning's face. After seeing more **** things, facing this kind of scene, Suning and the immune system, no wonder.

Suddenly, among the monster beast group, a vast and majestic energy wave radiated. Feeling this strangeness, Suning raised his eyebrows slightly, slowly turning his head away, and looked into the group of monster beasts below the cliff.


On the upper back of the Black Nether Frost Python, the ferocious-looking Purple Flame Wolf made a sky-shattering roar. On the body, purple lines gradually appeared, becoming more and more obvious, and the raging purple flames under the four feet gradually Rising up, the terrifying high temperature made the surrounding air seem to be distorted.

"This kind of energy fluctuation, could it be said..."

Kristen next to Suning slowed down, the expression on his face gradually became a little surprised, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Did this wolf demon break through! This kind of energy fluctuation is already equivalent to the powerhouse of the Lingtian realm among the spirit beast masters. If you can hunt this wolf demon's beast core, I am afraid it can match the ordinary beast two or three Ten income!"

Christine's words just fell, and the others in the team immediately sighed.

For the hunters who hunted monsters and seized the cores, the monster cores of Lingtian realm are rare things in the black market, and there is a huge demand, but there has not been enough beast cores to provide them.

Looking at the Purple Flame Wolf below, the expression on Suning's face gradually became a little dignified. In front of him, this was the energy fluctuations emitted by the Purple Flame Wolf, and the few waves he had sensed a few minutes ago. Energy fluctuations are completely incomparable.

Perhaps it was because of the terrifying energy fluctuations emitted by the Zimu Flame Wolf. The surrounding monsters with a slightly lower cultivation base were crawling on the ground, as if they were worshipping the king.

In the dense forest surrounding the Black Nether Frost Python Clearing, Ulysses and a few others hide on the towering trees, watching the purple flame wolf appearing in the field with the strength of the demon king. Zhongjun was shining with a hint of cold light.

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