I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 964: Xiaoli

Seeing the changes in the expressions on the faces of Suning and Lihuo Witch, Christine's expression was slightly taken aback, and his lips moved slightly, and he said softly.

"Then... OK, I'll try."

After the words fell, Christine sorted his mood, took a long sigh of relief in his heart, and then slowly walked towards the figure of the Lihuo Witch.

Lihuo Witch embraced the clothing Suning gave her, and looked at Christine who was getting closer, with a hostile expression on her face, and she exuded a trace of terrifying energy.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the whole body of the Zili Fire Witch, Kristen was taken aback, turned his head slightly, and looked at Suning with a frightened expression. There was a strange brilliance in his eyes, as if to Suning. General help.

"Don't be afraid, she is here to help you dress, and there is no malice."

Suning looked at Lihuo Witch with a smile, her lips moved slightly, and said softly, hoping to relieve Lihuo Witch's hostility towards humans in this way.


Listening to Suning’s words, the expression on the face of Lihuo Witch gradually eased, the traces of horror exuded from her body disappeared invisible, she looked at Suning with a puzzled face, her lips opened slightly, and a clear and pleasant voice was heard. Slowly sounded in the air.

Looking at the appearance of Lihuo Witch, a strange feeling rose in Suning's heart. He shook her head helplessly, and then pointed at the clothes that Lihuo Witch was holding in her hands, and Christine, who was sandwiched between them, explained. For a long time.

After a period of hard work-in, Christine put his clothes on Lihuo Witch. If we don’t mention the huge monster cow before, no one could tell that Lihuo Witch was transformed into a monster. After the clothes of Feng Lingyue, the beautiful face and graceful slender figure, coupled with the plain clothes and accessories, looked like a fairy.

Suning and Kristen looked at the Lihuo Witch in front of them, and they were slightly stunned for a while.

Lihuo Witch turned around, lowered her head slightly, looking at her clothes, her expression on her face gradually changed, and a look of affection gradually emerged. After a while, her figure flew in the direction of Suning, slowly Standing in front of him.


After a long time, Lihuo Sorceress spoke slowly, and it seemed that it was still difficult for her to confide in others.

"Hehe, just like it."

"By the way, do you remember your name?"

Seeing the smile on the face of the Lihuo Witch, Suning felt relieved in her heart. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and then her lips moved slightly and asked softly.

He saw the actions of Suning, Christine, and the Lihuo Witch in the spirit hiding, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a curve, and the smile on his face seemed to grow a little bit stronger.

"This kid, he said he didn't dare, he did a good job."

Taixu Dragon God's lips moved slightly, and there was a soft murmur in his mouth.

"Daughter-in-law, don't fight, don't fight, I didn't say those things, they were all made up by Lord Dragon God!"

Hei Wuchang's eyes were blue and swollen, and he kept escaping in the spiritual storage space, pointing to the Taixu Dragon God and said loudly.

"Ahem, I don't have one, you clearly said that."

"Look, your eyes are obviously wrong, and you don't have any thoughts about others, you must be coveting others' beauty!"

As if he heard the words of Heiwuchang, Taixu Dragon God was taken aback for a moment, his eyes were turning steadily, the expression on his face seemed to be suffocated, and he immediately glanced at the Lihuo Witch outside, and The black impermanence in the escape said loudly.

Listening to the words of Taixu Dragon God, Taixu Suzaku lying quietly next to the World Tree, Taixu Xuanwu and other sacred beasts were slightly taken aback, looking at the black impermanence in their eyes. A glimmer of sympathy passed by.

"Lord Dragon God, don't frame me, if this continues, I must be beaten to death by my wife!"

Hei Wuchang was taken aback for a moment, a look of horror appeared on the face full of bags, and he begged the Taixu Dragon God for mercy.

"Well, you old black, the feelings of co-authoring for so many years have faded, right? You dislike my old mother, right?"

The voice of Bai Wuchang sounded in the spiritual storage space, chasing Heiwuchang to beat him.

If Suning now enters the spiritual storage space, I am afraid that he will be surprised by the scenes, noises and screams continue to sound in the spiritual storage space.

"first name?"

Listening to Suning's words, the puzzled expression appeared again on the face of Lihuo Devil, she turned her head slightly, and stared at Suning with her clear eyes.

Suning was obviously a little surprised at Lihuo Witch's answer. Although she heard Taixu Dragon God say that she had temporarily lost her previous memory, she didn't expect that she had forgotten her name, and she was taken aback.

"No name, I'll call you Xiaoli from now on."

Su Ning was taken aback for a moment, a smile appeared on her face, and she whispered towards the Lihuo Witch.

"Name, Xiaoli, good!"

Listening to the name Suning gave her, although it was very casual, it still made her feel a burst of excitement, a smile appeared on her face, and two clear eyes became a gap.

"Smelly boy, you are quite good at playing, you can learn it without a teacher!"

Seeing the scene between Suning and the Lihuo Witch, the figure of Taixu Dragon God was slightly taken aback, and the expression on his face was a little surprised. I didn't expect Suning to flick the Lihuo Witch over so easily.

"Ahem, ugly snake, you are not my teacher. If you didn't tell me this, I would make these actions?"

The words of Taixu Dragon God kept reverberating in Suning's mind, and he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and immediately blocked the Taixu Dragon God, there was an unspeakable taste in the words.

"Hey, you stinky boy, you get a bargain and still sell good, think I can't take care of you with a strong bodyguard, right?"

The corner of Taixu Dragon God's mouth gradually evoked an arc, and he joked softly.

"Hehe, don't don't don't, can't you be good?"

Listening to the words of the Taixu Dragon God, Suning felt helpless, and thought to himself that one day, one day, he must tidy up the Taixu Dragon God and let him experience the suffering of the world.

"Boy, with such a strong bodyguard, not to mention this mountain range, even if you go to the three cities, you will be able to protect yourself, and you don't have to flee from where you were before."

Taixulong Shen Meiyu raised his eyebrows slightly and said softly.

Listening to the words of the Dragon God Taixu, Suning's figure was slightly taken aback. After spending two days in the mountains, she didn't have time to think about the situation in the three cities. She didn't know how Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe were doing now. , Could not help but feel a worries in my heart.

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