I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 963: Xide strong bodyguard

With the disappearance of the invisible coercion, Suning and Christine finally let go of the stone in their hearts. Fortunately, they didn't act on her, otherwise they wouldn't know how to die now.

"Ahem, thanks a lot, don't worry, we won't bother you, let's leave!"

Suning moved her lips slightly, coughed twice, and whispered towards the Lihuo Witch.

As the words fell, Suning's figure moved slightly, carefully stimulating the spiritual power in the body, and a dazzling light was emitted from the back of the mecha covering the body, pushing Suning's figure to fly forward. At the same time, Suning's fingertips oozes a source of spirituality, controlling the defensive shield to fly away.

At the moment when Suning's figure left, Lihuo Witch's figure moved, and she violently stopped in front of the direction they were moving forward. She turned her head slightly and looked at Suning and Christine with doubts.

"She... what is she doing!"

Seeing Lihuo Witch's behavior, Christine's pretty face turned pale, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she said with a trembling voice.

Kristen's words fell in Suning's ears. Looking at the Lihuo Witch in front of him, Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the look on his face gradually became a little serious.

In the spirit hiding, the Taixu Dragon God wrapped his hands around his chest, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up, seeming to be somewhat mocking.

"Hehe, Lord Dragon God, do you have any thoughts about this one who has just transformed into a successful form?"

Hei Wuchang walked to the side of Taixu Dragon God, fiddled with his palms, his expression gradually became a little wretched, and his eyes became a gap.

"Xiao Bai, your husband said that he has ideas about the witch!"

Hearing Hei Wuchang's words, the figure of Taixu Dragon God was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and shouted at Bai Wuchang.

Heiwuchang is right. Taixu Dragon God does have his own ideas. Now the situation in the upper three cities is unclear, and Suning's strength is somewhat unsightly in front of those people. If it can fool the Lihuo Witch to Suning Being a bodyguard by his side may not be a good thing for him.

Moreover, the monsters will lose their past memories for a short time after the transformation is successful. Only the memories before and after the breakthrough are retained, so at this time it is the best time to include the Lihuo Witch under her command.

The words of the Taixu Dragon God continued to echo in the spiritual storage space, and the black and white impermanence figure was slightly taken aback, and an invisible energy slowly diffused in the spiritual storage space.

Feeling the traces of horror and murderous aura around him, Hei Wuchang's figure shuddered, and turned his head trembling, watching Bai Wuchang approaching step by step, the muscles on his face twitched slightly.

"No, you... listen to me explain..."

A smile was forced out of the black impermanence face, and his eyes looked at the gradually approaching white impermanence figure, and said with a trembling voice.

"Haha, explain?"

There seemed to be two clusters of flames burning in Bai Wuchang's eyes, rubbing his fists and whispering.

A group of sacred beasts in the spirit store watched this scene, the expressions on their faces gradually changed, and immediately glanced at the Taixu Dragon God, and shook their head helplessly.


In the eyes of everyone, Bai Wuchang's figure jumped up, and it was a violent beating towards Heiwuchang, and a scream of screams slowly sounded in the spiritual hiding space, one after another.

"Smelly boy, take the opportunity to win her. She hasn't recovered her previous memory yet. Wouldn't it be an extra free bodyguard to win her at this time? I'm so sad."

On the face of Taixu Dragon God gradually showed an expression of hatred for iron and steel, and he let out a soft shout.

Listening to the words of the Dragon God Taixu, Suning's facial muscles twitched slightly, and he felt speechless. The monster in front of him was not an ordinary monster, but he was a truly successful monster king.

"Your uncle, ugly snake, it's light!"

Suning's lips moved slightly, and she murmured softly.

Through the faint blue protective cover, Lihuo Witch still looked at Suning and Christine with a puzzled face. Her eyes were as clear as water. It was completely unimaginable that she was the previous demon with a body length of nearly 30 meters. Cattle.

"Human, you...big..."

Lihuo Witch seemed to hear the words Suning often said, her lips moved slightly, and she made a clear voice, imitating Suning's words with difficulty.

Listening to the words spit out from Lihuo Witch's mouth, a black line appeared above Suning's head and felt speechless for a while. Looking at the appearance of Lihuo Witch, Taixu Dragon God's words sounded in her heart, and she couldn't help but feel a little moved.


Suning coughed twice, and Lihuo Witch also coughed twice. The scene was once very embarrassing.

The interaction between Suning and the Lihuo Witch, Christine who was watching was stunned, the boss with his mouth open, the expression on his face gradually became surprised.

After a long time, Suning was finally convinced of the words of the Taixu Dragon God, and immediately with a move of his wrist, he put away the dark blue protective cover around him, and the dark blue mecha that was covering his body also disappeared.

Seeing the actions in Suning's hands, the expression on the face of Lihuo Devil changed drastically, and she seemed to look at Suning with some vigilance, the whole body exuding scary energy fluctuations.

"Don't be afraid, I am not malicious."

A smile appeared on Suning's face, his eyes looked like a crescent at the Lihuo Witch, and she spoke softly.

After the words fell, Suning slowly took out a set of clothes from the bracelet, urging the spiritual source power, and slowly sent the clothes in his hands to Lihuo Witch.

"Kristin, you're up to the rest. I guess she won't wear clothes yet."

After finishing, Suning turned her head slightly, looked at Christine who was shocked, and said softly.

"Ah, I...I..."

Listening to Suning's words, Christine's face showed a surprised look, and he stammered in response.

For Christine, Lihuo Witch's strength is too strong, and I am afraid that Lihuo Witch will kill her without paying attention.

"Hehe, don't be afraid, she is not malicious, otherwise, we would have died in her hands."

A bright smile appeared on Suning's face, staring at the somewhat scared Christine in both eyes, and then softly persuaded him.

Lihuo Witch looked at the clothes floating in front of her eyes, her jade arms slowly raised, her slender fingertips tentatively touched the clothes in front of her eyes, with the constant contact, she seemed to be a little fond of her clothes and hugged them in her arms. In the middle, on the face, a childlike smile gradually appeared.

Seeing Lihuo Witch's actions, Suning showed a pure smile on her face. Looking at Lihuo Witch, she thought of Feng Yixing's appearance.

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