I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 965: Change is coming

Today’s situation in the upper three cities has gradually become a little tense. Under the control of Xue Qianqiu, the environment of the upper three cities has fallen into a heavy snowfall. For a while, the major forces in the upper three cities have quieted down. The leaders of the major forces all felt the endless murderous intent in this abnormal weather.

"There has been a night of snow, isn't it supposed to be the blazing sun."

In the warm room, a little bit of brilliance reflected on Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe, the shadows stretched out on the wall so long, the expression on their faces was a bit solemn.

"I always feel that this heavy snowfall is too weird. Maybe something big will happen in the three cities."

Jun Xinghe stood beside Jiang Bailin, his eyebrows were slightly raised, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke softly.

Listening to Jun Xinghe’s words, Jiang Bailin only faintly responded. Right now, he doesn’t care what happens in the three cities. He just hopes to get a response from Suning soon. Two or three days have passed, and there is nothing about Suning. The news made him feel very anxious.

Jiang Bailin slowly raised his arm, and with a movement of his wrist, the communication device peeled off from the bracelet and landed in his palm. Looking at the messages sent from it, there was still no response, and he couldn't help but sigh for a long time. Tone.

"Young Master, are you still worried about Mr. Su's safety?"

As if noticed the change in Jiang Bailin's expression, Jun Xinghe's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he asked softly.

Jiang Bailin nodded slightly, frowned slightly, flipped his wrist, and put the communication device back away. He immediately raised his head and looked at the snowy street outside the window, his complexion becoming more solemn.

Among the Nangong clan at this time, Nangong Ying, Nangong Jin, Nangong Xun and other elders gathered in the Guiyuan Hall of the Nangong Clan. The entire hall was awe-inspiring, and the expressions on everyone's faces were a bit solemn.

"Patriarch, the abnormal weather this time may contain a crisis that cannot be underestimated."

In the main hall, an old voice gradually sounded, echoing continuously in the huge hall.

When everyone heard this, the expressions on their faces became more and more solemn. Now the Shangsan City is deeply in turmoil, because the Nangong clan and the Xia clan are in trouble in the Shangsan City. In their minds, it was very likely that they came from the Nangong clan and the Xia clan.

"What's the situation outside, what news have you heard from the elders?"

After a long time, Nangong Jing rubbed his numb head, slowly opened his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and a deep and thick voice gradually sounded.

Listening to Nangong Jing's questioning, a group of elders whispered to each other and made a whisper.

"Returning to Patriarch, since the appearance of this unusually heavy snow, the outside seems to have calmed down. We haven't received any news for the time being. The old man feels that we should take precautions early to prevent my Nangong clan from being severely injured."

In the Guiyuan Hall, the Seventh Elder Nangongyan slowly stood up from the chair, arched his hands slightly, and said softly toward Nangongjing.

"Well, I also think the words of the Seventh Elder are right. The conflict between the Nangong family and the Xia family is gradually intensifying. I believe that the other two families should also be moving. Now this abnormal weather may mean them. It's time to do it."

Listening to Nangong Yan's words, Nangong Xun raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking in his heart, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and then lightly said to Nangong.

The words of the two fell in Nangong's ears. Although there is no conclusive news or evidence to prove that this matter is related to them, the attitude of Huangfu and the Dongfang clan has always made him feel a little suspicious, facing Xia With such a big piece of fat in the clan, he didn't believe that the two clan would not be tempted.

"Well, what Elder Yan and Elder Xun said should not be unreasonable. The situation is unknown at the moment, and it should be prepared."

"You each order to let the people below be more alert. In addition, let the disciples who go out to come back to avoid any unknowable persecution, as well as the family property. Let them all pay attention. Don't give me this period. What trouble did the Nangong clan cause?"

Nangongying's brows frowned slightly, and the expression on his face seemed to be a little dignified, and he immediately ordered.

"Okay, let's end today's meeting first, and then report to me if anything comes down."

After the explanation, Nangong rubbed his eyes, seemingly tired.

Listening to Nangongjing's words, a group of elders got up from their chairs, bowed their hands towards Nangongjing, and then slowly withdrew from the Guiyuan Hall, turning into streams of light to return to their residences.

"Second, is there any news about Suning?"

After the other elders left, only Nangong Ying, Nangong Jin, Nangong Xun and Nangong Tongyun were left in the hall, and they asked softly.

Nangongyun’s words fell in the ears of Nangongxun and the others, and they couldn’t help but froze for a moment. Now the people in the Guiyuan Hall are people who know Suning’s true identity. If it’s Suning because of their Nangong clan. , Even if there were ten more Nangong clan, they couldn't withstand the anger of the Holy Spirit, and everyone felt annoyed.

"Hey, there is still no news about Mr. Su so far. Brother, you know, the situation is severe now, and we are all restraining the people under our hands. We dare not make any big noises at this time."

Nangong Xun shook his head slightly, the expression on his face seemed a bit solemn.

In the hall, Nangong Tongyun's expression gradually changed, recalling the abnormality of Nangong Ruining during this period, and wondering whether Nangong Ruining and Suning's disappearance were related.

"Elder Tong Yun, what news is there on your side."

After hearing Nangongxun's answer, Nangongying's heart sank slightly, and immediately turned his head to look at Nangong Tongyun, hoping to get some good news.

"Patriarch, if it's about Mr. Su, I don't have a clue, but the reaction of the second son during this period is a bit suspicious."

"With the second son's temperament, he usually stays in the Yuxu Pavilion on weekdays. I believe the Patriarch also knows it. However, recently, the second son is always coming and going frequently, as if he is busy with something."

Nangong Tongyun slowly got up, and said softly, there seemed to be some solemn expression between his brows.

Hearing Nangong Tongyun's words, not only Nangong Xun, but also Nangong Ying's body shape was shocked. No one knew Nangong Ruining better than him. He was behaving so abnormally now, which inevitably made him feel a little puzzled.

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